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[E19] Pyrolusitium Z2 v2.3b - A Pokémon Reborn UI overhaul, now with 100% more actual overhauling !


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Another update ! A new custom shiny (Empoleon), a rework of the bag UI, a new Pokegear theme, and some little changes here and there.

I don't know if the new shiny will stay, it was an one-off thing for the lulz. If it doesn't fit I'll remove it.


EDIT : I just noticed that the shade of purple used for the amethyst theme was too dark for the jukebox menu, will fix next update.

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  • 4 weeks later...

New update, was finally able to make an Imgur album again, so everything is there. New additions include a complete rework of the Pokemon information windows, custom shiny tweaks, and a fix for the purple theme pokenav jukebox.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

v1.5 update :


Custom shinies are now opt-in.

I'm well aware that my spritework is a mixed bag, so if you don't want them, you'll be relieved to know you don't have to manually remove them after every update.

If you do enjoy them, they are available in the Bonus Content folder.


I had a good chuckle reading the reactions of some people, unaware that my stuff changed some shinies, but I guess it's better this way for the end user.

It won't stop me from working on them or making more though, because I like all of them.


SWM support is now opt-out. If you use (or want to use) SWM Modular Modpack, install it first, then my pack.

If you don't, SWM will overwrite my content for it, and you'll have to do everything manually like before.


- Finished the Clefable custom shiny (that wasn't supposed to be in yet because no backsprite).

- Small improvements to the Milotic custom shiny.

- Probably some other things I forgot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great stuff! I was thoroughly pleased with the UI changes, especially within the battle interface. The Pokegear Amethyst version gave me VA-11 Hall-A vibes which was a welcomed surprise as well. Will be looking forward to future updates of your texture pack.

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  On 12/8/2019 at 5:09 PM, Souizen said:

Great stuff! I was thoroughly pleased with the UI changes, especially within the battle interface. The Pokegear Amethyst version gave me VA-11 Hall-A vibes which was a welcomed surprise as well. Will be looking forward to future updates of your texture pack.


Glad you're enjoying my pack ! I'm actually planning on extending the bonus themes to the newly added trainer cards, so if you like that theme, there's more coming.

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Little update with some improvements :

- New iteration for the trainer card ("neutral" by default, "team meteor" in bonus content)

- New battle status display

- Minor changes to the battle bar

- Trainer cards for Cobalt & Amethyst themes, but they are based on the old variant


Currently planning on renaming the "Cobalt" theme into "Sapphire", and make small changes accordingly (new pokegear gem, some color tweaks).

That and upgrading the themed trainer cards to the new variant I came up with.


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Amazing pack, love the Amethyst version, though I wonder if for future updates you could put the modified/new images in another folder, so it would be easier to update the texture pack if we have made some changes ourselves to some files? Thanks and I'll be looking forward to future updates (especially that new trainer card in an Amethyst version :D)

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  On 12/17/2019 at 8:12 PM, Perkunos said:

Amazing pack, love the Amethyst version, though I wonder if for future updates you could put the modified/new images in another folder, so it would be easier to update the texture pack if we have made some changes ourselves to some files? Thanks and I'll be looking forward to future updates (especially that new trainer card in an Amethyst version :D)


Thank you ! 


Concerning your suggestion, I won't do that, because that would make it confusing for new users.

What I can do, however, is mention in the changelog which files I updated.

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  • 1 month later...

New update !


- Last iteration for the default, amethyst and sapphire theme trainer cards [trainercard.png]

- Steel icon tweak (Battle buttons + box background) [box13.png, battleFightButtons.png]

- New battle command buttons [battleCommandButtons.png]


Concerning the new battle command buttons, there's a variant with a sword instead of an explosion-thing, in Bonus Content/Misc.


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  • 2 months later...

Hey there.


For those of you who aren't aware, I started a variant of my texture pack called "PZ Rejuvenated", that I "stealthily" released in a very-WIP state here.

I just updated it, now with Summary UI alongside Battle UI tweaks.


Also fixed a biiig oversight in the PZ Summary UI, I don't know why I didn't notice it until now.


Below some screens of what to expect from PZ Rejuvenated  :

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PZ v1.11 :


- Updated the online UI stuff

- Removed the trainer card background logo

- Small improvements to the "party ball"

(changes on : tradebackground, tradebottom, onlinewaiting, partyBall, partyBallSel, trainer card)


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I hadn't checked for any updates here in a long time, so I gotta say: the new trainer cards look incredible!


I'm using the Sapphire & Amethyst versions as the male & female trainer cards in my own fangame (though I'll have to modify the badge section since my game only goes up to 16 badges)


You're already listed in my credits section, too 🙂

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there,


Some new stuff for you Rejuv enthusiasts out there, available in v0.3 right now :

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Also, I was supposed to bundle the PZR update with some Reborn stuff but it's taking a bit longer than expected, here's a sneak peek :

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi !


Made some changes to PZR in v0.4 (BattleUI, Party UI ball) which are now available ! Also updated the screenshots album, including the new stuff.


Still working on PZ boxes, and I'm going for something more detailed so... it's taking more time. Sneak peak :

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Updated PZR (Battle UI again, Summary UI tweaks, trainer card !) and updated the screenshots album as well.

EDIT : I kinda forgot to mention it, but it has SWM support now (box multi-select, item finder, type display, stats changes) !

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Updated PZ, now compatible with the new engine/executable ! Boxes are still not done yet, so you will see inconsistencies between backgrounds, but I had to at least push a fix for Game-z.exe.
Some tweaks to the battle bars has been done in the process.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/20/2020 at 11:35 PM, Gastronely said:

I know it says [18.3], but is there a chance of this mod working on 18.4?


well 18.4 only differs in one line in the script from 18.3, and this mod doesn't change the script since it is a purely optical change, so it definitely should be compatible

Edited by Edo
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