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How powerful will it be ?


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19 minutes ago, kithas said:

The funny thing will be if it has Double Hit or Dual chop, or any multi-strike move to bypass Focus Sash/Band or Sturdy.

That or status, but it might not be necessary if it's the stuck at the end of a gauntlet that's challenging enough to force people to bring competent teams(and not waste a slot on their team on a F.E.A.R.)

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25 minutes ago, kithas said:

Well, status (or weather, or similar resources) would also use up a turn in which the FEAR/Sturdymon would be able to do the thing.

FEAR doesn't work like that. The majority of FEAR users require being damaged with an attacking move and dropped to 1 hp(holding on with sash or sturdy)so they can Endeavor the opponent down to 1 hp in return, then use priority to take it out. 


Toxic or even normal poison alone and not attacking destroys the majority of fear mons. Priority like extreme speed also ruins them as well. The only fear mons really capable of doing anything without being attacked are Nosepass and Sawk, who basically Toxic, live with sturdy, berry juice up to full to renew sturdy and spam pain split after that, and Taunt would destroy those. These would probably be the only usable F.E.A.R. mons if Pulse Arceus carries status and has the AI to understand to use it on extremely low leveled mons.


It doesn't really matter anyways, there's so many gimmicks out there to begin such as destiny bond or perish song. 

Edited by Vinnie
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