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Difficulity of the game.


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I like the difficulty too, it makes the game challenging and quite dynamic as you build your team around what you get and what you need. And i don't have Battle Style to Set yet, this can be more difficult in that regard. Do not underestimate a free switch out....

Reborn is not your average game where you train your Pokemon past the max level and sweep through a gym with super effective moves and outspeed everything. You have to set up some tactics with the Pokemon you have, or even catch one or two and train to have specific moves (toxic spikes for example).

Personally, of all my early Pokemon my Pachirisu did the largest amount of work in the 2d and 3rd gym battle (lowers Attack of largest threats to oblivion, paralysis, then later confusion, electro ball/paralysis combo.....). And yeah i was lazy training my gyarados to lvl 23, and only information i had about the leaders came from the Gossip Gardevoir TV shows.

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Ugh...almost my whole team wears a scope lens and i never get critical hits. I even counted some battles and my opponents got 18 critical hits and me only 9. The start was super hard becouse i recieved alot of critical hits



Time to get some new Pokes.

Edited by Khayoz
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I really like the game difficulty too unlike most pokemon games you can just catch a team of 6 and push through but in this game there are times where you have to catch a new pokemon just to beat a gym. *Had to catch a doduo just to beat Kiki grinded all the way from lv 20

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That's what makes this game what it is, special... It's not JUST a game of luck! In Pokemon Reborn, you have to work on strategies hours on end just to win a battle. And the lack of important items (TMs,Tutors...) makes it even more challenging. I started Pokemon Reborn because it was sth new, I stuck with it because it is sth diificult! Enough said, I suppose...

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The difficulty of the game is hard, but fun. The gym leaders are no pushover. They'll kick your butts if your not careful. I like a challenge in a pokemon game. I like how the game is mature more. I love the setting of the game. In the game. I swap out alot pokemon because of the level caps. Which is also a challenge for me, which I love good challenges, something the main games doesn't have. The main games are too easy now a days, but this game is hard and fun. I also never level grinded so much in my life before, but this makes me level grind.

I'm at the third gym, but I need to train for awhile. Strategy won't be enough to beat the third gym leader. Even with a strategy, Florinia still beat me to a bone. I barely made it out alive in the battle with her.

The negative parts of the game is level grinding. I spend three hours raising a Zubat to a good level to challenge Florinia, only to find out Golbat wouldn't listen to me who was level 26, which was my strategy for her was confuse ray her Cradily, and have Manectric use leer on her Cradily, but because of the level cap, Manectric didn't listen to me. So the battle with her was pure luck.

I just hope I can beat third gym leader with my strategy.

Edited by Shadowbolt192
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All of the pokemon i've chosen have proven themselves to me in one or another way and after re-making them through breeding and properly ev training them later on in the game they have become permanent parts of my team. I was forced to make a Primeape for Flobot and I never looked back, I was also forced to make a Grumpig for Aya, which I thought would be shit, but turned out to be a pretty decent pokemon. All I can say to those who don't like using the pokemon that are available early game, just try them. Maybe they'll impress you, like they did me.

Edited by Aizen805
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Of all things, Mawile was actually my MVP and highest leveled from Shade onward, until fighting-weak gyms started happening and Blaziken ran them over. c:

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This game is amazing, I love how I end up using Pokémon that I would never imagine using in a game, it really makes you appreciate more Pokes as well as team and type structures! The gym battles are a real fight to the finish (unlike the battles I had in Black 2 where I had to make intentional mistakes, underlevel my team and make sure that I had as little advantages as possible). This game has (or will have) everything a Pokémon game should have. The plot is great and so are the puzzles. I glad somebody came along and made something like this I hope it prospers greatly!

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I couldn't agree more. And the game is a challenge unlike the main games(Minus fanmade rom hacks) are too easy. And for me, I swap out alot pokemon on my team. The main games need a level cap on your own pokemon. Pokemon Reborn is more fun than the main games.

Edited by Shadowbolt192
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Iam in LOVE on the difficulty level of this game. Some parts really kicks some ass and i love the occasional high lvl pkmn battles (my bigglesworth, spectral kiki, giant steelix etc.) theyre like 25 more levels or higher than you. something you dont see in a nintendo game. and yes, strategy in this game is required, i think my hardest battle in the entire episode nine has to be Shade.. BECAUSE HE MADE ME GET AN ENTIRELY NEW TEAM.. thus the born of my clan.. but yes. Ep 10 i cant wait!!

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