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Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield


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20 hours ago, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

So I guess a lot of you are competitive players?

As a novice competitive player who like to watch some competitive stuff sometimes, I can say that the competitive future is incertain. According to some players, it can turn out very good or very bad. I have listed some potential consequences of this decision:

  • We can assume that legendaries and pseudo-legendaries, being part of the region where they come from, will be not available anymore. For instance, we could say goodbye to the Tapus and the Ultra-Beasts native in Alola. Plus, in Gen 7, we had an event every two months for a new legendary available. I guess it won't be the case anymore. There are currently 20 legendaries out fo 50 pokemons in the OU metagame. This will induce changes if some of them are left out. Even the Uber tier may not exist anymore.
  • Breeding options may change. Some moves may not be available anymore.
  • The new mechanic Dynamax seems too brutal from what has been shown so far (discount Z-moves and boost in stats, at least in HP). Being able to sweep for 3-turns without setting up will enforce taking counter-measures such as a defensive Dynamax (hello Toxapex), moves like Substitute, Fake Out, Protect ... abilities like Prankster and Sturdy … items like Red Card and Focus Sash … It doesn't look healthy! But again, we don't know yet how this mechanic will work.

In conclusion, the competitive stage is a big box to be shaken. And what will come out could be tasty or disgusting.


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6 hours ago, Des Teto said:

As a novice competitive player who like to watch some competitive stuff sometimes, I can say that the competitive future is incertain. According to some players, it can turn out very good or very bad. I have listed some potential consequences of this decision:

  • We can assume that legendaries and pseudo-legendaries, being part of the region where they come from, will be not available anymore. For instance, we could say goodbye to the Tapus and the Ultra-Beasts native in Alola. Plus, in Gen 7, we had an event every two months for a new legendary available. I guess it won't be the case anymore. There are currently 20 legendaries out fo 50 pokemons in the OU metagame. This will induce changes if some of them are left out. Even the Uber tier may not exist anymore.
  • Breeding options may change. Some moves may not be available anymore.
  • The new mechanic Dynamax seems too brutal from what has been shown so far (discount Z-moves and boost in stats, at least in HP). Being able to sweep for 3-turns without setting up will enforce taking counter-measures such as a defensive Dynamax (hello Toxapex), moves like Substitute, Fake Out, Protect ... abilities like Prankster and Sturdy … items like Red Card and Focus Sash … It doesn't look healthy! But again, we don't know yet how this mechanic will work.

In conclusion, the competitive stage is a big box to be shaken. And what will come out could be tasty or disgusting.


I don't understand how any of these things are bad. Legendaries and Megas/Z-moves are horribly unbalanced. Honestly, i'm glad they are gone. That means people will use other Pokemon instead of all 4 Tapus, an Ultra Beast, and the obligatory Mega. Also, I don't see how a temporary 3 turn power boost that any Pokemon can use is even close to how broken a permanent one that belongs to only a select few or a one shot move that can come out of nowhere. 

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3 hours ago, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

Just curious. Since apparently there is now a person in the Gym Stadiums to heal your Pokemon, does that make the game easier or shorter? Curious to see everyone's opinions.

I'm about 90% certain that person is just there so you can heal during the demo

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I said this sometime before but using new pokemon was the never the appeal for me. Ever since the later years of Gen3 (which apparently GF learned nothing from) I've have been breeding my team over into the next Gen, so I can experience the new region with my favorite pokemon. (with the team being updated if I really like a new pokemon) This news is utterly devastating for me, depending on whats in the Dex I might stop playing Pokemon. (except fan games)

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On 6/13/2019 at 10:32 AM, Youmu9 said:

I don't understand how any of these things are bad. Legendaries and Megas/Z-moves are horribly unbalanced. Honestly, i'm glad they are gone.

I’m personally kinda torn. Megas were an interesting idea that was horribly executed. Too many already powerful Pokemon were given megas to make them even better, Salamanca, Garchomp, T-Tar, Gengar, Metagross and all legendary megas all spring to mind.


Pokemon like the Kanto starters, Beedrill, Pidgeot, and Ampharos were fine since they suck and needed help to be decent. But can’t have one group without the other.


As for legendaries, kinda the same situation. Sure some of them are OP, but on the other hand Articuno.


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Sooo… when people ask how many Pokemon there are, do they just mean Pokemon names or do they also include the alternate forms? (Ex: Alolan forms, Mega Evolutions, Deoxys forms, Wormadamn forms, etc.) Because I just saw a video online that is very interesting.



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Honestly, their statement about doesn't seem like it's going to hold up. Someone on reddit did a bit of math, and while this is an estimate that'll be comfirmed later when the game is released- 



Let's take a look at Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire in particular. They had 721 Pokemon total with 48 mega evolutions. By /u/artistX100's estimation of 5MB per pokemon, that would be 3.845GB total just for the Pokemon. With the max 3DS cart size at 8GB, they'd be roughly have the Cart taken up by just Pokemon. Sounds pretty bad, right?

But that is NOT the case. I dumped Omega Ruby straight from my actual cart and the actual size of the game is 1.79GB. MUCH lower than the estimate from /u/artistX100.

So let's take a closer look at the actual Pokemon Models and Textures. There actually is a comprehensive data dump of all Models and Textures from XY to LGPE that can be found out there. Here is a screenshot from the database.

Let's look at ORAS first. The total size of the Model and Texture folders for the Pokemon is 348.1MB. That is about 453KB per Pokemon. That is roughly a TENTH of /u/artistX100's estimate.

Now let's look at LGPE. This folder has the models and textures in the same folder with a total of 127.1MB. LGPE had 153 pokemon in it as well as all Kanto Alolan Variants and Mega Evolutions. This comes out to about 831KB per pokemon. That is 1/20th of the 15MB that was estimated.


Now let's consider Sword and Shield. Let's say they are increasing the fidelity a tad. I'll be generous and say 1.5MB per Pokemon (twice the size per pokemon of LGPE.) I'm genuinely not sure if they've announced how many new Pokemon they're adding in Sword & Shield but let's say 86, just like Sun and Moon. With the current 812 + 86 making 878 pokemon. 1.5MB x 898 = 1.347GB. That can easily fit on one Switch cartridge with room to spare.

We'll have a confirmation on this later, but for the moment this is deeply concerning.


Also over on Smogon forums there's been plenty of discussion on Dynamaxing and Gigamaxing mechanics as well as the loss of Megas and Z-moves. It's quite damaging to the competitive community. There's also a lot of ideas going around that if neither Dynamaxing or even Gigamaxing require a held item, and that damages the integrity of competitive, as it's very much random. There was even talk of Showdown not updating beyond Gen 7. 

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On 6/14/2019 at 4:59 PM, wcv said:

I don't understand how any of these things are bad. Legendaries and Megas/Z-moves are horribly unbalanced. Honestly, i'm glad they are gone.

Not only did they give certain pokemon overlooked by competitive players like yourself a chance to shine, more importantly they were really fun to use. Also taking away innovation is never a good thing, you build on whats come before not get rid of it and thats just the megas and Z moves. Don't get me started on how Legendaries will not be the only pokemon cut.

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If they want to “balance” the metagame, there are ways they could do it without having some mons straight up not exist. In VGC for example, the first year in recent games has always been limited to the regional dex. They could choose to do something similar for online single battles. In fact I’m pretty sure ranked battles do always have some sort of restrictions. Their other excuse is wanting Pokémon to fit the region. I mean I personally fail to understand how Mew being in the regional dex makes sense in that case.


I really think they came to this decision just because they ran out of time and the workload was too much for them to meet their deadline, not because of any other reason they’re giving 

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Instead of dropping majority of the older pokemon I would like to see them to have a patch or a series of patching to allow them after elite four using something like PAL park, and implement something like the Smogoon tiers they have the technology to do so and it would keep them from having to ban certain pokemon. I honestly don't care for any of the gimicks except for maybe the alola form pokemon but in the end didn't care too much about those either. I would like them to do something similiar to gen four and expand on pokemon using evolutions to bring relevence back to some older but decent pokemon or just older pokemon in general like dunsparce

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4 hours ago, The Swordsman said:

Not only did they give certain pokemon overlooked by competitive players like yourself a chance to shine, more importantly they were really fun to use. Also taking away innovation is never a good thing, you build on whats come before not get rid of it and thats just the megas and Z moves. Don't get me started on how Legendaries will not be the only pokemon cut.

I wasn't the one who posted that.

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About Pokémon being cut out from Sword/Shield.....the reasons Nintendo gave us for why they are doing it are just complete and utter bs. You can't tell me that the company that owns one of THE most successful franchises in the history of gaming is not capable to handle things like models, textures and animations....


We know for a fact how large the file size of the models, textures and animations for the 3DS games and the Let`s Go Pikachu/Eevee games are, since there are people who extracted those files from the game catridges. We also know for a fact how much memory space there is on these catridges. And they are not even close to running out of space.

So why are Nintendo and Game Freak lying to us? Because they are lazy. The models are still up to date even for a modern high resolution game. There may be some room for improvement on the textures, but that should not be a big deal for the company that owns effin POKÉMON!

Animations? Rly? Don't get me started on that. The animations they have are fine. You don't need to invent the wheel again in every new game. They would only need new animations for the actual new stuff.


If they can't get these things done until the release date they already announced, they should just delay the relase a few months. Nobody would get mad if they delay the release so they can deliver the quality that people are expecting.


But hey, if you don't want to believe me, feel free to take it from someone who is an actual 3D animator:




And whats that about balance? WHAT balance? Single player balance? You can brain-afk your way through all of the game until you are champ.

Competetive balance? Isn't that what VGC was for? To balance fights by establishing rules that celarly state which Pokémon, items and moves are forbidden? Most competetive players are using smogon univerity rules anyway. So why not start from there by implementing similar rules into the game for competetive fights right away? You can always go "Everything goes" in non-competetive fights. (although some of those smogon rules are just a joke as well....evasion clause....pffffff.....best joke ever! It's so easy to counter evasion boosting Pokémon...)


Sorry for me ranting like a kid that didn't get its candy, but sometimes you gotta say whats on your mind.

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.................................. Hey ya'll.


I'm so late I can't believe. So can anyone explain why so many things happen when I'm busy? Then suddenly becomes deadass quiet when there's not? It's a conspiracy.


ANYWAYS!! Moving on. We had so many content the past few weeks it's not even funny. Finally had the time to catch up on all of them. There's a LOT. So I'm just going to post my thoughts about all the chaos that had transpired.


We have some really great news!!! Although there's that teeny weeny one..... we'll go on to that later.


I intend to compile everything we know, all in here. While doing so, I'll give a little bit of my own feedback.


Warning: Long a$$ ted thread ahead


So first off, I want to talk about the glimpses of Galar's different places we've seen.





Yes that's right I posted the last pic for Ame. I'm sorry to say Ame but you're worst nightmare came to life. Budew practiced capitalism and was able to form a company. The power that it has.


SO we didn't get to see so much of Galar but that's cool let's keep it that way. Leaves room for more exploration! What is up with that Dugtrio Cave I don't..


I especially love seeing that huge dragon castle which I'm guessing is the center of the region. It's just so BIG. The city on the third pic too. It gives off a feeling that each city, routes and town are gonna be larger than they seem on the map. That excites me!


Now for the FIRST time in the history of Pokemon...


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The Wild Area.


I wasn't really expecting this at all, so I'm really happy.


I have seen the gameplay in the wild area through the demos and I must say, it's not perfect. There's still that whole thing with using same USUM engine.     


HOWEVER, this is the first step!! We're getting closer to that ideal open world Pokemon we are dreaming about. It all takes time, and we're slowly getting there 😄 


Now let's take a look at the new characters!




It's no mistake that I put Sonia in the middle because yes that girlie is SMOKIN. I see that little twirling on your hair sis. She's killing it! 


So Sonia the region's prof's granddaughter and childhood friend of Leon. What do you think is her purpose in the game? To hold TIGHTLY to our hands gaddamit. Well, I HOPE she atleast battles us and pose a challenge. But that seems unlikely... she's still serving tho.


Now onto Professor Magnolia. I like the fact that we started with an old dude (Professor Oak) in Gen 1, now in SwSh the very first mainline game on switch (I consider let's go as a remake sorry), we start with an old woman now. It's just a nice slight detail.


Now Hop..... Leon's brother. Okay. I feel Hau vibes in him mixed with that feisty attitude Hugh has. He reminds me of Barry in a sense. 


The thing is with Hop, I had hopes. HOPES. But when I saw this..




............ why did he picked the weaker starter? I'm just sad.



Enter the gym leaders!!! With the CHAMPION holy cow.




EE-GAD. WHY ARE THEY ALL  SO GOODLOOKING? Individually I can say that they have some degree of hotness attractiveness on their whole design like... what even. People are really gushing over them 😂 the community's reaction to them is priceless.


I love all three of them! They all exude personality. Give credit where credit is due. Art team in GF did a good job on the characters. Visuals alone, they stand out compared to other gens.


Now Milo! Why is he so buff???? I'm guessing he a farmer so he probably eats spinach all day.. *cricket sounds*  But he seems like a fluffball too with that kiddy face of his. I like how that both compliment each other. A good combination. 


Nessa is just the QUEEN. BOW DOWN. I am on my knees as we speak. Best water gym leader hands down (sorry misty). She has bad bish energy all over her aura and I am all for it. Hit me with that dive ball Ms. Nessa!! 


So Leon..... how ya doin? Leon looks awesome honestly. I like how he was styled and the way he seems like the baddest guy in Galar. He has that charisma. Almost competing with Cynthia's with only that GAZE he has. 


Some are saying that he would is 100% a villain. Hmm. That would cool if he was. He looks the part too! Maybe he'll be like Lusamine and go ultimate psycho on us.


Now Leon had a Charizard, shown beside him in the trailer. That could only mean one thing, that Charizard is his ace. THIS fact just makes me believe on the credibility of Armor evos. That Charizard is going to have something, we betting on that.


Though it might be that his Charizard will have a Gigantimax form? Maybe. We'll look into that further down.


Now for the exciting part of them all.. THE NEW MONS!! Let's get it!!


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I just want to lay it all in the open right now. The best one out of all of them is CORVIKNIGHT and if you disagree then.. that's okay. We going ✈️ Corviknight enthusiast. But we are also here to stan IMPIDIMP. Impidimp gang rise up!!!


Let's go on to them one by one.


WOOLOO. Normal type and has the ability fluffy. It is 100000% CUTE but.... is it bad if I prefer Mareep more? No? Then good.


If it evolves to something like this..




It's getting dropped immediately.


Wooloo might be the first "rodent" of the region if I'm saying it correctly (i.e. Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, etc.).


Fluffy is a good ability to have, Though it will be wrecked by Scorbunny early on, I think its evo is gonna be good. I'm hoping for like a dark and enchanting goat type! That would be sick. I don't mind if it's cuteness fades away. Wooloo would be more unique.


GOSSIFLEUR and ELDEGOSS. Super like the name! Their designs really fit the Britain theme with them looking like royalties. 


When I first saw Eldegoss I immediately thought of Whimsicott, given that big cotton on their backs (though in Eldegoss' case I presume it's a Dandelion?) 


Both are pure grass-type with a brand new ability, cotton down. Cotton down reduces the speed of the mon that will hit both mons with ANY TYPE of move. That's clean!! If that ability affect both mons in double battles, that would be sick.


DREDNAW, water/rock type mon with the most obvious ability Strong Jaw. Drednaw already looks like a final evo, though it might be a secondary stage. 


I also feel like Drednaw would be the fossil mon (If they still hadn't discontinued fossil mons since Gen 7 had none). 


Overall, he's a big boy. Maybe 8/10.


CORVIKNIGHT. YES!!! YES!!  There is nothing more to say.


Corviknight is a mon that Batman would have. Also Raven in Teen Titans. 


Given its ability Pressure and steel/flying typing, I think it would be a bulky offensive mon.


My one hope for Corviknight is that I wish it will still have an evolution. It looks cool now but I bet it could become more awesome if he has one. In the gameplay at E3, I saw it holding an everstone so maybe that's a sign it will evolve. Hopefully, it will! 


YAMPER. Electric type with the ability Ball Fetch. Now in battles, Ball Fetch is pure trash. Yamper would be an adversary in catching/collecting mons though. If it has false swipe and thunder wave, then he would be my boy. He's confirmed to be a good boy.


Yamper could be Electric/Fairy given on how Corgi's are classified as magical creatures in England. ALSO, it has Play Rough in the demo. Hmmmm


I've always wondered on how Pokemon would represent a Corgi mon and with Yamper, they've nailed it. Yamper is cute as fvck. Queen Elizabeth would be proud. 


Now GF please make a Dolphin mon.


IMPIDIMP. We are out here for Impidimp!! I think it looks fine dawg. It got that whole troll-theme going on.


Dark/Fairy is FIRE. I loved my Delta Roserade in Pokemon Insurgence so with typing alone, we got a winner. 


Impidimp has Sucker Punch and Play Rough which means it would be a physical attacker. I think it would evolve into a joker/devil type of mon. We have all decided to STAN nonetheless!!


Now, let's introduce the legendaries for this gen, shall we?




....... Alright here are the real ones. These ones just made me laugh lmao 😂


Image result for zacianImage result for zamazenta


This might be an unpopular opinion but I love their color scheme. It's just right. I bet their shinies would look even better.


I like Zamazenta just as the same but bruh. Zacian is here holding a sword in it's mouth. I was straight up sold when I saw him.


I wish we could have seen their typings but just seeing them I guess is enough for now. Prediction!! Both will be Fighting/Steel.


We still one last mon to cover here!! Want to guess who it is?




The big chungus.


Peeps are speculating that this will be the Pikachu of this gen. Looking at that very blurred image of him at the first one, he kinda looks like patrat mixed with pachirisu. Well, WE WILL SEE.


Now that we are done with all the mons I just want to add this little pic right here:


Image result for galar starters


....... They are ADORABLE. They look so good in-game. I also want to say that I have...


... picked my starter 😄 


For Scorbunny....




Everybody seems to think that this will lead up to him being a fighting type. Well, maybe. There's still a chance it wouldn't. I mean I kind of expected him to have the kick moves (Double Kick, Hi Jump Kick) I still believe he will be Fire/Electric. Just a strong hunch.


Now, onto the star of the game.


The new mechanic.






I'll just summarize what I think about Dynamax.


Mega Evo > Dynamax > Z-moves - Visual/Appeal-wise in criteria. 


Dynamax > Z-moves > Mega evo - Competitive-wise in criteria.


Nothing still beats Mega Evolution for me. The idea was just really good and there are still so many things GF could've done with it. Unfortunately, they didn't. New gimmick in every gen is just eh, though I'm not a hater of Z-moves cause I actually like them.


The only thing I still don't like about it is that it was given to mons that didn't even really needed it. Now, mons like Gengar and Alakazam are a little bit understandable for me. I mean, they have to give the popular mons mega evos cause it makes sense from a marketing perspective. But... sigh. Giving two forms to Charizard AND Mewtwo?? C'mon. There's Dunsparce, Farfetch'd, Lumineon and Ledian and many more that needed that more than anyone. It just sucks. Still salty lol.


Anyways we're going off topic. Now DYNAMAX. When I first saw this, I think it was a little bit overboard. I had mixed feelings with it. Even now I'm still in the middle of yes/no.


I only say that it's good competitive-wise cause by looking at it, I don't think it would flood the metagame with more brokeness. 


A player will need the Dynamax band in order to Dynamax their Pokemon, but it's currently unknown if there is an item a Pokemon will need to hold.


Okay well that might be a problem. Let's not be scared though. Let's just pray..


I also want to say that I like how the pokeball gets larger when dynamaxing. It's cool.


Now let us talk about..




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Raid battles are a thing in Pokemon Go which I'm not very knowledgable about or not give a care at all. So I'm kind of good with it for now.


Raid battles encompass the whole Dynamax thing and I think that's what were they intending to do. They managed to integrate a Pokemon Go feature by implementing Dyanamax while making it a multiplayer asset at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone,

good move.


I especially loved this one.




If I would ask for one thing, it is that for Raid Battles to be hard. It's about forming strategies and using those tactics in battle so if they are all about that, make it challenging.


Steelix gaining that mysterious barrier when it reaches half hp, that is sooooo nice. In the gameplay, it seems to only take little by little damage and I love that (or just because Steelix is highly defensive well oop).


Lastly, I want to give credit both Rift Gyarados and Giant Steelix for making this happen. We all know they started the trend. Have to pay homage to the real mvps.


Now then,


I think I've covered everything in the trailer as of now.


Next up, we're going to shift our focus to that credible LEAK that 98% accurately depicted Sword and Shield.


Here it is.





He got about almost 90% right. That's both wow and creepy.


BEDE AND MARNIE. We have two more friends/rivals to face! That gives me a little nostalgic feeling inside because a trio of friends reminds me of Cheren and Bianca. I hope we get to bond with Bede and Marnie like with them in Gen 5 😄 


TEAM YELL. Okay. What kind of team name is that? Team Shout or Team Scream would be more fitting or something. Yell? Really.


It says that they are fans of Marnie. I'm guessing Marnie would be a girlie? Like a celebrity or some sort.


You have to get endorsements to take part in a gym challenge. That would be a nice side thing. Since gyms would be like a sports event thing, that's a nice touch 😄


ETERNATUS, the evil legendary. BEST NAME SO FAR. It's the mon that did the whole wind thing in the trailer with Zacian and Zamazenta I presume? If they are wolves, maybe Eterantus will be a bird-like mon. 


Eternatus is speculated to be the origin of the dynamax phenomenon. Let's see! I would like to see how Dynamax is explained in these games. Hopefully it'll have a good backstory.


GIGANTIMAXING. Now this one is just Mega evos but bigger. The Meowth one is a no no. Lapras with musical notes? Sure. Retro Fat Pikachu? Okay okay.


Sonia is Leon's former rival. It's already been confirmed that she is her childhood friend too. Being Leon's rival, it is now confirmed to that she a BAD bish. She's going to be formidable and that is A++++++


Farfetch'd will get a regional evolution...


Image result for scream pokemon reaction


OUT OF ALL OF THESE, THIS IS THE ONE I WANT TO BE TRUE THE MOST!! PLEASE!!! I just want irrelevant mons to get the spotlight they deserve. GF please, please please please.


And stop giving Meowth everything like seriously.


SKWOVET and GREEDUNT are the chipmunk mons. So we will get two? Kind of like Plusle and Minun then. Aight. Weird names though. Chungus would have been more fitting.


The gym leaders! Milo and Nessa are confirmed. Kabu and Opal are next in line. I like Opal already (reasons being, Steven Universe lol).


He stated Yamper as Pamper, which leads me to think that he saw an early stage of the games. Which means that some of these leaks might not be final. Okay good, but keep Farfetch'd's evolution. I am on my knees.


The Wild Area, Dynamax and Raid battles were spot on. I am really curious about those "league cards" tho and that pack of potatoes or somethin. Pokemon getting really weird each gen.


Camping is....


Image result for sobble tent


Confirmed. It sounds fun too. A nice replacement for Pokemon Refresh 😄 


Pokemon will not walk beside you in the overworld map. Well that's okay, maybe next time in Pokemon Gun.


Last ones!! The starter evos.


Scorbunny will be pure fire type with fighting type moves....... -_____________________- #Fire/Electricmovement


Sobble will have a spy theme evo. Okay. A crybaby turning into James Bond? How is that going to work. Well, let's see. Intelleon sounds nice tho.


Grookey will be end up being a giant gorilla. It was expected but I was hoping for something different. 


I'm still looking forward to their evos. I get a feeling that I'll be surprised.




Everything is pretty much covered.


This will be the last part.


The most controversial part of course.


I've only known about this recently and with news like that, I expected there would be an uproar. Indeed, there was.


Let's dive in.





Junichi Masuda, Producer: There are a couple of different parts to the thinking behind it, but really the biggest reason for it is just the sheer number of Pokemon. We already have well over 800 Pokemon species, and there's going to be more added in these games. And now that they're on the Nintendo Switch, we're creating it with much higher fidelity with higher quality animations. But even more than that, it's coming down to the battle system. We're making sure we can keep everything balanced and give all the Pokemon that appear in the games a chance to shine.

We knew at some point we weren't going to be able to indefinitely keep supporting all of the Pokemon, and we just found that Sword and Shield would probably be a good point to go back and reevaluate what would be the best selection of Pokemon that appeal to the widest audience while keeping into consideration the balance of the battle system. It isn't just going to be all-new Pokemon in the Galar region Pokedex; there's still going to be a lot of favorites that fans will be able to bring over that they've adventured with previously. But yeah, it was pretty much just balancing and getting this optimal selection of Pokemon for the adventure we wanted to provide.





Maybe I'll just make this short.


Their reasoning for not adding all the mons,


is just pure poop.


I mean, c'mon. For the sake of quality?



Everybody out here saying "It's normal to not use the final version of the game in the demo"........ okay sis. I really want to believe you and I really do. But I also believed that in SuMo and it ended up looking exactly the same.


This is the gist of all of this.


Delaying the game furthermore is OUT of the question. You know, because of all the things that come with it after. Anime, Merchandise, TCG, Movies and Mobile games. All of that must be met accordingly to a timeframe. 


That's why a game is released every year or every other year. It follows the flow of the business. That's how the franchise works.


So the inevitable happened, GF wasn't successful in meeting their deadline. Surprise surprise.


Does that make them innocent?


Course not.


There are so many factors that are in line with this predicament but it all just goes down to them not going for that extra mile anymore. 


Though do you remember when SwSh was announced to be slightly delayed way back in 2018? From being released early 2019 to late 2019? I think they did give a crap. Only a minor one sadly.


It's okay if it was just something like graphics or what not. But no, this is just something unprecedented and uncalled for. Not having all the mons is just........ ???????


The Switch is powerful enough to handle ALL they want and need. There's no excuse in that. I understand the reason they gave and why they said it, but it's complete BS and that's the truth. 


For me personally, I'm not that affected by it because I'm one of those "playing the game for fun and enjoying the ride" type of human being.


But for those who dedicated most of their time breeding, shaping and caring their mons from previous games, that shit hurt and I feel for those people.


They've done that out of sheer dedication and then suddenly news like this breaks out, how would you react?


Some fans were out of line obviously with all the death threats, attacking people with opinions and other content creators and everything. Seriously, stop being trash.


The backlash to GF and Nintendo though? 100% deserve. Like, long overdue honestly. They've been doing the same mistakes for a long time and now they are finally paying for it. I don't see it as a punishment, I see it as a wake-up call for them to finally step up.


I feel like this was also intentional though.


I've read an interview where Masuda stated that this is the new direction that Gamefreak will also be doing for the future games. Not adding every mon but only the fitting mons for that respective game.


I still don't know if this is part of an excuse or not but if it is, then welp. 


I mean if you think about it, what's the purpose of HOME then? Maybe their intention with HOME is that it would be a standalone gaming hub for the previous mons that cannot be in the future games.


Expanding it further, TPC is focusing more on mobile now. Pokemon HOME may as well be the start of that direction. By not having every mon in SwSh and putting them in HOME, it will gain more attention. 


Pokemon fans would actually download the app and pay for in-app purchases. It kinda makes sense.


This is saying if it is intentional or not. Catching them all is the core part of Pokemon, so them getting rid of that doesn't really line up. Unless it was for a reason that is needed business-wise. 








I think I've said enough.


It kinda took my whole day off to write this lol but I'm glad I got to share my thoughts with all of you.


I just want to pass on one more thing.


If you still choose to be a part of Pokemon and everything that comes with it, then you should've known by now.


We just can't have expectations.


Accept the fact that the TPC will only cater to business, not the games.


Accept that not everything you want Pokemon to be will happen, it's only mindless dreaming.


Accept that the future games will never be perfect as you would hope. 


Have ZERO expectations.


That way, you won't get disappointed. THAT way, you'll appreciate every little good thing they will do.


It's your choice to be a part of this community. I mean, I'm here solely for the deep love I have for this thing. Pokemon is a part of me and it'll always make me happy.


The same doesn't go for everyone.


Just don't be a dick. That's all I'm saying.


Enjoy the stuff we got and stop being babies.


Let's all play SwSh with a smile in November. Can we do that? Good. 🙂


Okay that's it. Nothing more.


If you've read through all of this,




I appreciate it though 😄 

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@Maqqy I agree with everything you said in your post but I just have 2 things to say.

1. Why is everyone SO in love with Corviknight? Lol. I mean it looks cool but... It just looks like an evolved form of Skarmory. Not saying it is btw.

2. If you look closely at the screen where you're battling Hop (Btw, seriously? Hop? What kind of name is that?) if you notice the amount of Pokemon he has, there's 2 PokeBalls and 1 of them is grayed out which means that 1 of them is fainted. A lot of people are speculating that since his brother is the champion, he gets both of the starters.

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8 hours ago, Maqqy said:

Let's all play SwSh with a smile in November. Can we do that? Good. 🙂

I mostly agree with everything you said but I can't do this. My favorite pokemon are deal breakers, if by some miracle all 6 of them is in and I get the game as a result, my experience will still be brought down by this decision.

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1 hour ago, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

2. If you look closely at the screen where you're battling Hop (Btw, seriously? Hop? What kind of name is that?) if you notice the amount of Pokemon he has, there's 2 PokeBalls and 1 of them is grayed out which means that 1 of them is fainted. A lot of people are speculating that since his brother is the champion, he gets both of the starters.

Why would Hop receive two starter Pokemon? Just because his brother is the champion doesn't mean he'd get two of them -_-

Don't be greedy Hop...

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9 hours ago, Maqqy said:

So Leon..... how ya doin? Leon looks awesome honestly. I like how he was styled and the way he seems like the baddest guy in Galar. He has that charisma. Almost competing with Cynthia's with only that GAZE he has. 

He's good, but let's see if he's Alder level before trying to measure up to the true champion


9 hours ago, Maqqy said:

Now Leon had a Charizard, shown beside him in the trailer. That could only mean one thing, that Charizard is his ace. THIS fact just makes me believe on the credibility of Armor evos. That Charizard is going to have something, we betting on that.

Either way, this does reek of gen 1 pandering.......again.  I'm almost embarrassed to admit I started during Gen 1 because of how much they keep harping on it.  I get that it makes money, but after Let's Go side game they've maxed out on how much could be called reasonable.


9 hours ago, Maqqy said:

Dynamax > Z-moves > Mega evo - Competitive-wise in criteria.

Are you rating it top because of it's presumed splashability?  We don't have all the info yet, so maybe it and Gigamaxing will have a yet unseen downside?


9 hours ago, Maqqy said:

Let's all play SwSh with a smile in November. Can we do that?

Maybe the new mons and features will be enough to make up for everything lost or maybe not.  If I was planning on getting this game, I would definitely need to see more before committing actual money to a product.   Unless they really screw up, it wouldn't be the complete hard pass that the Let's Go side games were.  They've still got months to reveal more so people can make their decisions on this one.

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1 hour ago, SilverAngelus said:

Why would Hop receive two starter Pokemon? Just because his brother is the champion doesn't mean he'd get two of them -_-

Don't be greedy Hop...

Idk but I honestly wouldn't be against it. At least none of the Pokemon would be left behind then.

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2 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

Why would Hop receive two starter Pokemon? Just because his brother is the champion doesn't mean he'd get two of them -_-

Don't be greedy Hop...

59 minutes ago, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

Idk but I honestly wouldn't be against it. At least none of the Pokemon would be left behind then.

It would definitely be an interesting change at least.  Also, I couldn't help buy try to make @SilverAngelus's post into a 'Gee Bill' meme, but you'll have to excuse my non-existent editing skills.




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