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How powerful will it be ?


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So, it seems that we are going to fight pulse arceus in the final episode. I'm trying to figure out it's stat distribution and it's typing


My guess is that it's gonna gain 30 in each stat so it will have 150 across the board as for the typing i have no clue. Ame could go the insurgence route and give it all 18 types. But that would be predictable if you ask me. Or maybe it will gain a new ability that allows it to change judgment into any type.


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I´ll just grab my prankster Murkrow with perish song from my box or my Mimikyu with disguise and destiny bond and suddenly it won´t look scary anymore, no matter what. But to stay on topic: I doubt Reborn will introduce a custom ability like Insurgence did (off topic: I really enjoyed primal Giratina so much more. Arceus kinda sucked). But even already existing abilites (wonder guard) could make it quite threatening. I´m not sure if anyone bothered to calculate the base stats of the PULSE opponents we´ve seen so far, but +30 for Arceus seems reasonable.

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I don't think Ame would go into taking Insurgence route, to my opinion, Reborn is harder. As for ARC-Pulse. It will definetily be harder than Dittoceus. New World amplifies Judgement, and 150 on every stat could be thinkable. 900 BST, its Ability as Multitype coudl allow it to randomize its type every turn?. But, I would personally think on her Hydreigon before ARC-Pulse.

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18 minutes ago, Destrakon said:

I don't think Ame would go into taking Insurgence route, to my opinion, Reborn is harder. As for ARC-Pulse. It will definetily be harder than Dittoceus. New World amplifies Judgement, and 150 on every stat could be thinkable. 900 BST, its Ability as Multitype coudl allow it to randomize its type every turn?. But, I would personally think on her Hydreigon before ARC-Pulse.

Knowing how cold and heartless Lin can be, i wouldn't put it past her if she did that to her Hydreigon.

I wonder if that Arceus is the Baby Arceus, Terra mentioned in the past.

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25 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

the bigger question is how do we combat it. nothing is surviving those stats and nothing short of deoxys speed is outrunning it (unless we get the choice scarf finally) prankster + screens/thunder wave is all i can think of. 

Another concept i thought of:

What if the whole battle boils down to a countdown. You have a certain amount of turns to defeat it, and if you fail to do that it will gain a massive boost from the field which is basically an auto L

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47 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

the bigger question is how do we combat it. nothing is surviving those stats and nothing short of deoxys speed is outrunning it (unless we get the choice scarf finally) prankster + screens/thunder wave is all i can think of. 

Chice Scarf is obtainable by doing some trick on Agate Circus's Clown Indra, iirc, it is thief+fling+recycle on something that have holding choice scarf. T-wave and screens is to readable, I think Ame will hax us with ARC-Pulse to be somethin more challenging, maybe giving ARC-Pulse an ability that prevents any kind of status?


20 minutes ago, HakuryuYukio said:

Another concept i thought of:

What if the whole battle boils down to a countdown. You have a certain amount of turns to defeat it, and if you fail to do that it will gain a massive boost from the field which is basically an auto L

That will prevent the player to beat ARC-Pulse with Toxic and such that drains/loose Hp at end of every turn. To force to beat it with brute force probably. 

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14 minutes ago, Destrakon said:

Chice Scarf is obtainable by doing some trick on Agate Circus's Clown Indra, iirc, it is thief+fling+recycle on something that have holding choice scarf. T-wave and screens is to readable, I think Ame will hax us with ARC-Pulse to be somethin more challenging, maybe giving ARC-Pulse an ability that prevents any kind of status?




yeah i know. ive done it in past playthroughs, but i meant "Legitimately" (i mean its technically legit but its also a bug)

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15 hours ago, MachoPony said:

the bigger question is how do we combat it. nothing is surviving those stats and nothing short of deoxys speed is outrunning it (unless we get the choice scarf finally) prankster + screens/thunder wave is all i can think of. 

- destiny bond (mimikyu with disquise can always use it before it dies)

- perish song (murkrow with prankster)

- curse (cofagrigus is bulky enough to live a hit)

- focus sash + endeavor to bring him to 1HP

- sheer cold, fissure, etc.

- And lastly: 150 isn´t as high as you might think. Offensively that´s Mega-Swampert level, so you can definitely live hits. 150/150/150 bulk is incredible though.

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1 hour ago, LilyX said:

- destiny bond (mimikyu with disquise can always use it before it dies)

- perish song (murkrow with prankster)

- curse (cofagrigus is bulky enough to live a hit)

- focus sash + endeavor to bring him to 1HP

- sheer cold, fissure, etc.

- And lastly: 150 isn´t as high as you might think. Offensively that´s Mega-Swampert level, so you can definitely live hits. 150/150/150 bulk is incredible though.

What if the only way to defeat it, is to use our own legendary pokemon ?

I can imagine it being like this: Before the battle begins, Arceus and Lin give you the opportunity to find and catch your own Legendary. All legendary Pokemon who have a BST of 680 or higher will scatter across the reborn region. You are only allowed to catch and use one because once you caught your pick, the others will disappear and won't come back until postgame. And your Legendary Pokemon is the one who has to deal the knockout blow to Pulse Arceus.

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1 hour ago, HakuryuYukio said:

What if the only way to defeat it, is to use our own legendary pokemon ?

I can imagine it being like this: Before the battle begins, Arceus and Lin give you the opportunity to find and catch your own Legendary. All legendary Pokemon who have a BST of 680 or higher will scatter across the reborn region. You are only allowed to catch and use one because once you caught your pick, the others will disappear and won't come back until postgame. And your Legendary Pokemon is the one who has to deal the knockout blow to Pulse Arceus.

That would make things harder. But even then you can be cheeky and use perish song arceus or toxic-stall it with giratina/lugia. However, I actually doubt we will be limited in this way. As far as I remember there wasn´t a single fight where our team choice was limited for story purposes. Or was there and I´m missing it?

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I personally think that there is no legendary who can handle a 6 pokemon team. Especially if you have access to everything in the game. This probably gives us two possibilities:


Either Arc-pulse is a part of Lin's team (option that I see as unlikely), either the battle is just the apex of some gauntlet battles, meaning you have to challenge him after battling Lin or someone else without the possibility to recharge or change pokemons

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17 minutes ago, LilyX said:

That would make things harder. But even then you can be cheeky and use perish song arceus or toxic-stall it with giratina/lugia. However, I actually doubt we will be limited in this way. As far as I remember there wasn´t a single fight where our team choice was limited for story purposes. Or was there and I´m missing it?

Also true. But it really depends on what Stats and ability that broken arceus will have. Worst case scenario, it will have even higher stats and magic bounce

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So, since I was very bored I did some math (actually I used google sheets).

The average pulses BST is 370 points higher than the BST of the non-pulse mon.

If Pulse-Arceus follows this pattern, its BST would be 1090.

Now, let's assume it keeps its even stat distribution.

This'd leave us with a base stat of ~180 across the board.

In reality this probably won't happen (at least I hope so), but it should give you a rough idea of what levels of power a Pulse-Arceus could reach.

If anyone is interested in the pulse base stats and a comparison to the non-pulse Pokémon, here's the link. (Feel free to PM me if you notice any mistakes)

Fun Fact: On average pulses are slightly slower than the non-pulse variant.

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3 hours ago, TheTGU said:


Fun Fact: On average pulses are slightly slower than the non-pulse variant.

Which is consistent with the fact that they're hooked up to stationary PULSEs

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Actually, I need to correct myself: The average pulses' BST is 238 points higher. Speed is still usually lowered, HP changes only on avalugg, attack usually doesn't change and special attack and both defenses are raised.

Taking this into consideration I think Pulse-Arceus' base stats would look something like this:

120 HP | 120 Attack | 200 Defense | 170 Special Attack | 200 Special Defense | 100 Speed

BST: 910 | 190 higher than Arceus

This'd actually be a lower boost than pulses usually get, but Arceus already has high stats and a BST slightly higher than pulses usually have.

Speed being lowered makes sense for two reasons:

First of, it is really bulky and has a high special attack. If it kept its 120 base speed or got an even higher speed it'd outspeed and 1-hit ko almost every opponent, leaving only "cheesy" strats as viable options. (At least unless you get access to choice scarf by then, but then you still only have one party member that can outspeed it.)

Secondly, there's still the hooked to a pulse thing that kithas mentioned.


So, what do you think of these base stats? Do they seem realistic?

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But increasing Spd too much would reduce the PULSE to "undefeatable unless taking it by absolute means" like it was a puzzle (Destiny Bond, Pranksters, Perish Song...)

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20 hours ago, kithas said:

But increasing Spd too much would reduce the PULSE to "undefeatable unless taking it by absolute means" like it was a puzzle (Destiny Bond, Pranksters, Perish Song...)

And for that reason I really doubt Arceus' base speed will be increased. 120 is already really fast, especially since we can't use a choice scarf yet and don't have access to legendaries besides Naganadel and Phione. (The latter of which wouldn't outspeed it)

You can bet that it'll have 252 Speed EVs and 31 Speed IVs, possibly a +speed nature.

I'd say that most players won't have anything on their team that can outspeed even base Arceus.

If pulse Arceus were to gain just 10 base speed then there'd only be 6 megas and 3 normal Pokémon left that could outspeed it. (Not counting legendaries, Ash-Greninja and speed-ties)


So, to put it simply: Unless Arceus doesn't get an offensive boost, I highly doubt it'll not have its base speed lowered.

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13 minutes ago, TheTGU said:

And for that reason I really doubt Arceus' base speed will be increased. 120 is already really fast, especially since we can't use a choice scarf yet and don't have access to legendaries besides Naganadel and Phione. (The latter of which wouldn't outspeed it)

You can bet that it'll have 252 Speed EVs and 31 Speed IVs, possibly a +speed nature.

I'd say that most players won't have anything on their team that can outspeed even base Arceus.

If pulse Arceus were to gain just 10 base speed then there'd only be 6 megas and 3 normal Pokémon left that could outspeed it. (Not counting legendaries, Ash-Greninja and speed-ties)


So, to put it simply: Unless Arceus doesn't get an offensive boost, I highly doubt it'll not have its base speed lowered.

Choice scarf is available actually, although the legitimacy is questionable(have to be able to use thief/covet->fling->recycle to steal trainer items).


Anyways, who knows how strong it'll be. At this point in the game, there's so many options avaiable and it really makes it a challenge to amp up the difficulty without forcing specific sets, items and pokemon to be used. 

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