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E X T R A = S T E L L A R

-- Stories from a Planet of Machines --






    Far, far into the future, on a planet 11 light years away from Earth...


    Planet Aeternum, the planet split into eternal light and darkness. On Aeternum, a race of machines lives at odds with various organic life. The machines call themselves the Manavi, and they call organic life, as a collective, the Teras. The history of Aeternum had been one of growth in conflict, with the Manavi and the Teras clashing with each other and evolving to best one another and survive. Eons of evolution resulted in the Manavi taking over the side of the planet that always faces the sun - the world of Imera, and the Teras dominating the side that always faces the boundless space, Nychta, with both sides banishing the other from their lands.


    From their birth in a melting pot called a “womb,” a Manavi is taught their role in society. That is, to take on the family business. That’s how it is for every family, after all. A family of miners will forever be integral to the mining industry, and a family of merchants shall build their business around themselves for all eternity. Those who dared to venture beyond the rigid system would find themselves helpless against monopolies built by the very same system, with only either the battlefield or the uncharted wilds to turn to.



    That was, until one day, news of the discovery of a new continent arrived, named affectionately as “Gaea,” the legendary heaven mentioned in Manavi mythology. Rumors of mountains of treasures or hidden paradises spread in Imera, and ambitious souls sailed for the land of promises on steamboats, starting the Age of Discovery.






    From the window in your train cabin, you could see all kinds of Manavi outside. The guards, with weapons welded into their mechanical arms and pointed at the crowd as to warn them not to step out of line. And the men and women with second-class tickets in their hands standing before them, angsty as if they are worried that they might have to take the next train. Almost everyone has that kind of face in these parts, always embroiled in the fear of losing more for every passing second spent on waiting. These are the people of the so-called land of promises, Gaea.


    Gaea was a great place, you thought. Full of opportunities compared to the rigid social structure in Imera. At least, that was what you were told as you grew up.


    But that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. With your two feet on the soils of this mysterious continent, you’ve become acquainted with its very own state of chaos. These powerful people, so-called “Monoliths” run the land, like the old monarchies back in Imera, only that their power was not based on noble lineage, but rather raw power. Survival of the fittest, or so they said. And perhaps it’s such system that’s lead to the wildest developments of technology in the entire history, all in search for greater power. Apparently, the nutcases discovered that a Manavi’s heart is actually compatible with Teras flesh and bones, and you can take a dragon’s throat to breathe fire. Some have even decided that two is better than one and fused into one another, and photos of them truly showed how abominable they looked. In just six decades of the Age of Discovery, this continent has made monsters out of your kind, and they’re now up against each other’s throat in a battle for supremacy.


    You can’t live here like this. No one can. And you’re not going to go back to Imera to rot with the close-minded fools who wouldn’t allow the slightest of change in society, either.  And so the continent needs a hero. The famed “Arch Monolith” had the power to mediate conflicts between these Monoliths, but the old man had locked himself up twenty years ago in his fortress, Chrysopolis, refusing to lend a hand for God knows why. Perhaps the old man has gone senile after all. But hell if you care, hell if anyone care. You only know that you need to drag him out of his retirement home and make him stop the endless wars. And if he were to refuse, you’ll just have to kill him and take his place, and do it for him.

    And that’s why you've decided to collaborate with like-minded people for this trip to Chrysopolis. Wherever you came from, however you’ve come to your current position, whatever you believe in, you’ve all decided to pool your money and resources together to make the journey.

    The steam whistle let out a coarse choo-choo, and the train finally began to move, leaving behind the sea of despairing eyes. The port town’s outlines soon vanished into the horizons. And here, is where your journey begins.





Manavi Robotics



    The Manavi largely look like humans, with a few new evolutionary features developed to help excel in certain fields that are related to their social class. Notably, though, soldiers and rebels of their social class would often choose to learn to customize themselves for practical purposes, such as combat.


    Fundamentally, Manavi are the cyan "hearts" inside them. A Manavi heart is essentially a gel-like computing core made of nanomachines. It is analogous to the human nervous system. When two Manavi mate, their “genes” are passed down, and they will secrete the heart of their offspring with their genes together. The heart is then put into an external “womb” - a large pot of molten alloy - to let it grow.

    As the heart grows, it will reproduce more and more nanomachines, which will then form nerves, and expand into surrounding materials, slowly forming its body according to its genes. It may take roughly a month for the body to reach completion, at which point it will start regulating its temperature, cooling down and breaking free from the womb. And then, it’ll take roughly fifteen years for the heart to fully mature, allowing it to pass down genes again.



    The nerval aspect of the Manavi heart also allows the Manavi to incorporate modifications smoothly, as they can simply spread their nanomachine nerves into molten alloy and modify their designs accordingly. This can even be used to power machinery. Though the more it has to control, the harder it is to keep everything holding together.



    The Manavi’s self-repair ability wears down throughout their life, and those who invoke it often lose it more quickly, so soldiers tend to have shorter lifespans compared to merchants and the like, being five years less on average. Overall, a normal Manavi’s lifespan is around a hundred years.






    The Teras are a collective of carbon and silicon-based lifeforms, with shapes and forms straight out of fairytales. Hunter guilds categorize Teras according to threat levels, though the common Manavi in Imera would not have the chance to encounter any Teras that is even remotely threatening. High-level Teras, such as dragons and other fantastical creatures, lurk in the undeveloped regions of Gaea and the heartlands of Nychta, and they tend to have frightening powers almost akin to the magical beasts found in fairytales.



Planet Aeternum, and the Aeternum Calendar



    Aeternum is a tidally-locked planet that orbits around its sun every ten Earth days. The planet also has just one blue moon that orbits around it every Earth day. The solar cycle is noticeable from the different constellations that show up over its course, and every cycle is considered a week, while a lunar cycle is called a day; there are ten days in a week on Aeternum. An “year” on Aeternum is made up of thirty-six weeks, or three-hundred and sixty days, and it is solely because the runes on the Bramada Monument alternate daily and loop back every 360 days. Also based on the runes are the “months” that make up an year, with every 30 days being a month.


    The Manavi all share a common calendar, based on Bramadist mythology. Time is recorded using the amount of time passed since Bramada created the world. Right now, it is Year 1711.



Geography of Imera



    The world of Imera mainly consists of a large mainland continent also called “Imera,” and half of the continent “Gaea.” The continent of Imera notably covers the solar pole - the point where the sun shines directly. At the center of the solar pole lies Ierospolis, the political and religious center of the entire Manavi society, and according to Bramadist mythology, it is the cradle of Manavi civilization, and where the first Manavi came from. It notably houses the Bramada Monument, a mysterious, towering chunk of metal that possess what are likely the first Manavi wombs. Countless Manavi travel long distances to get a chance to put their children’s hearts into Bramada’s wombs.


    The rest of the continent is carved up by various Manavi kingdoms. Throughout history, their number has fluctuated greatly as a result of military campaigns. Every king and queen in Imera knows well that whoever controls Ierospolis controls all of Imera, and so it is often the grand prize in international conflicts. Though in accordance to divine law, Ierospolis itself is never used as a fortress. This makes it so the city remains forever unharmed.



    The temperature gets colder the further away you are from Ierospolis, and the sky slowly dims from a stunning blue to an alien purple, too. Floating ice can be seen often in the southern seas, which hinder travel between Imera and Nychta.



    The continent of Imera is home to these primary kingdoms: Corvus, Delphinus, Fornax, Lacerta, Pisces, and Serpens, as well as many other smaller states. Their sphere of influence ends mostly at the coasts of Gaea, though a few of them have been trying to change that under the table.



Manavi Religion - Bramadism



    Bramadism is the first religion in Manavi history and the most dominant one. Its influence can be seen throughout Manavi culture. Bramadists believe that at first there is only Ierospolis, and then the creator, Bramada, created the world of Imera from there, as well as the first Manavi. According to Bramadist mythology, one of Bramada’s angels named Nuwa rebelled against him and created Nychtas, and Manavi and Teras fought with each other in a great war before it ended in a victory for Bramada.

    There are Bramadist temples throughout the world of Imera. Bramadists believe that praying to statues of Bramada will allow them to plead to Bramada and wish for good favors. According to tenets of Bramadism, a Bramadist must visit Ierospolis and pray to the Bramada Monument at least once in their life.


    Bramadist priests can be identified by the runes they bear on their backs and their clothes, which are direct excerpts from the Bramada Monument. Otherwise, they usually wear some variation of black and white robes.

    Bramadism remains a popular religion in Gaea, though some regional sects have appeared to add touches of divinity to the ruling Monoliths.




Combat Mechanics



Fighting is described with the help of the following stats. They serve as rough references to a character's capabilities in combat.


Firepower: This stat indicates the power of your firearms. 0 would mean a complete lack of firearms.



Strength: This stat indicates your sheer physical strength. Often used for close-quarter combat, with or without a weapon. This stat can also be used for cold projectiles such as arrows.



Armor: This stat indicates your ability to take damage. Highly correlates with weight.



Mobility: This stat indicates your ability to move around. Primarily involves acceleration and handling.


Do note that attacks backed by Firepower are usually more accurate than attacks backed by Strength, though they inflict less critical damage in return.


You get to distribute 14 points between the four stats, but you cannot put more than 7 in a single stat. You also get to have a Core Ability, a special ability your character can perform, like flight. In addition, you get two Augmentation slots, and two Augmentations at the beginning of the RP. Augmentations are essentially external modules, and they can be used to enhance your fighting abilities or for other utility purposes. Whenever the party gets to a Manavi settlement, you may make new augmentations and discard old ones, and you are encouraged to do so in order to prepare for upcoming threats. Augmentations can be put into two categories: Combat Augmentations (+2 stats points, can exceed the limits of point distribution) and Utility Augmentations (Conditional passive effects). An example of an Utility Augmentation would be like, heatproof platings to specifically protect against energy-based attacks, or marine propellers to retain mobility underwater. It is important to note that you cannot have two of the same type of augmentation, so you can't have two +2 Mobility augmentations.




Finally, there’s the Drive, a once-per-battle special action. You get to pick one out of the three available Drives:

  1. Drive - Momentum Breaker: Your heart flares up for a moment, sending off a powerful electromagnetic pulse that inflicts internal pain to both you and your opponent, effectively announcing a timeout. Puts both sides back to neutral position by stunning them.
  2. Drive - Triple Augmentation: You push the limits of your heart's capabilities by adding a new augmentation to yourself on the fly. Switches out an Augmentation of your choice for another.
  3. Drive - Last Stand: Survival instincts force your heart to pump out an extraordinary amount of energy, granting you the power needed to avoid or negate a finishing blow. Allows you to survive an otherwise-fatal attack.


Character Sheet


Name: [No special naming conventions exist.]

Gender: [A mere matter of identification.]

Age: [18~64]
Appearance: [Describe how you look.]
Personality: [Describe how you act.]

Strengths: [What can you offer to the party? Might relate to what you originally do for a living, or your knowledge in your family business.]

Stats: [14 points to distribute. None can exceed 7. Describe your performance in all four fields as well, in order to match your point distribution.]

  • Firepower: [This stat indicates the power of your firearms. 0 would mean a complete lack of firearms. Accuracy scales more quickly for Firepower compared to damage.]
  • Strength: [This stat indicates your sheer physical strength. Often used for close-quarter combat, with or without a weapon. This stat can also be used for cold projectiles such as arrows. Damage scales more quickly for Strength compared to accuracy.]
  • Armor: [This stat indicates your ability to take damage. Highly correlates with weight.]
  • Mobility: [This stat indicates your ability to move around and dodge. Primarily involves acceleration and handling.]

Core Ability: [Your special ability]

Augmentations: [Combat Augmentations (+2 stats points, can exceed the limits of point distribution) and Utility Augmentations (Conditional passive effects)]

  • Slot 1:
  • Slot 2:
  • (If you picked Drive - Triple Augmentation) Slot 3:

Drive: [Pick between Momentum Breaker, Triple Augmentation, and Last Stand]


Notes: [Anything else you'd like to mention?]



What you are signing up for


EXTRA=STELLAR is a wuxia RP (think, Fist of the North Star but with less of the post-apocalyptic dread) with a robot race using steampunk technology. The planet on which the RP takes place is a loose adaptation of an existing planet, Ross 128 b. You'll be fighting robots, robots with parts of magical beasts, and magical beasts, on a quest to save the day. You should not be expecting serious PvP for a long while.


I will be updating once per week at minimum, primarily on weekends. Similarily, I'll be reminding everyone who hasn't posted every weekend.


I will be looking for 3~6 players.





1. As this RP is mostly freeform, it is important to be aware of your character's capabilities in a given situation. When it's clear that you have the definite advantage over your enemies, you may be allowed to write how they react as they get defeated, but you won't be allowed to do so in other scenarios.


2. I'm very much a novice, in both GMing and writing in general. So, it is crucial that you actively complain. From specific details such as failing to be descriptive enough when writing a particular scene and mishandling the outcome of an action, to general ideas such as finding the way I run the RP to be lacking or boring somehow, you should keep telling me how you feel whenever possible, so that I can actively improve my abilities as the RP progresses and keep things interesting enough so that it wouldn't feel like a weekly chore to keep participating.


3. While I don't actively encourage doing so, this RP's plot progression allows for opportunities to start over with entirely new characters. If you've found yourself writing your character into a hole and/or just can't seem to enjoy writing for them anymore, and you still have an interest in the RP in general, just inform me and we'll be able to land your new character in no time.


4. This should go without saying, but, standard RP courtesy applies.




OOC discussion will primarily take place on the EXTRA=STELLAR discord server. You should pop in if you're considering signing up.



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Bellos Tavalri, Party Benefactor


Name: Bellos Tavalri

Gender: M

Age: 22

Appearance: Bellos is a man of short stature. His pale skin and broken monocle are a contrast to the typical image of a man of royal lineage. Though aside from that, he is fairly well-dressed compared to the so-called commoners in Gaea. He wears a black hat over his short silver hair, and a gray overcoat over his thin body. The royal insignia of Corvus - the black crow - is blazoned on the back of the overcoat. The overcoat also cloaks his black mechanical wings, which have sharp daggers weaved into them. His belt holds a golden sheath for his personal katana, and a holster for his trusty revolver.



Personality: Bellos is simply an incompetent man. From something as simple as tying knots to something as grand in scale as managing his own land, he often manages to stumble. Though that hasn’t ever stopped him from trying to act out of his comfort zone. And that was also why he got essentially exiled from his family by getting sent to Gaea.


Knowing very well his own incompetence, he utilizes the money his family sends him to hire actual professionals to do things out of his reach, like investing in local ventures. As he’d put it, money gives him the space to try out new things.


Deep down, he still wants to prove himself to his family. Having set his eyes on the whole continent of Gaea, he intends to succeed the current Arch Monolith and become a ruler stronger than anyone in his family. To that end, he has invested a significant portion of his allowance to fund the party’s journey to Chrysopolis, and he is seeing the journey through in order to finally overcome his incompetence.



Strengths: Bellos contributes to the party primarily by covering expenses. His ability to fly may also allow him to scout out landscapes. In a pinch, he can fight for the party, but he’d rather avoid putting himself at risk so often, since he wouldn’t want to screw up on matters of life and death.



  • Firepower: 0 + 2 - Bellos relies on his revolver as his sole source of firepower. It can prove to be effective during standoffs, but is otherwise not his main choice of weapon in an engagement.
  • Strength: 6 - Bellos’ katana is one that he has used for his entire life, crafted by royal blacksmiths with the finest metal the Kingdom of Corvus has to offer. Powered by his beating heart, it is hot and sharp enough to cut through metal. He can also shred his opponent by firing hot daggers out of his wings.
  • Armor: 3 - Bellos wears light armor underneath his overcoat. It may prove to be sufficient against scattered shots, but it’s nothing to rely on.
  • Mobility: 5 - Bellos’ mobility is amplified by his wings, which allow him to take flight. Otherwise, he maintains steady footwork on the ground, and may do small flaps to grant himself momentum.

Core Ability: Raven Wings - A pair of black, mechanical wings stylized to look like a raven’s, allowing Bellos to fly. They can hold daggers between the artificial feathers as well.


  • Slot 1: Silver Eye (Combat Augmentation) - A sturdy revolver used by Bellos. +2 Firepower.
  • Slot 2: Smoke Trap (Utility Augmentation) - Smoke bombs set to release when Bellos’ wings are clipped, perhaps giving him an opportunity to escape or reorganize himself.

Drive: Last Stand


Notes: (None)


Tohl Ashman, Iron Titan of Meracus


Name: Tohl Ashman

Gender: M

Age: 41

Appearance: Tohl is, simply put, a burly giant, standing in a whopping 7 foot. His gray face is particularly chiseled, as if he’s been an ancient statue before, collecting dust in some royal treasury. His pupils are so yellow, and his eyes are so ferocious, that his gaze seems to fire flurries of lightning bolts at your soul. His long, spiky black hair runs all the way down to his torso, like a black dragon flying down along a massive cliff. Usually he wears a long, brown jacket that’s barely able to cover his gray chest and the cross-shaped scar on it, as well as a surprisingly durable pair of blue jeans, topped off with a pair of black knee-high boots.



Tohl is a heel close to the bottom of his career. Although he’s cruel and merciless in a fight as his job demands for it, he’s also going through a midlife crisis with a multitude of worries stacked on his back, including the well being of his family living in Tarchev. At least, his job offers him an opportunity to vent his angst through violence.



  • Firepower: 5+2 - Tohl’s shotgun provides a frightening amount of firepower, and he’s particularly accurate with it too. Blink, and you’ll find that his slug has already blown up an arm node. Aside from his shotgun, he can also shoot streams of flames when using Voracious Flames.
  • Strength: 3+2 - While Tohl does have above-average strength, this only truly comes to shine in combat with the blades installed in his shotgun. He’ll sink the blades into your skull if you get too cocky!
  • Armor: 5 - Tohl’s entire body is essentially a built-in set of armor. Interestingly, it is designed in a way that it is harder on the outside and softer on the inside, When molten, its gelatinous state proves to be even more effective against the common Manavi weaponry.
  • Mobility: 1 - Tohl’s particularly heavy, and so he tends to drag his steps. He can’t dodge anything effectively even if it’s highly telegraphed, and instead he has to take direct action to negate the attack.

Core Ability:

Voracious Flames - As the descendant of a miner, Tohl has the ability to heat his body up to extreme degrees without hurting himself in order to shed off damaged layers of skin away from a foundry. With his combat experience, he’s learned to take this ability to the limit, allowing him to melt himself off almost entirely all at once. He will take a more monstrous form then, like a walking Manavi fetus or a man in flames, though still armed with his shotgun. In this form, he can launch tentacle-like nerves enveloped by magma and absorb metallic parts, or makeshift arms that can pull people in and devour them. In this form, he is extremely resistant toward kinetic weapons like swords and bullets, almost invincible against them.


  • Slot 1: Saw-Bladed Barrels (Combat Augmentation) - Razor-sharp saw blades welded alongside shotgun barrels allow the gun to be just as frightening when it comes to CQC. +2 Strength.
  • Slot 2: Titan Trigger (Combat Augmentation) - A handmade, high quality shotgun built to suit Tohl’s needs. Can switch between slugs and shots on the fly. +2 Firepower.

Drive: Last Stand


Kroza Nanayama, Greenhorn Assassin


Name: Kroza Nanayama

Gender: F

Age: 19

Appearance: Kroza can be best described as a sewer rat in a noblewoman’s dress. Following Serpenian fashion trends, she dresses herself in pink garbs bearing flower designs. The garbs would look like kimono at a glance, but since Kroza has wrapped up the sleeves with white leather wraps, they’re actually more like keikogi instead, balancing both aesthetics and practicality. Her big, round eyes with blue pupils and her brown bun secured with a hairstick do a great job at giving off a cutesy impression, yet the moment she drops her act, all you’ll see from them is the distinct confidence of a Gaean nobody who’s doing the dirty work to climb up the social ladders.


Personality: As a young, upstart assassin in Meracus, Kroza is a surprisingly realistic girl. She knows very well what she wants and what she has to do to get it, and so she can be very cruel despite her relative lack of experience in the field. She’s also quite opportunistic and won’t hesitate to switch sides to benefit herself. With her fighting style, she tends to taunt her preys, frustrating them to the point that they couldn’t think clearly - allowing themselves to be easy victims of Tokai Yasha Ken.



Outside of her job, she’s a girl who cares a lot about appearances, in both what you see and what you hear. She’s well-versed in high society trends despite being barred outside of it, and tends to mimic them to act classy.





Firepower: 0 - Kroza currently has no needs for firearm with where she mainly operates. She’s more than capable of making up for the lack of firearm indoors.

Strength: 7 - Kroza’s claws are incredibly sharp and durable. They can be used to cut open gaping holes on walls swiftly, or inflict deep cuts on enemies. They can also be used to get amazing grip over most objects, allowing her a great variety of options at almost all times.

Armor: 2+2 - Kroza’s deceptively resilient to damage behind her aristocratic attire, capable of withstanding multiple bullet shots. Considering the nature of her job, it never hurts to have extra insurance even when she’s going to be incredibly hard to pin down to begin with.

Mobility: 7+2 - Kroza’s fighting style of choice is the Tokai Yasha Ken, a Gaean fighting style that incorporates guerilla combat and assassination. Kroza adapts to this style that focuses on heavy indoor fighting by essentially being a spider and a cheetah at the same time, with her being able to climb anywhere with her claws and at lightning speeds.

Core Ability: Clutches of Yakshini - Kroza’s digits can be turned into dangerously-sharp claws at will. She can have them long to maximize reach, or curved to provide excellent grip to any surface she can pierce through.


Slot 1: Reinforced Body (Combat Augmentaton) - Extra reinforcement to the innate body armor allows Kroza to resist damage better. +2 Armor.

Slot 2: Acrobat Gear (Combat Augmentation) - Additional muscle augmentations to Kroza’s arms and legs allow her to bounce at any direction with amazing speed and crawl against gravity with ease. She’s practically a spider with claws at this point. +2 Mobility.

Drive: Momentum Breaker




Teras Records:




Species: [Name of the Teras.]

Threat Level: [Measured in stars ✩. Species completely harmless to Manavi will receive a 0✩ rating.]

Natural Habitat: [The kind of environment the species can usually be found in.]

Diet: [The kind of food the species feed on.]



Description: [Description of the species, including appearance and behavior.]



Aspects: [Parameters used to measure a Teras’ various strengths. Roughly analogous to a Manavi’s stats.]

Magical Power: [The species’ ability to utilize powers beyond Manavi understandings. Considered supernatural. Sometimes this may manifest in forms of elemental attacks.]

Physical Power: [The species’ raw physical strength.]

Resilience: [The species’ ability to resist damage.]

Weakness: [The resilience penalty the species suffer from when their weak spot is struck. This aspect uses negative numbers only.]

Mobility: [The species’ ability to move around and evade attacks.]



Special Abilities: [The species’ various supernatural powers.]

Practical Uses: [The species’ practical application. Usually includes at least a kind of Bio-Augmentation.]




Species: Treant

Threat Level: 2✩ (Dormant) / 6✩ (Overgrown)

Natural Habitat: Low-Elevation Forests

Diet: Effectively omnivorous. Treants consume preys by reducing them into fertilizers in the ground.



Description: Treants are, fundamentally, the hearts - will-o-wisps - wrapped by the bark of the trees they inhabit. They will attack anyone who comes into their territories. When they become agitated, they’ll radiate a soft green light.




Magical Power: 3 (Dormant) / 5 (Overgrown)

Physical Power: 3 (Dormant) / 5 (Overgrown)

Resilience: 4 (Dormant) / 8 (Overgrown)
Weakness: -4 (Dormant) / -5 (Overgrown)

Mobility: 0 (Dormant) / 1 (Overgrown)



Special Abilities:

Thermal Fertilization - Soaking treants with thermal energy will accelerate their growth. With a strong source of thermal energy (a grenade would suffice), their overgrowth will be triggered, shifting from the Dormant form to the Overgrown form. In the Overgrown form, treants’ bark will turn into a charred black, but way more durable than before.


(Dormant) Plant Growth Manipulation - Usually with a range from one to two meters, treants can take control of the growth of lesser, inanimate plants around them and manipulate their growth, letting them grow faster in a certain direction or causing them to wither. It’s important to note that the range can extend from the roots of the tree the treant is occupying, so it can be hard to pin down their exact radius of influence.


(Overgrown) Plant Growth Manipulation EX - When overgrown, the range extends exponentially, with reports ranging from ten to fifteen meters. Overgrown treants can also manipulate lesser treants as well as Manavi augmented with the treant bio-augmentation in their range, and their control is much more potent than before.


(Overgrown) Fissure - By manipulating their own roots, overgrown treants can tear open huge chunks of land and trigger calamitous tremors.



Practical Uses:

Bio-Augmentation / Anima Veride  - The green, crystalized form of a treant’s heart. Grants the special ability “Plant Growth Manipulation” to the Manavi using it. When attached to a Manavi’s heart, a sparse layer of roots wraps around their chest. Pouring excessive power to Anima Veride will cause the roots to grow and spread aggressively over the user’s body, often ending up binding them. This can be mitigated once the user is sufficiently experienced with the augmentation.




Accepted PCs:

Nemesis (King Murdoc)

Henrietta (rustytengo)

Julianne Fairchild (Empiricist)

Eleanor Julia Flores (Twinwolf)

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Richard B. Spencer just wants to live a quiet life


Name: Richard Byron Spencer, The Pnewmatic Gentleman. Formerly known as "Chiyou"

Gender: Male

Age: 32
Appearance: Standing at a worrying 6 foot 11 inches, and seemingly having the musculature and physique of one and a half star athletes; Richard is an absolute giant of a man. His skin has a white and slightly creamy complexion, and his straight blonde hair is kept neatly at the sides, with the longer top usually being covered up by a Prussian blue bowler, save for the few tendrils that snake out at the front, and his eyes are colored a steely grey. He prefers to dress in formal clothing, often being found in his favorite three piece suit consisting of a Prussian blue suit jacket and trousers, with a black vest, a black tie outlined in gold, and all of it being backed by a mossy green shirt with white vertical stripes.

Personality: Richard B. Spencer is first and foremost a gentleman, partly by nurture as the proper ascribing of respect has always been an integral part of surviving in the criminal underworld, and partly by nature; having been a decent person even before he decided that it was time to turn his talents towards a more noble task; with that being to ply his trade in a less risky and more respectable environment, and climb up the social ladder enough to earn his way into a nice and cushy retirement, instead of finding himself in a ditch with a rather large blade stuck through his heart the moment he gets too old to do the job properly.

In the end of the day Richard is a man who wants to be a hero, a very nice man, a pleasant man to be around, a helpful man, a man who won't hesitate to kill another when necessary, a man who will clean up afterwards if he needs to.


Strengths: Richard is many things, a tailor, a gentleman, a living perfume dispensery and steam clothing iron, but he is first and foremost still an assassin, capable of using his skills and high mobility to scout ahead and swiftly dispatch key threats, both living and otherwise. His core ability also allows him to quickly produce a smoke screen to cover the party's escape and movements, and in times of emergency it can also serve as a source of clean water.

Weaknesses: A prolonged confrontation, distant firearm wielding snipers, possibly draws unwanted attention from people who thinks he was the one who killed their bread.
Richard was trained as an assassin, not a soldier, he was never intended to do much more than take out his target and dart into the shadows to make a quick getaway, and this shows in his armor and firepower stats, if he can't get within crossbow range to his target then he is unable to be much more than an annoyance, and he is not resistant enough to sustained fire to act as anything resembling an offtank. 


In Combat Party Role: Striker


  • Firepower: 0- In his youth Richard initially believed that there are only two kinds of people in his profession who would wield such a loud and cumbersome weapon, incompetent fools who bring a machinegun within range of a sword and act surprised when they are caught, and cowards resting on a grassy knoll too afraid to come down to make sure that the contract is fulfilled, he believes that he has yet to be proven wrong in this case.
  • Strength: 7- Richard owes the success of his 14 year long career on many things, and the fact that he can walk up to a man and use his freakish amounts of strength to punch through their chest and tear out their heart is one of them. He has done his best to hone his natural strength into a fine and deadly point by mastering a peculiar martial art designed to quickly and efficiently dispose of an opponent using quick, easily chainable blows, brutal grappling maneuvers, and the use of the environment and the enemy's weapons against him. All of this has served to make Richard quite possibly the only Assassin in the business with a confirmed umbrella kill.

    On the off chance that he needs the extra range, and just for the surprise factor alone, Richard's fists have been extensively modified to be able to suddenly extend outwards with a blast of pressurized steam, functioning as a sort of retractable meteor hammer, with an added heft and force granted by the thick metal gauntlets he wears.
  • Armor: 2- The martial arts Richard trained in taught him to rely more on the environment and the use of parrying blows and proper footwork to dodge blows than to wear armor, which is incredibly handy when you realize that his profession required a certain amount of discretion that proper armor would only get in the way of. And while his clothing itself is made out of material thick and resistant enough to practically count as light armor, the fact that he is surprisingly mobile enough to not actually need armor is something that he considers to be a point of pride. 
  • Mobility: 5+2-Richard's training as an assassin has honed his reflexes and footwork to a fine point, until his very footsteps could quickly become inaudible when compared against the backdrop of noise that permeates day to day life. Meanwhile, his very own musculature has been further enhanced by several augmentations to allow him to perform even more extreme feats of agility and stability, which when combined with his natural born ability to emit steam allows him to quickly escape detection or mislead. This is discounting the fact that he has learned to emit pressurized steam from his hands and feet to hover in the air and quickly change his trajectory of course.

Core Ability: "Vapour Trail" an integrated device that allows Richard to channel steam throughout his body and quickly emit it from all around his body, originally meant to aid him in his quiet life as a laundrybot, Richard has so far re-purposed this to serve as a handy fog screen provider, a way to perfume and clean himself quickly, a drier, and a quick and clean method of propulsion. Of course he still has to wait for the water tank to top itself up from time to time, so he can't do all of this eternally unless he can just guzzle water from a nearby waterfall.

Augmentations: [Combat Augmentations (+2 stats points, can exceed the limits of point distribution) and Utility Augmentations (Conditional passive effects)]

  • Slot 1: Death On Two Legs (Combat Augment)- While Richard's heavily muscled upper body is impressive, Richard has gone and went the extra mile to prevent his legs from letting him down at a crucial moment, granting them leg muscle augmentations that grants his already powerful legs a bit of additional, crotch caving oomph, and allowing him to move quicker than a man his size has any right to. +2 Mobility.
  • Slot 2: There He Goes  (Utility Augment)- A series of valves, piping, and specialized equipment for controlling the amount of pressure is emitted by the steam inside of his body, Richard has essentially obtained the ability to actually fly in a controllable and sustainable manner.

Drive: "I'll Keep Coming" (Last Stand): Survival instincts force your heart to pump out an extraordinary amount of energy, granting you the power needed to avoid or negate a finishing blow. Allows you to survive an otherwise-fatal attack.


"Open up your Heart" His preferred method to finish of a target, which involves sneaking up behind someone and ramming his hand straight through their armor and tearing their heart out of their body.


"This Charming Man": How Richard keeps himself clean, respectable looking and smelling by mixing in perfume oils with his internal reserves of water before literally dousing himself in perfumed steam and using his own heated hands as a clothing iron.


"You ain't seen nothing": He is also able to use his internal boilers to quickly emit large amounts of steamy fog, covering his movements and limit visibility.

Nu editor, bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Nemesis

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown
Appearance: Nemesis wears a dark cloth mask at all times underneath a well-worn, broad-brimmed cowboy hat of a dusty brown color. They have a slender, but athletic build, at least from what can be seen beneath their coat, which seems to be some combination of duster and light armor. The coat portion, made of dark leather, shows some evidence of having designs on it of some kind once, but it's impossible to tell what they were originally, as they seem to have been deliberately dyed away, with wear taking care of most of the rest. The armored portions have similarly had their identifying marks removed, though they still have a distinct Eastern styling to them. The rest of their clothing is similarly rugged and worn. Nemesis never allows himself to be seen without some sort of face covering. Completing their outfit is several holsters and sheathes for weapons of various ranges and sizes, most prominently a revolver, a break-action shotgun, and a katana. 

Personality: Nemesis does his best to act nearly emotionlessly at all times, assessing a situation and moving towards the ideal resolution with a glacial calm. Cracks appear in this facade, however, at his low tolerance for nonsense, and he has been known to fly into a screaming rage when provoked - though his core ensures that this makes him no less effective of a marksman and fighter. Despite the seemingly hostile exterior, Nemesis is actually quite helpful, as long as it does not represent an excessive distraction from his current goal, and will happily(?) assist both party members and passerby. . . as long as they don't make nuisances of themselves. 


Strengths: Nemesis is an good navigator by land or sea, has a solid suite of survival skills, and shows a surprising knowledge of commerce and industry, particularly relating to textiles, on top of being a skilled fighter. 



  • Firepower: 6. Nemesis's primary armaments are a powerful, accurate revolver and a single-shot bolt-action rifle. He can accomplish a startling rate of fire with both due to his core allowing him to reload and return to an optimal firing position perfectly after every single shot, meaning he only has to worry about placing each shot correctly - and he is quite good at that. Fanning the hammer of the revolver allows for a potent close-quarters defense, with the midrange covered by more typical operation of the weapon. Longer ranges are covered by the rifle, though there's a gap between where the rifle truly begins to shine and the effective range of the revolver.  Additionally, once again due to his Core, Nemesis is exceptionally fast on the draw. 
  • Strength: 3. Nemesis doesn't actually seem to possess any outright strength-enhancing modifications, and this is reflected in their melee capabilities. His primary mode of melee combat is iaijutsu with his katana (a fairly typical example of the weapon), followed by precise strikes leaning on his Core for speed and power. 
  • Armor: 2. The armor plating and durable clothing Nemesis wears can deflect or even stop a stray strike, but they are not to be relied upon for protection outside the most dire circumstance.
  • Mobility: 3. Nemesis doesn't possess any large-scale mobility (outside of potential augs) beyond that which is afforded to anyone with two legs, but he is quite agile and good at avoiding enemy attack. 
  • Core Ability: Eidetic Motion: Nemesis's core allows them to perfectly replicate any motion they have made once without error, allowing him to perform actions such as sword techniques and rapidly firing a gun (while compensating for recoil) as fast as he can physically manage without losing effectiveness.

Augmentations: [Combat Augmentations (+2 stats points, can exceed the limits of point distribution) and Utility Augmentations (Conditional passive effects)]

Slot 1: Grappling Hook (Mobility +2): Exactly what one would imagine. This wrist-mounted hook and accompanying engine allows one to climb sheer surfaces provided a decent anchor point exists.
Slot 2: Tactical Visor (Ranged +2): An augmentation that enhances the user's ability to lead targets and locate weak points, increasing their effectiveness in ranged combat.
Drive: Momentum Breaker

Notes: [Anything else you'd like to mention?]

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Special Inquisitor Sister Henrietta



Name: Henrietta

Gender: female 

Age: 22
Appearance: Henrietta is rather short barely standing at five feet and more often not is mistaken as a child. She has long light blue hair that frames her face from inside of her hood. Her eyes are of a similar color of her hair set nicely on in her almost heart-shaped face. Her skin is light but not pale which constast quite well with the black of her habit. 


She wears the traditional habit of a Bramadist sister from afar nothing looks too out of place on it but upon closer inspection others would be able she not only the usual runes for such a garment but also that it is also made of much heavier cloth and that chainmail is weaved into along with heavy armored plates placed over vital parts of her body. She additionally wears a heavy pair of leather gloves that look rather well worn and a heavy pair of boots.

Personality: Generally speaking Henrietta is a rather jovial and kind person who seems to enjoy her life. Though unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be the brightest tool in the shed given that he tends to take the simplest path for things. When either extremely angry or faced with unrepentant heretics she becomes rather emotionless until the target of her anger or said heretics are taken care of.


Strengths:  Other than her ample amounts of firepower. Henrietta brings a positive personality and can perform the tasks of a follower of the church such as confessions, marriage ceremonies, exorcisms and the like.



Firepower: 7+2- Suffice between her lovely minigun and ample amounts of explosives the amount of firepower Henrietta brings to bear is almost ridiculous in most normal situations. But to her, nothing is too much when it comes to sussing out heresy in all its forms.

Strength:2-Though not that strong as many others Henrietta is still able to carry her gun and explosives without much problem as well as smack heretics with her bass case that she keeps her equipment in. 

Armor: 4-Henrietta wears thicker than usual clothing for a Bramadist sister that is made from a heavy bullet resistance cloth and has chainmail weaved into and armored plates placed over vital areas of her body to help defend against any sharp objects or guns that heretics may bring against her. 

Mobility: 1-Henrietta is rather slow and less mobile than many others due to the amount of weight her equipment has but she knows her slow and steady approach will were down any heretic she meets. 

Core Ability: The Indulgence: A specialized built-in grenade launcher that also allows Henrietta to be a walking bomb factory.



Slot 1: Heat Sink +2 firepower: to keep her minigun nice and cool so she can keep up her assault on heretics.
Slot 2: Heat resistance layering- Henrietta has an extra layer of resistance to heat in order to protect her explosives from going off of prematurely.
Slot 3: Deployable frontal defense +2 armor. a Deployable shield meant to slow down and protect Henrietta if she happens to run into Heretics with enough firepower to that could impede her. 
Drive: Triple Augmentation


Notes: [Anything else you'd like to mention?] nope


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Once Upon a Time in Gaea


Name: Julianne Fairchild

Gender: Female

Age: 18
Appearance: A tomboyish lass with negotiable salience and a long coat far more than a few seasons out of fashion. Julianne moves swiftly with excitement and energy, a genuine smile on her face, a rare commodity these days or so she hears. Beneath the peaked cap and electromagnets keeping it in place is a youthful countenance sporting bright emerald eyes and framed by brown hair cut a few millimetres above her shoulders. That changes of course when the performance ends, when it ends there is, nothing, nothing at all. Smile's still there, girl isn't, she's gone, lost to the crowd, the streets and alleyways, she knows when to stand out, and when to blend in, she knows where to perform, and she knows better than to linger.
Personality: Plunky and optimistic in spite of her past, or perhaps precisely because of it. See, Gaea may be a predatory hellhole, but it's all Julianne has even known, she knows little of Imera, that strange and fantastical land Gramps often spoke of; this world, cruel and tumultuous, chaotic and turbulent, this is how things are and how things have been for as far back as she could remember. Could things be better, could there be a better tomorrow? Of course, there always will be a tomorrow, but there never was a yesterday, not in her mind at least. She knows not, of the broken promises or the heights from which the Gaeans fell, for her what is a cruel reality for many, is simply reality. In private though, she can be known to indulge in a bit of friendly vitrol, well, known by Gramps anyway, but Gramps is gone, headed out to Imera. He tried to take her with him, by God did he try, but well, persuasion never really was his strong suit and he hadn't had the heart to lie.

Strengths: Growing up on the streets taught Julianne two things especially well: how to navigate said streets, and how to get information. As such she is good at urban navigation and intel collection. Also she could probably put on a puppet show or something. Come to think of it, the way he told his stories, Gramps sounded like he used to be some sort of bigshot soldier and martial artist back in his day, perhaps the Fairchild name still carries weight in certain circles? 



  • Firepower - 0: Try as he might, Gramps could never get Julianne to carry a gun.
  • Strength - 6+2: Julianne is a skilled martial artist proficient in all manner of melee weapons (including of course, her own limbs). She utilizes a mix of speed and technique to protect herself from incoming attacks, at her disposal are her armored extremities, her weapons, and her grappling wires, with these three in tandem she can neutralize most incoming attacks whilst simultaneously debilitating her foe in the process such as by catching their weapon or limb, punishing a blocked attack, or by throwing their attack of course with an attack of her own. A steam-based energy distribution system stores energy and rations it out as needed, so while her normal attacks lack killing power in spite of their speed, she can release stored energy to land decisive blows when the opportunity presents itself, or to add a little more oomph to her motions.
  • Armor - 3: Julianne's clothes have light plating built into them to help ensure blows glance off, it works, but it's not going to do much against a direct hit. Not that she intends to be taking any - heavier insulative (against both heat and electricity) plating built along the shins, forearms, and boots act to ensure that she can safely catch or parry away attacks of any type.
  • Mobility - 5+2: Julianne is very agile, able to swiftly dodge incoming attacks or simply position herself such that the simple geometry of an attack prevents it from threatening her. After all, you can't really block or parry a bullet, but you can definitely throw off the shooter's aim. Her grappling wires further enhance this, allowing her to perform seemingly physics defying stunts.


Core Ability - Grappling Wires: An array of mechanisms allows Julianne to deploy wires that are so thin they might as well be invisible, and yet so durable that a single wire could easily support more than just her weight. These same mechanisms allow Julianne to reel them in, giving her fine control over them and allowing her to use them for various seemingly physics defying feats or just to snare an enemy's weapon. The wires can anchor into just about anything without any risk of detaching unless Julianne wants them to. Also, they're not conductive as it is generally agreed that when one can reasonably expect to have to fight people who spit out lightning, carrying around implements that the lightning can travel through is a poor idea.



  • Combat Augmentation - Detachable Belts: The rear belts of Julianne's coat are fastened by electromagnetic mechanisms. By detaching them from the coat and joining them together, they can be used as a sort of floppy staff*. Silly as it sounds, it makes for an effective weapon with the ability to focus a lot of force onto its tip and a threateningly long reach. (+2 Strength)
  • Combat Augmentation - Quick Reels: Reeling mechanisms for Julianne's wires, these ones are geared for speed and evasion, allowing her to swiftly reel herself in and change directions on the fly. (+2 Mobility)

Drive - Last Stand: Avoid death, once.


Notes: Non-combat skills include: puppetry, ventiloquy, and sewing. Julianne's fighting style would probably be classified as Hung Ga given that I'm mostly just using Once Upon a Time in China as my point of reference, but I'm really only kinda vaguely did-a-year-or-so-of-training familiar with Wing Chun so uh I've a feeling it won't end up as much of anything.



Regarding Gramps, from Discord:


Gramps is Cornelius Fairchild, an ex-soldier turned ex-martial arts instructor. Yeah uh, ex-martial arts instructor, after seeing one too many of his students wind up in the morgue or as an abomination, he decided he'd rather just try and live a quiet peaceful life, sometime after which he took pity on Julianne and took her in, the coat's his. He's gone now, headed back to Imera, Gaea is, salvageable or so he says, it's just a matter of how much blood is needed to salvage. Saving it? That's a young man's job, he's too old for this shit, Julianne? It shouldn't be her job either, it really shouldn't, but well, try as he might he never did manage to convince her to leave with him in the end.



*IntSys knows what I'm talking about


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Did somebody call for a TANK?


Name: Phaedra Gianopoulos

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Appearance: Phaedra is short, stocky, and solidly built, as she’d describe it like she works for her meals.  Her eyes and hair are a plain brown, and her skin is well-tanned.  She’s rarely seen without her heavy armor on, sturdy, grey, metal plates and mail protecting every inch of her body well.  The armor’s helmet comes with a distinctive, red-haired crest over the top, mostly for style.  She arms herself with a long spear, a sword and dagger for backup, a longbow for ending cowards rightly, and a heavy hoplon in case her armor isn’t enough defense.  The shield’s surface is inscribed with the characters Chi-Upsilon-Sigma.  It doesn’t actually mean anything special, but it looks cool.

Personality: Phaedra has a L A R G E personality.  She’s loud, proud, boisterous, and talkative to a fault.  The sort of person you want to drink with after a hard day’s work.  Not the sort of person you want to take on a stealth mission unless it’s as bait.  She’s adventurous, more than a bit reckless, and can definitely surprise people with her cunning and intuition.  Perhaps a bit too well.  While she’s undeniably smart, she thinks she’s a lot smarter than she is.


Strengths: Coming from a family of sailors, Phaedra is skilled at both orienteering and sailing, and knows her way around a boat or dockyard.  Her knots are excellent, and she’s a solid cook.  An extremely numerous collection of past injuries have driven her to pick up some first aid too.



Firepower: 0.  Phaedra doesn’t own any guns, and has only used one a few times in the past, with exceedingly poor results.  More likely to hit the guy next to whoever she’s aiming at than her intended target.


Strength: 4.  Phaedra is fairly strong, but her preference for the heaviest possible armor means she’s trained and built for endurance rather than brute force.  Phaedra can jog a marathon in full armor and barely break a sweat, and she’s highly proficient with her spear, sword, bow, dagger, and the martial art pankration.  She’s certainly able to hit respectably hard. But she’s more likely to outlast, outthink, or outmaneuver an opponent than crush them with sheer power.


Armor: 7 + 2.  Phaedra wears heavy armor.  Even without it on, Phaedra is still heavily armored, thanks to an additional set of subdermal plating and padding connected to her equally-reinforced skeleton.  Layers of thick plates, chain mail, and padding, both worn and internal, allow her to withstand all but the mightiest blows without faltering, and the extra weight makes it exceedingly tough to cause her to lose her footing.  To help with that, she’s installed hobnails in her boots, which will wreck any insufficiently durable floor she stands on.


Mobility: 3.  For all her mass and weight, Phaedra is astonishingly agile, more so than most people expect.  Even in full armor and carrying all her gear, she can turn a cartwheel, climb a rope ladder, dodge attacks if she sees them coming, and even sprint fast enough to keep pace with the speediest opponents.  However, her weight still does slow her down a bit, she sinks like a steel block in water, and her vertical mobility is rather lacking.


Core Ability – Skeletal Reinforcements:  A legacy of her family’s old trade as sailors, Phaedra’s skeleton and joints are reinforced so as to be extremely difficult to break or dislocate, to increase the odds of survival when falling from a mast or being crushed/smashed by the machinery aboard a ship.  It also makes her a lot better at surviving all sorts of other things.



Slot 1:  Combat Adaptation – Hoplon Shield:  This heavy, metal disc can be used to block attacks, increasing Phaedra’s defenses beyond what her heavy armor can.

Slot 2:  Utility Augmentation – Ram Bolts:  Phaedra can deploy retractable ram bolts from her feet, anchoring herself to a surface so that she’s much harder to shift.  Pulling them out is not instant, though, and she’ll destroy her footwear unless it’s custom-built to accommodate the bolts.


Drive: Last Stand.




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The Battle Hungry Rich Girl is here


Name: Cinis Amerath


Gender: Female


Age:  33

Appearance: Cinis is a rather tall woman, standing at a respectable 6 feet in height, and while it isn’t easy to see thanks to her outfits, she does have rather toned muscles. She is rather pale skinned however, with smooth black hair tied into a ponytail, with her bangs covering up her forehead, and finishing with more dark purple eyes.


Her normal outfit signifies her more rich upbringing, being a black trenchcoat, ridges folded down, with a buttoned dark grey vest over a white shirt. In addition, she wears a long grey skirt that goes down to her ankles. Standing out from her more refined appearance however is her plated boots and gauntlets, poorly hidden under her skirt and coat.
Personality: For the most part, Cinis acts like a socially awkward rich girl. She has difficulty keeping up with conversations, tends to get lost in thoughts, and never knows how to spend at a reasonable amount, thanks to her upbringing. There are signs of her more noble upbringings, but those are few and far between, and mostly come up whenever she decided to be charitable on a whim. Strangely though, Cinis has an extreme, almost unhealthy love for fighting, often showing sadistic glee when she has someone to throw punches with.


Strengths: For the most part, Cinis brings connections to the trading business, as her father is a merchant, and someone who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, especially when it comes to beating someone up. A real broken record, isn’t she?


Stats: [14/14]

Firepower: [2]: Despite the fact that Cinis has a distaste for guns, she does realize the importance of being able to fight at range. So, she carries a completely average pistol, only modified to have a slightly higher than normal force behind its shots.
Strength: [6+2]: Cinis, despite her appearance, is extremely strong, coming from a rather long time of training combined with natural toughness. So, while she lacks skill with more conventional weapons, her sheer strength is more than enough to compensate for it. Though, she's still hampered by a rather 'brute force' fighting style, choosing to disregard safety and style for just breaking whoever she's fighting.
Armor: [5]: While Cinis tends to wear more ‘lady-like' attire, she almost always wears more expensive and heavy armor underneath, mostly hidden away, and thanks to her money, this armor is both compacted and incredibly sturdy. The armor gives her an extra force to her punches, due to their weight, and also gives her extra balance. More or less though, it's purpose is to allow Cinis to shrug off hits and continue fighting.
Mobility: [1]: Cinis isn’t all that fast, preferring to walk around most of the time, but that isn’t to say she isn’t completely immobile, thanks to her Core giving her small boosts of movement. However, she still struggles to keep up with faster opponents.
Core Ability: Swelling Storm: Cinis’s core is one that constantly generates an excessive amount of electricity, allowing her to channel said electricity through her entire body. This allows her to increase her speed or strength for a short burst of time, show off, conduct electricity as a sort of tazer or through other metal objects, or overload herself to create a gigantic burst of electricity as her Momentum Breaker.


Augmentations: [Combat Augmentations (+2 stats points, can exceed the limits of point distribution) and Utility Augmentations (Conditional passive effects)]

Slot 1: [Combat Augmentation]: Augmented Arm: Cinis’s right arm is heavily upgraded for combat, capable of channeling her electricity more effectively, and just hits a lot harder than her left arm. +2 to Strength.
Slot 2: [Utility Augmentation]: Electrical Resistance: With so much focus on having electricity, how could Cinis not prepared ways to divert her element from hurting her? 
Drive: Momentum Breaker


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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Eleanor Julia Flores

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Appearance: Eleanor is a relatively tall and pale woman, about 5’9” (or 1.75 meters), and fairly athletic too. She has long black hair, usually tied back in a ponytail, and honey-colored eyes. In terms of clothing, while she prefers stylish and elegant, on this adventure she goes more practical - usually just a vest, shirt, pants, and boots, all tougher than they look to avoid clothing damage if possible. Black if she can get away with it, but not required.


Personality: Eleanor’s noble background tends to manifest itself in a kind of cockiness - she thinks herself a duelist, a skilled fighter, and is not afraid to talk it up and have some flair. She’s not quite rude of course, that would be unthinkable for a lady, but she is definitely boastful. But she is quite certain she has the combat skills to back it up - it would infuriate her like nothing else to be all bark and no bite. She is a bit better than some nobles in this regard, as well in at least trying to be nice to potential allies.


Strengths: A daughter of the Flores family comes with many connections, to nobles or to those who wish to style themselves as such. Her big talk might cause some to doubt whether she can actually perform, but she has the skill required to back it up.


Stats: [14 points to distribute. None can exceed 7. Describe your performance in all four fields as well, in order to match your point distribution.]

Firepower: 4 - While the sword is her true weapon, Eleanor recognizes one cannot always stab their problems. Sometimes they’re too far for that, and they must be shot instead. Lady Flores was known as a fairly good shot back home with pistols, and has developed a unique style of two-pistol fighting, usable at range or close in.


Strength: 5+2 - A noble who cannot duel is no true noble. Eleanor’s style is a mixture of elegant showmanship with a lethally practical edge, accurate strikes into points of weakness. Her melee weapon is a two handed claymore, although she is strong enough to use it one handed in a pinch. It is a weapon of excellent craftsmanship, hiding hidden power - with a press of a button, serrated, spinning teeth come from the blade to give it a tearing edge, along with significant heat.


Armor: 1 - Who needs armor, when you can dodge? Eleanor does have some basic protection, such that the environment probably won’t hurt that much, but a strike with intent must be avoided, not taken.


Mobility: 4 +2 - In the clash of combat, you can’t rely on your ability to just take a hit. There’s always a lucky shot, a chink in the armor. The only thing that guarantees not taking damage from a hit is to not be hit. As such, Eleanor has trained her ability to move with speed and agility, as well as the spatial awareness to use it to avoid many attacks she can see coming and some she can’t.

Core Ability: Overdrive: Through the adrenaline of combat, pressure builds inside of Eleanor. Eventually, she can let it out in massive bursts of steam allowing several uses. This can allow her to deliver a strike of unparalleled power and speed. The pressure can also be channeled into Eleanor’s boots for a lesser but longer lasting agility and mobility boost by way of large jumps, sudden bursts of speed, and other general uses of mobility.


Augmentations: [Combat Augmentations (+2 stats points, can exceed the limits of point distribution) and Utility Augmentations (Conditional passive effects)]

Slot 1: Combat Augment (+2 Strength): Fine tuning of Eleanor’s strength allows her to deliver devestating strikes.

Slot 2: Combat Augment (+2 Mobility): Jet boots allow for sudden bursts of speed to evade a strike or make a quick dash

Slot 3: Utility Augment: Field of force: Eleanor has the ability to release all her built up steam pressure at once, blowing all nearby enemies away and giving her potentially much needed breathing room.


Drive: Triple Augmentation

Notes: [Anything else you'd like to mention?]


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