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Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield


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Seems pretty neat so far.

they only sowed off the new Region and Starters, but that was to be expected. Graphics looked pretty neat; it's not like a Pokémon game needs hyper-detailed surroundings. Seems like a nice step up from SM without overdoing it.


the Starters' designs are kind of equally eh for me right now so I'm gonna hold off for their evolutions and more other Pokémon before making a judgement on that.


Judging by the logos it seems like a wolflike Pokémon will be important for the story or Region as a whole.

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I can't wait! I'm liking what I'm seeing. This is the first time since Gen 2 that I really liked all the starter's designs. I'm thinking I may go water for the first time in well over a decade! Ready to give my buddy Sobble a try! Hoping for great things with this one! 

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Game looks great, the starters are weird yet cutieeee cutieee i want the rabbit one

Cause he is like a frog yknow

Rabbit rabbit

Im sorry

Im just worried about weird battle changes (like Z moves or something)

But im looking forward to this 😛

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I don't know. I'm not a fan of the names but they could have named them anything and people would still buy them, myself included. As for the starters...they are a bit simple for my tastes but that's to be expected from their first forms. If I had to choose one I favored the most, it would have to be Grookey since it has hints of being a unique typing hopefully. The region looks amazing though! I wonder how Pokemon Soccer would work? 

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sword and shield eh? aegislash, you never told me you're a legendary pokemon from the look of the mc, I'm guessing they are the same age as Hilbert and Hilda, which is quite interesting. The setting is also quite interesting lawl, if I recall this looks like UK around the time of Industrial Revolution

starter are kinda eh, but fire type looks quite interesting for me lmao if it become a fire fighting, I am so going to be pissed off with Gamefreak

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Okay so rn I’m having my cup of coffee, watched the trailer about 25 times and I’m finally sane enough to share some after thoughts with this one so here goess:



- Region based: England-ish

- Same models from SM/USUM

- Gorgeous graphics...

- Three starters are revealed

- The possibility of competing in FIFA



It’s a bit to early to judge the games as a whole right now because we only got to see a 7 minute snippet, so let’s stick to what we know. For a while Pokemon has been lowering in terms of quality in my opinion, started with Gen 6 - Gen 7. Though XY and SM were fantastic games, let’s be honest, the laziness in implementing these games can really be seen (especially with ORAS/USUM) and some were just really ham-handed. Though with core titles, they always really manage to deliver nonetheless. 



For Generation 8 I promised myself that I would really be very critical since it’s the Nintendo Switch, there’s no excuse whatsover now. Yet critical just means that I don’t want to see half-a$$ed effort from gamefreak. That’s it. I know everybody was expecting a BOTW tier Pokemon game, myself included. It could be this one for sure we don’t know yet! But being with GF through all these years, you probably know how they work by now. Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield will just be regular old Pokemon games, and maybe that’s okay. 



So, from what we’ve seen in the trailer, visuals are stunning. I think they managed to get the essence and atmosphere of England. Graphics wise: it’s just SM upgraded. Good or bad, still depends. I have to see if the protag’s mouth actually opens this time around.



So starters.... I like all of them! But I’m not head over heels. I’ll probably learn to love them as time goes on (depends on their final evo actually). Otherwise, I’m happy with what we’ve got. Grookey, Sobble and Scorbunny, you three are our Generation 8 starters.



Things I’m worried about: Only few new Pokemon. I really want Gen 8 to be filled with new mons!! If we get like Gen 6 number of new mons, I’m fine with that. But most especially, I’m really really really frightened of Scorbunny’s final evo. Istg if it’s a fire/fighting... hnnnngggghhhh



So the finale for this one is this: I woke up at 6am for the first time in a while now and it was worth it. Trailer alone, I’m content. I didn’t wish for much and didn’t hope for little, and we got it just right. I think Gen 8 has a lot to offer for us, considering we can now maybe compete at the world cup. Overall, I think we have another good gen in our sleeves. Best hopes for the competitive scene too!  I’m excited 🙂



P.S. I’m currently broke so time to finally save up for these games

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Wonderful, I've always wanted to visit england 😛


In contrast to some others here, Pokemon Shield sounds like a pretty cool and inventive name by pokemon standards.


Not sure how much I like Grooky or Sobble, but I love Scorbuny already. Even if it turns out to be fire/fighting, I'll still probably get and use it. Plus, it could be Fire/Electric, since the Direct focused on how energetic it was.

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I'm both relieved and a bit saddened by the direct. The game looks gorgeous but I think this is the first time I dislike all the starters. I would get over it though. From the look if it I think it's going to end up with a very barebones plot as we've seen nothing. Everything gave me the impression of very basic and very safe.


London was a very, very good choice for a Pokemon game. I just have not really been all that appealed by the last two games so I'll probably pass. Hopefully they didn't expend their budget on graphics at the cost of no Post game.

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Alright. The graphics are similar to USUM and we can't expect them to go much more realistic.

We know so far 5 pokemon of Gen VIII (including Meltan and Melmetal), and I have to say that the starters are not original by design, but they could become when evolved. 

So far the fire and water starter designs seem promising. The grass one (for me) not so much. 


At first glance the map seems like a straight line upwards, which isn't my cup of tea. Certainly it does so to humor the British Isle's geography, but I believe they could branch a bit to immerse the players into the adventure. Naturally this isn't final, and I'm expecting a lot from those.

The industrial part might not be simply there for aesthetics or a connection to the local lore, but it might signify this generations "special" gameplay change, as Kalos did with megas and Hawaii did with Z-stones. 


I wish for a good story, and the industrial-steampunk basis can provide a good ground upon which one can build. Let's not play it safe.

In fact, if the producers had a sense of humour, they would implement the Brexit in all of this, or at least partially as the plan of an evil team.


I can't place the wolf signs on the logos yet, since we've already received regular pokemon based on canine myths, and we've already got a lot of dogs so far. The fact that it's on both just lets us know it's important.


As for the stadium, at first I did not consider football, but rather an arena for major battles to happen, like the E4 or the Frontier.

I'm unsure how a minigame like football would integrate properly into the pokemon world, given the various shapes and sizes of those creatures.

Mario is a better suited franchise to branch a lot with such minigames. At least I'm not expecting a Gary-cart anytime soon.


I'll just have to wait and see more.

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I kinda like the grass starter but the fire starter and water starter look too cartoony


Also fearful of the fire starter turning into a fire-fighter 😞



why would a fire starter want to be a fire fighter anyway those are meant to stop fires

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Hmm I was kind of hoping overworld following would show but so far non. I think those S/M walking/running models will show up for the soccer game.


My guess on the types they'll turn into:


Grookey- not sure TBH. Maybe grass/fighting?


Scorbunny - it looks rather whimsical to me and reminds me of a bugs bunny -esque character. Fire/fairy would be so rad.


Sobble - it seems to learn acid armor and looks fearful, and turning invisible seems to be a focus trait of his. Perhaps water/ghost? 

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2 minutes ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

Hmm I was kind of hoping overworld following would show but so far non. I think those S/M walking/running models will show up for the soccer game.


My guess on the types they'll turn into:


Grookey- not sure TBH. Maybe grass/fighting?


Scorbunny - it looks rather whimsical to me and reminds me of a bugs bunny -esque character. Fire/fairy would be so rad.


Sobble - it seems to learn acid armor and looks fearful, and turning invisible seems to be a focus trait of his. Perhaps water/ghost? 

I wanna say Grookey will either be Grass/Fighting, Grass/Electric or Grass/Rock.
Scorbunny looks like it could be either Fire/Fighting or Fire/Electric. It also might be Fire/Steel.

Sobble looks like it could be Water/Poison or Water/Ghost.

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No but really LMAO the region looks so pretty.  I hope they implement something like an easy / hard mode since it seems like they're making the games easier (though I doubt it'll happen) but I'll probably get the game anyway and temporarily "borrow" my sister's switch

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