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[E19] Pyrolusitium Z2 v2.3b - A Pokémon Reborn UI overhaul, now with 100% more actual overhauling !


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1 hour ago, P-Seven said:
Hello! Tried to download custom shiny, but mediafire redirects to "Generating new download key" page and endlessly loading. Can you do something about this or is it a bug related to my place of residence (russia)?

P.s. - Sorry for bad English! I used Google translator - it's easier for me to understand English than to write in it.


Copying the file or reuploading it doesn't seem to solve that, probably a temporary server issue, give it some time.

If it's not fixed in a few days I'll try to host it somewhere else.


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On 12.12.2022 at 20:12, Pyrolusite said:


Копирование файла или его повторная загрузка, похоже, не решают эту проблему, возможно, это временная проблема с сервером, дайте ей время.

Если это не будет исправлено в течение нескольких дней, я попытаюсь разместить его в другом месте.


Still not working. I dont think that anything will change in the future.

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On 12/13/2022 at 8:48 PM, P-Seven said:

Still not working. I dont think that anything will change in the future.


It indeed did not fix it, and worse, deleting the file and reuploading it with another suffix caused the same problem for some absurd reason.

Should be fixed now.


On 12/14/2022 at 7:00 AM, Guil W. said:

im assuming what you mean by gen 8 mod, you're talking about Eeveelution reborn, right?


Yep the Eeveelution one, though I read that they are now compatible except for specific cases that are being worked on, so I'm going to remove that warning now.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I'm not 100% sure this mod is causing the crash, but I don't have any other mods installed aside from a few SWM mods and Radiation Reborn. I don't remember it crashing with RR, and none of the SWM mods I have affect the pokedex. Even tried removing the SWM mods but it still crashed.

Basically, whenever I try to open the pokedex, the game crashes.

If it's not your mod causing this, then I apologize for the assumption.

Screenshot (119).png


Edited by Bronostopical552
added relevant information
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13 hours ago, Bronostopical552 said:

Hello, I'm not 100% sure this mod is causing the crash, but I don't have any other mods installed aside from a few SWM mods and Radiation Reborn. I don't remember it crashing with RR, and none of the SWM mods I have affect the pokedex. Even tried removing the SWM mods but it still crashed.

Basically, whenever I try to open the pokedex, the game crashes.

If it's not your mod causing this, then I apologize for the assumption.

Screenshot (119).png

errorlog.txt 2.25 kB · 0 downloads

My mod doesn't change Pokedex code yet. If you don't see a single mention of my .rb files in the log, it's not me.

Check if you properly installed your mods, this looks like a crash when trying to load actual pokedex data (pokemon list I assume ?).

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  • 2 weeks later...

happens Everytime i try to open the game and the screen remains black after pressing enter key 2 times this crash occurs. I tried opening with no save file then there was no crash  but screen still was black and some texts would show only.i then opened another folder with no PZ2 and my save file then the game worked perfectly.


Screenshot 2023-02-21 110724.png

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13 hours ago, Sapnai said:

happens Everytime i try to open the game and the screen remains black after pressing enter key 2 times this crash occurs. I tried opening with no save file then there was no crash  but screen still was black and some texts would show only.i then opened another folder with no PZ2 and my save file then the game worked perfectly.


Screenshot 2023-02-21 110724.png

Already answered on Discord, but reiterating here just in case :

If it happens to someone else let me know, but the only changes I did when overloading that function was later in the script (hard coded offset changes), and it's crashing earlier. It seems to be crashing the moment the game tries to interact with player sprites, and I'm not touching that, so I'm going to assume it's a faulty game and/or mod installation.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hey,  iˈm using speech/menu frame 11 (black bg), when I buy thing from the pokemart the text color change to grey and when buy from vending machine, the money text box is just empty.

Edited by khinn
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  • 2 months later...
On 3/16/2023 at 5:58 PM, khinn said:

hey,  iˈm using speech/menu frame 11 (black bg), when I buy thing from the pokemart the text color change to grey and when buy from vending machine, the money text box is just empty.


I've always used frame 11 and I don't recall ever having this problem, but I'll investigate just in case.


On 6/2/2023 at 1:59 PM, Transcend said:

Installed the mod. My problem now is that changing the screen from default to a larger one ends up in a black screen. 
Reverting it back to default (medium?) fixes it up. 


Not happening to me, no black screen for all screen sizes covered in the options menu. Are you sure you're not having that problem with a non-modded version as well ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

- Updated Reatomized compat so that you guys don't have to replace a file by another for some type displays

- Updated custom shinies with a new entry : Golisopod ! The default Reborn shiny was shipped with v1.5 for some reason (which is not mine) and I decided to fix this by making my own.



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  • 3 months later...
On 10/18/2023 at 9:06 AM, EasyOne said:

Not updated for E19, not needed anyway because stats are shown since E19, and won't provide links to the old compatibility patch until this mod is updated.

Also compatibility problems are likely to happen, given I'm now also altering ui related code in the full version.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/2/2019 at 8:36 AM, Pyrolusite said:

Pyrolusitium-Z2 is an UI overhaul for Reborn, with a tech aesthetic.


Type in battle is from SWM modular modpack.

This is NOT bundled into this mod, I'm just using (and providing) new assets for it that fits my mod better.



Thanks in advance.



- Updated Reatomized compat so that you guys don't have to replace a file by another for some type displays

- Updated custom shinies with a new entry : Golisopod ! The default Reborn shiny was shipped with v1.5 for some reason (which is not mine) and I decided to fix this by making my own.








Pyrolusitium Z2 v2.3b - FULL

(Texture Pack + Advanced UI Tweaks)


Pyrolusitium Z2 v2 - LITE

(Texture Pack only : maximum compatibility)



PZ2 Custom Shinies v1.6

PZ2 Clock HUD v1.1



PZ2 SWM Modular Modpack Compat v1.2


PZ2 Reatomized v0.3 (PZ2 FULL)

(Includes SWM compat)


PZ2 Radiation Compat v1.1 (PZ2 FULL)

PZ2 Radiation Compat v1.1 (PZ2 LITE)


Strange Ball -> Premier Ball Patch





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Screenshots :

  Hide contents

Full album here https://imgur.com/a/UO2OuQV









Installation :


All you have to do is extract the content of the archives you are interested in, directly in your Pokemon Reborn installation folder.

Most of the time you will be asked if you want to replace files that already exist, accept.


If you are lost on how to install all of these, here are some guidelines :

- As a rule of thumb, ALWAYS install Pyrolusitium Z2 FULL or LITE (not both !) before installing anything else on this page.

- If you want to use my SWM modpack textures, install SWM first, then install my compatibility pack after.

- If you use Radiation Reborn :

  -> Radiation Reborn -> SWM modpack if you want it -> PZ2 FULL/LITE -> SWM compat pack if using SWM -> Appropriate PZ2 Radiation compat pack


Q&A :


Q : Types in battle don't appear or look vanilla, wat do ?

A : You need THIS. Install "SWM - TypeBattleIcons" first, then install my compatibility patch "PZ2 SWM Modular Modpack Compat".


Q : Help, I installed the FULL version and font is weird, wat do ??

A : You forgot to install the mods provided in the archive. The "Data" folder is not a "Bonus Features" folder, don't ignore it.


Q : I only installed the LITE version and the game crashed, wat do ???

A : The texture pack hasn't been installed properly.

Make sure you or your operating software (especially if you are a Mac user) didn't delete the whole graphics folder before installing.

This isn't a total graphics folder replacement, it's meant to replace only a handful of textures. So if the game can't find files, it will crash on you.


Q : ClockHud crashes with a NoMethodError exception, wat do ????

A : Make sure Reborn is properly updated, with the updater.exe file at the root of your installation.

ClockHud uses methods that only exist since the Pokegear Time & Weather menu exists, which wasn't ready for the initial community release.


Q : Every time I update, the stats display in battle is reverted back to vanilla, wat do ?????

A : Don't panic, it's normal, just reinstall Pyrolusitium-Z2 (or just its statdis1.png file in Graphics>Pictures>Battle) and it will be fine. 


Q: Chrome says Clockhud and the Pokegear mod are dangerous and blocks them.

A: Files are absolutely safe, there's nothing that can be executed by itself in these archives. Chrome is just seeing a Ruby script file extension and panics.

Force the download from Chrome's downloads list and you should be fine.



Wallpaper names :

  Reveal hidden contents

Monochrome = Grass
Urban = Normal
Beach = Ground
Forest = Electric
Wasteland = Fighting
Wilderness = Fire
Rustic = Ice
Snowy = Rock
Desert = Poison
Lake = Water
Volcano = Dragon
Crystal Cave = Flying
Library = Ghost
Chess = Steel
Moon = Psy
Sword = Bug
Ruby = Fairy
Sapphire = Dark
Emerald = Typeless (Radiation)
Amethyst = Simple dark background (Typeless)
Checks = Centered pokéball
Reborn = Reborn Logo
Meteor = Team Meteor
Arceus = Centered Egg


Changes :

  Reveal hidden contents


- Changes to the summary UI :

  - Page 1 :

    -> Has a proper HP display, with a bar and numerical values, that has been moved on top

  - Page 3 :

    -> Displayed stats are now total stats, gauges have been split in 2

    -> A bigger gauge for total stat comparison with the highest possible for level 100 or level 150 depending on current level

    -> A smaller gauge displaying base stats like it used to be

    -> Shifted green palette to turquoise

    -> Nature effect on stats are now displayed on the right as arrows on both page 3 and 4 now

  - Page 4 :

    -> Total stats have been removed, only EVs and IVs are left, which should improve readability

    -> Moved nature effect on stats on the right

- Changes to the battle UI :

  - Due to popular demand, gender display is back !

  - Small tweaks to font placement to minimize overlap when using a very long Pokemon name in capslock



- Small Empoleon shiny tweaks



- The main mod is now split between 2 versions :

  -> FULL : Texture Pack + what used to be called Advanced UI Tweaks, in a single package

  -> LITE : Texture Pack only (semi-dark theme)

- Massive changes to Summary and Move Learning pages ! This is what caused the split described above, because we are going beyond simple font recolorization.

  -> Everything has been dark theme'd.

  -> The common part for all pages have been slightly trimmed down - gender icon disappeared to avoid overlap with very long names, font relocation...

  -> First page (Summary) now also displays a health bar, ability name, nature, and pokémon gender.

  -> Second page no longer displays nature, giving more space for capture trivia and personality.

  -> Third page now shows the species' base stats in numerical and gauge form.

  -> Fourth page shows nature influence on stats, total stats, EVs and IVs.

  -> Both third and fourth page still shows ability description.

  -> Move details and move learning pages have been reworked to have moves on the left, and descriptions on the right.

- Pokeball icons reworked to fit with the new summary. Subject to improvements.



- [Main] Adjustments to level cell width in summary files

- [AUIT] Main script file has been split, DELETE Data/Mods/P_PyrolusitiumZ2.rb after updating !

- [AUIT] Small tweaks to the load save screen

- [AUIT] Pokemon Storage : changed marks, backgrounds finally have the correct names ingame !

- [AUIT] Pokemon Summary : refactoring, changed some offsets and some font colors for hopefully a better result

- [AUIT] v1.3 : Fix crash when replacing moves



- [Radiation] Added compatibility packs for Radiation Reborn, and probably any gameplay mod overwriting Shadow with Nuclear in its graphics files.

- [Radiation] v1.1 Fixed wrong name for type (Nuclear, not Radiation), added a variant of my SWM compat with Nuclear instead of Shadow.



- [Main] Fixed save selection not having a big enough box for some names

- [Main] Pulse 11 file improvements

- [Main] Mega prompt rework, Z-Crystal prompt improvement (not reworked yet)

- [Main] Some adjustments on battle UI stuff

- [Mod] Advanced UI Tweaks ! A new mod that integrates the Pokegear cloak display, and more, including :

  -> A fix for the player-side mega icon display that can't be handled otherwise

  -> Complete dark theme for the combat UI !

  -> A lot of subtle adjustments to the combat UI, we're talking about hp bar color, text color and offsets, disappearance of the gender icon, etc...



- [Shinies] Added Blaziken line



- [Main] Added multi-select sprite and a trade background I missed

- [Main] Restored summary Pokerus indicator

- [Main] Minor changes to all pokegear-related backgrounds

- [Main] New shiny indicator

- [Main] New party hud in pause menu

- [Main] Window 11 now has a dark background by default, making the font white

- [SWM] New Itemfinder sprite

- [PCH] New mod : Clock Hud ! 

    -> Doesn't actually require the main resource pack, but works best with it. 

    -> Displays a stylized clock with time, day and weather on the top-left of your screen while paused.

- [PZ2G] New mod : "Pokegear Mod"

    -> Requires Pyrolusitium-Z2. 

    -> Makes all the fake clocks on pokegear-related backgrounds functional. And some small changes. Only exception is the online stuff.

HOTFIX [PCH/PZ2G] : Fixed sprite positions when using Screen Border. Small optimization.


Shinies v1.2 :

- Added Flygon and Vikavolt line


PZ2 v1.3 + Shinies v1.1 :

- Fixed Pulse 00 file typo

- Tweaked battle bars

- Tweaked Empoleon shiny


PZ2 v1.2 + Shinies v1 :

- Fix shiny icon display for single battles, player side

- Fixed Pulse 00 file not using the correct sprite

- Tweaked Pokedex info screen

- Added Greninja and Empoleon custom shinies


PZ2 v1.1 + SWM compat 1.1 :

- Better HUD under menu
- Fix Pulse symbol offset in battle
- Window skin tweaks

- SWM Type display rework for better scaling across resolutions


PZ2 v1 :

- Updated for Episode 19.

- Improvements and reworks across more than an hundred files.

- Complete Pokegear coverage, including Field and Pulse documentation.

- Item Box UI, Menu Hud UI

- The return of a custom window skin, #11.

- No mod support for now.


PZ v1.12 :

- Minimalist Indicators support ! With 3 presets : default, bright types (low contrast variant) and SINFUL (full text, half pixels) for people wanting the clarity of SWM type displays.

- Uniformized all the box backgrounds and made the neutral ones. 14 left to finish.

- Battle UI tweaks (text offset from game-z.exe is no longer here)


PZR v0.3 :

- Party screen !

- Status effects and types !

- Tweaks on summary to reflect the new types


PZ v1.11 :

- Updated the online UI stuff

- Removed the trainer card background logo

- Small improvements to the "party ball"

(changes on tradebackground, tradebottom, onlinewaiting, partyBall, partyBallSel, trainer card)


PZ v1.10 :

- Fixed inconsistencies between Stats and EV/IV summaries.

PZR v0.2 :

- Enhancements to Battle UI

- Added all Summary UI


v1.9 :

- Small improvements to Pokemon Info GUI (graphical tweaks and better font compatibility)

- Badge tweaks

- Added a WIP light-theme variant of this pack, intended for Rejuvenation. Battle UI only for now.


v1.8 :

- Last iteration for the default, amethyst and sapphire theme trainer cards [trainercard.png]

- Steel icon tweak (Battle buttons + box background) [box13.png, battleFightButtons.png]

- New battle command buttons [battleCommandButtons.png]


v1.7 :

- New iteration for the trainer card ("neutral" by default, "team meteor" in bonus content)

- New battle status display

- Minor changes to battle bars

- Trainer cards for Cobalt & Amethyst themes, but based on the old variant, rework is planned.


v1.6 :

- Reworked trainer card

- Reworked badges


v1.5 :

- Improvements on the Milotic custom shiny.

- Fully added the Clefable custom shiny, it wasn't intended to be available as soon as 1.4 since the backsprite was missing.

- Some changes to the file architecture

-- SWM Modular Modpack support now opt-out. If you use (or want to use) SWM, install it before installing my pack.

-- Custom shinies are now opt-in. I'm well aware it's a mixed bag, so from now on you'll have to grab them from the "Bonus Content" folder.

- Probably some other small changes I forgot about.


v1.4 :

- Partial rework of everything :

-- Slight changes to the Pokedex Screen

-- Default Pokegear theme is a bit less colorful

-- Party screen changes

-- Improved battle-related buttons (actions, moves and z-type/megaevol)


v1.3 :

- New Pokemon details UI !

- Milotic custom shiny changes.

- Types are now center-aligned.

- Small tweaks everywhere.

- Adjusted "Amethyst Edition" Pokegear jukebox.


v1.2 :

- A new custom shiny you've never seen coming.

- Bag UI rework, with available alternatives like the Pokegear !

- A new Pokegear/Bag theme has been added, "Amethyst Edition" !

- Small box backgrounds tweaks.

- Reworked/Recolored online trading UI.


v1.1 :

- New SWM MultiSelectPC selector, the old one didn't fit with the boxes backgrounds anymore.

- Added PC Party reskin, I forgot to rework it before the first release.

- Minor tweaks on the Reborn Ball used on the Party screen.

- Tweaks on the PC pokemon summary and in-battle moves UI.

- Big improvements on the Pokegear menu : a new "Reborn" theme is the default, and an improved variant of the "Cobalt Edition" theme is available in the "Moar Stuff" folder.

- New online waiting screen.


 Older stuff (Reborn e18 & Rejuv v12)

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Pyrolusitium-Z is an UI texture pack, successor to Minimalist Rebirth, started a few years ago and "finished" when Ep17 released.

After it's predecessor had been partially integrated into the base game, I worked on this on and off for roughly a year until inspiration struck me again.


It also includes bonus content like custom shinies (some are memes, some aren't) and alternate bag/pokegear themes.


I also started working on a Rejuvenation variant, which you can find here.

Until it has enough content to justify a new forum thread, it will be posted here.


Pyrolusitium-Z v1.12 (Reborn 18.4)

MediaFire Mirror

Google Drive Mirror


Pyrolusitium-Z Rejuvenated v0.5b (Rejuvenation 12)

MediaFire Mirror

Google Drive Mirror


How to play online in pokemon reborn 

It's not working

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