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xDDDDDDDDDD new trend (old trend with a better topic name really i think)

please don't let this be a new trend i will delete this topic the moment it becomes a trend so nobody can blame me

I'm actually not totally doing this to steal Jelly's thunder or anything, i have plenty of thunder to go around (MAXIMUM THOR)

just when i feel like i mess up something fierce i like answering questions (remember when myspace (surveys were popular?))

it lets me pretend im social for a few minutes

so yeah

..this is probably a bad idea, and im sorry.

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Where did you get your name?

Why did you choose said name?

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite animal?

Favourite Pokemon?

Best team?

Favourite Tier?

Do you play the Reborn Game?

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

If you loaded up Majora's Mask and saw a save file named BEN, what would you do?

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Once upon a time I had my own forum, where Ikaru and a few other friends of mine fucked around and rp'd. One of my characters names was Yoshikuni, the another rp happened and the naming scheme for it was reversing names, I took one of Ikaru's names (rather, Ikaru itself) and turned it into Uraki (which is the coolest sounding shit) and reversed Yoshikuni to make well.. some jumbled shit that I changed around a bit to turn into Inukisho, and then later to Inuki. He eventually became my main character of life.


Favorite animal is pretty tough. Probably barn swallows, though. Anything cute applies pretty much.


Litwick, Porygon2, Xerneas, and Ambipom are all high candidates

Best Team.. Fak idk, I only have 1 team on this computer but i think the best ever was Hailstream (aka Hail and Sandstorm) in gen 4 back when weather wasn't predominate. It featured a level 1 cleffa with magic guard that killed 3 pokemon in one battle once. was 10/10. Ikaru actually made the team irl for me for my birthday. (I used it to beat him in PBR and im not sorry)

I don't really have preferrence for tiers but i do quite enjoy uber battles though i rarely ever partake in them (Xerneas pls)

I play the reborn game! It's wonderful and Golem is the best

3 Wishes.


how many rules are there on these wishes

and how clever is the wish giver

ok so im gonna try to be not selfish with these wishes just because getting the girl i want to love me is a feat beyond wishing and any other answer would be far too generic (as well as the former)

1. I wish that humans (responsible humans) learned the secrets to travelling faster than light (without reprocussions like time dilation), which we could use to explore other galaxies and perhaps be the ones to land on a planet with intelligent peaceful life. (Or intelligent war-crazy life whichever we can go faster than light im over it)

2. I wish religion would be either confirmed or denied with 100% proof. I don't mind which one, I'd just like all of the arguing on a world scale to stop because it's really dumb.

3. Wait.. 3 wishes.... HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED?????????????????? I WISH

I'd wonder how Edge hacked my computer


Why not


br hue where b = 1 and r = ∞

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Favorite game? fak.


ok that's actually really hard i mean I wanna be the Guy and any subsequent fangames i've played are definitely qualifiers, Also KHR: Flame Rumble XX is funstuff, anything pokemon related.. League's ok i guess, so yeah that'll do

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I personally prefer Brawl just because it's the only game I've been able to play with other people, I've only played Melee against a few people at a brawl tournament once. (I didn't lose a game tho lel)

As for best characters in Brawl, Pikachu would definitely be the first, probably followed by G&W and Falco

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As a pikachu, do you feel even at a slight disadvantage when fighting against Lucas?

Which sets 3 pokemon would you choose for hypothetical new pokemon trainers in SSB? (popular example: mudkip, grovile, blaziken)

Have you ever come across any crossovers that were particularly interesting to you?

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Lucas? Not that I really know of.. though I've also never really played against a good lucas before, so I don't know. I know him well enough to where i don't think he would be too much of a problem, and it's a +2 matchup competitively.

Probably Snivy, Dewott, Emboar, due to how I feel they would fight. (I would <3 Dewott to death)

Crossovers? None that I can really think off the top of my head..

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Eh, the ending lag if you absorb a thunder is pretty punishable and you can't absorb thunder2, plus if I was playing against lucas you wouldn't spam thunder, or rather, you shouldn't spam thunder ever lel

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Eh, the ending lag if you absorb a thunder is pretty punishable and you can't absorb thunder2, plus if I was playing against lucas you wouldn't spam thunder, or rather, you shouldn't spam thunder ever lel

It's just second nature for pikachus to thunder when characters are recovering to the stage but are still pretty high in the air. Even my buddy who mained pikachu for the longest time would do it often enough without thinking.

What 3 rpg character archetypes/classes do you feel fit you the best?

Do you have a wiiU? Or do you plan to get one under certain conditions?

What do you think Kiozo's signature is telling you to deal with?

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I'd be super impressed if you magnet boosted into a thunder and ruined my day that would just be the best fucking thing. I wanna see that happen now


I definitely plan to get a WiiU if nothing but for Smash 4, but in general I like nintendo system anyway, and would eventually get one regardless. (I've actually never owned anything other than a nintendo console just due to the fact that my mom doesn't like xbox or ps2, and I'm pretty sad that I've missed out on ps2 :c)

RPG Character thingies

1. To best fit my personality, I'd probably be a paladin, or cleric, depending on how you view it. Either soaking up damage and healing those who i care about, or trying to make everything better whilist staying back at a distance. (except i'd have like 5 sp because i fucking suck at it)

2. A Thief, I hate adversity and would like what i have to deal with to be at a minimum. Plus thieves are usually kinda antisocial and 2dark&edgy, and that's unfortunately the persona i usually end up putting out... without the dark and edgy part.

3. Mage, Lightning preferred. I like tons of damage i like lightning fuck yeah lightning

It could be telling me to deal with a LOT OF THINGS, and I could really use that because i tend to not deal with a LOT OF THINGS

..but in the context its in its probably just me losing ranked because im bad

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