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Difficulity of the game.


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I already spoke that there isn't really a fighting type pokemon i would like to use. The only 1 i would is a riolu, but he is only available later in the game. So ^_^

Then that's the source of the problem; that this game isn't made to give you pokemon you want to use; it's made to make you pick from what you have.

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I can understand why you might find the game difficult, because it's not your average Pokemon game. The begining is designed to be challenging to give you the idea of what's to come, not to hold your hand. Build up a full team, even if you don't like or want to use that pokemon, oh well. I didn't wanna use Trubbish but it's decent bulk and Acid Spray/Toxic Spikes are what helped me destroy the second gym leader, after a few hours later, I replaced him with Zubat and grinded it back to my team's current level and evolved it, now I have a powerful Staraptor, lol

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Ok then let me put it this way, It's impossible to do an Nuzlocke Challenge out of it in the state it is right here and right now. I thought about trying it but in the first 4 hours I spent within this game without getting the first badge I rethought about it. I use the Event Pokemon because you can early get access to Ralts or an Magby which is unnormal for the original games (most times, Riolu was also changed because of some polls GameFreak did and Riolu was the winner of it-- even it was heard to catch at this farm in B2/W2) and I find this event idea very original, truely I do. But I think it's too diffcult, you see I'm more like a fun player, I do like training and sometimes grinding and stuff but under noraml circumstances which are not given in this game or at least not at the beginning. Even thinking before you're acting won#t win me a duel because I don't have the pokemon for it ? Dunno. I meant My first 4 pokemon are Reptile (Treekos Evo), Kadabra, Ralts & Magby and they're still in my team and even on the same level as Julia I couldn't beat her even she had 6 pokemon. In the noraml pokemon games you could win even if your pokemon are 2 or 3 level under the strongest of the gym leader's pokemon :( I also "died" several times during training and normal pokemon fights (not rival but Julia three times also) and this is something that NEVER happened to me when I played the original games, I felt superior even when I restart my old games every f*cking time and here I felt like complete dumbsh*t and stuff D: I must also say I'm no tier-Fighter and know what FEAR pokemon or SWAGGERS are build and I never played in tournaments and such, I just want a lil balance for Beginners. I don't wanna screw the game itself I just want a "third wheel" for beginners ? Like in Black/White 2 where you got the "easy & hard" difficulty oyu could activate. More EXP & harder Battles or Less EXP and easier Battles D: I know this is kinda noobish or childish but maybe it would fit the game as well <_< BTW You should have actually no real problem with any starter you pick for the game, like Bulbasur or the most other Grass Type pokemon--- or Squirrel, it should even be "easy" if you chose the weakest partner of them all. Even in the original pokemon games are liek this.

"Nah don't compare them, the original's are like shit, man"
But I do compare them because this game is based on the original Pokemon. There is no new pokemon nor new type just new graphics other difficultyother soundtrack and most of all an intresting looking story and what I like the most besides the pokemon themself as a being (even a being of macro-data's) is the Story. I love Stories <3 That's why I also like the RPG games because of a good story and good games needs imo two things "confortable gameplay elements" and "an easy or complex and emotional "bedtime"story" to be awesome (for me they are like bedtime stories in full length with HD and--- oops xD)

@Trueblade Fush

So right. I like two fight with my favorite's but I think many are my favorite and I fight only woth those given to my with the attacks given to me from the game!

Edited by Korence
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Nuzlocke is a fan made idea to pokemon games to MAKE them challenging. This game does it for you, so WHY do you want to do a nuzlock? This game was made so you can't be overleveled which is sort of a standard in nuzlockes nowadays. Which is soooo boring for both the viewer and player who has to grind them up. Instead now you get a challenging game where you can play pokemon the way it was designed to be played.

Julia isn't even that bad compared to other gyms.. I managed to beat Julia using a dewott to take most of her team out.. And they do super effective damage to dewott!

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Actually it's your decision to overlevel you pokemon or not Ussi. In Nuzlocke It's good when you have the same level as the gym leaders to have an adrenaline fight ;3 Too much overlevel makes it boring and being to low makes you go derpi becasue you let your comrades die D: I don't need a challenge if I can make my on ^^ Like I paly the game and the game asks me "what difficulty do you wanna play ?" or "Do you want the Nuzlocke Mode ? This are the common rules (...)"

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Well gym and boss battles are designed to be hard enough that you have to sack pokemon. Lets not forget the staggering amount of doubles battle which puts you at the mercy of RNG an if they decide to focus down 1 of your pokes or not.

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I love how the game is quite difficult & actually prevents you from item spamming, well somewhat. & I actually love using alot of Pokemon, & some that I use I've never used in the real games (like Trubbish for example), but from playing Reborn I love using more & more Pokemon. If I lose a battle, I just learn from my mistakes & try to improve.

IMO, I didn't have much trouble with alot of the Gym Leaders, Shade & Aya were the closest battles I've ever fought so far, but by far the most fun for me. I had a lvl.38 Scraggy for the fight, he came in handy & beat 4 of his Pokemon, though by the time his only Pokemon left was Spiritomb, only Magnezone, Scraggy, & Trubbish was left. Magnezone was put to sleep & I didn't want Dream Eater to hit (Spiritomb had little Yellow HP left), switch out for Scraggy, almost took it out, but was put to sleep & he stayed asleep till he fainted, so Trubbish won it when he was burnt & with little HP left (in the Red). For Aya, it was just down to her Seviper & my Garbodor, I won on my first try.......stupid me I didn't have Magnezone for the battle.

The hardest fights imo, were the Aster & Eclipse double battles. It may have been my Pokemon team, but I think they are literally THE hardest battles I've EVER fought in the game, always takes me alot of tries. Sometimes it was my partner doing stupid stuff, but by myself when going to rescue Cain, good lord they are VERY troubling to fight against.-.- imo, they are harder to fight than any gym leader in the game.>.> Thats just me though.

Those were really the only troubling parts of the game for me. All in all, I love the difficulty, unlike in a normal Pokemon game where you can use any Pokemon & beat the Champion using any move you wanted, Reborn makes you think about actual strategy & makes you use Pokemon you normally would never use. I love that so much in the game & I can't wait for Episode 10.=) Those are just my own personal thoughts. I've had more fun with Reborn than any other Pokemon game.

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This game punishes you for having a bad team (multiple of the same weakness)

Aya wasn't hard for me until my 3rd run where i had a ice weakness and all of Aya's pokes know icy wind for some reason -___- which threw me for a loop cause that thwarted ground + flying combo so easily that i was going for.

Its quite amazing how you can't use one single strat to beat a gym leader.. Except for Serra and drought Ninetails

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Korence, what I don't understand is that you're the only person (excluding Yami) on this forum who says this game is hard. It is challenging, yes, but it's not over the top impossible. I find coming from behind to beat your opponent in a close battle is much more enjoyable than just straight out sweeping all 6 of their Pokemon, and I'm sure many here do as well. I guess it all stems from having competitive experience.

As for "not having the Pokemon for it", I had always thought Trubbish was (excuse the pun) rubbish, before I played Reborn. He is now one of my favourites. The game forces you to get to know and love some of the more unheard of Pokemon and that can only be a good thing.

Also, you should really give competitive battling a go, it's really fun and it'll help you improve! :)

Edited by Khayoz
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I'm sorry and do not mean to sound so rude but, do some of you not quite understand it when people say it is meant to be hard? I'm sorry but good lord so many people have told you and you wish to say something to try and ease and get people to change their minds so it will somehow poof the game into an easier difficulty. I'm sorry but @Yami if you don't want to use Scraggy then do not complain about not having a fighting type. The point of the game (that has been said many times) is to give you the challenge of not having great pokemon from the get-go. You should have researched before playing, as I'm sure if you knew this before, you would have picked another game. You can't complain about not having a good pokemon so early just because it 'looks cool' or 'I like it'. You have to make use of what you have. My favorite pokemon is Metagross but you don't see me going out and saying "Metagross isn't out. Put Metagross in the game or else I won't use a psychic type because that will certainly affect you." No, we all man up, deal with it, and choose the next best option.

So my good sir, if I were you I would either A.) Stop complaining and use Scraggy, B.) Find a way to beat her without Scraggy, or C). Simply find a new game.

I am sorry but I'm glad I got that off of my chest.

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"Nah don't compare them, the original's are like shit, man"

But I do compare them because this game is based on the original Pokemon. There is no new pokemon nor new type just new graphics other difficultyother soundtrack and most of all an intresting looking story and what I like the most besides the pokemon themself as a being (even a being of macro-data's) is the Story. I love Stories <3 That's why I also like the RPG games because of a good story and good games needs imo two things "confortable gameplay elements" and "an easy or complex and emotional "bedtime"story" to be awesome (for me they are like bedtime stories in full length with HD and--- oops xD)

The problem is if you're comparing the gameplay of this game to the gameplay of normal pokemon games; comparing just about anything else is fine, but apart from the core mechanics, if you're looking to find similar gameplay in this game to normal pokemon games, then you're in for a tough ride.

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The difficulty is great. Challenging and a pain, but still sweet. I like you are not given ideal pokemon like in the actual games. You are forced to use moves and pokemon you normally wouldn't use and think and be strategist with your moves. If it was easy, it wouldn't be as fun.

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I'm sorry but @Yami if you don't want to use Scraggy then do not complain about not having a fighting type.

I didn't want to use Scraggy either.

So I used Hariyama instead! Hariyama and I go back to Gen III, and while it's not a staple of mine, he's certainly pleasing to use. See, I went with B... :P

I personally like to be forced into options. Makes me consider Pokémon I wouldn't otherwise look at. When I went back to Black 2, it felt so easy... can you tell I'm enjoying this?

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Actually it's your decision to overlevel you pokemon or not Ussi. In Nuzlocke It's good when you have the same level as the gym leaders to have an adrenaline fight ;3 Too much overlevel makes it boring and being to low makes you go derpi becasue you let your comrades die D: I don't need a challenge if I can make my on ^^ Like I paly the game and the game asks me "what difficulty do you wanna play ?" or "Do you want the Nuzlocke Mode ? This are the common rules (...)"

So you're saying it's better if the game has no difficulty at all because you can create your own handicap? Wooooooooooooooooooooow. That is just something else...

I don't think you understand why difficulty exists. Yeah you can make it difficult by making your own rules, but that's YOU doing work, when it should have been the game. What you're asking for is to lower the quality of this game.


Every time we beat a gym, me and some guys posted screenshots of it. It felt like an achievement. We talked about it because it felt so good knowing that we're all experiencing the same difficulty. Nuzlocke wouldn't have given us the same feeling of achievement. Reborn offers something more than a Nuzlocke challenge because it's DESIGNED to be difficult, it's not MODIFIED to be difficult.

I see Fern was right about some of us.~

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I actuly do like the difficulity but i'm not used into grinding alot becouse all the other pokemon games wer easy so grinding wasn't needed. It's great that you can't overlevel your pokemon becouse the max lvl is pretty low.

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Heck you don't even need a fighting type for Florina's Cradily. After getting my butt tossed around I got the magicarp and leveled him up to a Gyarados and spammed dragon rage. The constant losses made me so angry but the victory over her was so satisfying. If I didn't have that challenge of thinking outside my usual strats, I would have never beaten all the episodes. You can't say the game is impossible, just think what your doing wrong and plan your next moves and then you'll get it right.

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For me, it's not about actual skill, it's about the damned missed moves or critical hits.

Example : Fighting Corey. Took me three tries.

First battle : Mud shot and Mud Bomb misses on Skuntank

Critical hit sucker punch from Croagunk onto Kadabra

Second Battle : Missed Mud Bomb

TWO critcal Venoshocks from Croagunk IN. A. ROW.

Third Battle : Stun Spore missed Crobat

Critical Venoshock from Crobat

Missed Air Cutter from Tranquil against Croagunk.

Critical Drain Punch against Tranquil.

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Taht's one of the things I almost mentions too. It's just you felt cheated some times :( Like the NPC reacts AFTER your turn using posion gas three times but would actually not knowing that I would use an antidote so I thing this game cheats one me x(

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You never know, AI could have scope lens at their held items. I know some have brightpowder which causes 100% accurate moves to miss. But to be fair, i've also used brightpowder and avoided some hits. Works both ways, yall just remember the bad, and not the miracle hax you get.

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You never know, AI could have scope lens at their held items. I know some have brightpowder which causes 100% accurate moves to miss. But to be fair, i've also used brightpowder and avoided some hits. Works both ways, yall just remember the bad, and not the miracle hax you get.

^ This right here. Don't you tell me you never got lucky with a crit, or had the opponent team miss with that super-powerful move that saved you from having to switch out. '

Besides, bad things happen. It's not like you can't re-try. What did Kiki's books say? Losing is a part of the game.

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Plus, the AIs make really stupid mistakes too. I remember going up against Aya, and I had my Alakazam out. She sent out Gengar, and decided to target my lower-leveled Spinda instead, letting me OHKO the poor thing with Psychic. It's all about if the AI makes a smart move and chooses to give you a match or not (and whether or not your Pokémon land their hits, but that really is most likely because of a held item).

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Is it just me or are some parts of the game pretty difficult? I found the second gym pretty hard becouse i only had 3 pokemon and the strict max lvl would be 25. They wer all lvl 28 and it's impossible to beat them with it. So i won with luck. And now i'm at the part where you dubble battle the team meteor admins. And now i can't beat them becouse their pokemon are damn overpowerd. And now i need a pokemon in my team i don't want (Scraggy) And it's pretty boring training in the wild and takes alot of time. I just hate the fact you are forced to use a pokemon you don't want in your team. Maybe a vs seeker would help?

I would say you really need a full party to play this game. And it almost forces you to anyway. The level cap is too low for the ex you get I am up to 8 pokemon myself (though maybe thats mostly cuz I can't decide who I like). I do agree some parts of the game are very hard > ex: stupid ice gym making me having to train a whole new pokemon, but dificulty is what makes the game fun.

Much rather have it too hard than too easy.

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You never know, AI could have scope lens at their held items. I know some have brightpowder which causes 100% accurate moves to miss. But to be fair, i've also used brightpowder and avoided some hits. Works both ways, yall just remember the bad, and not the miracle hax you get.

Ugh...almost my whole team wears a scope lens and i never get critical hits. I even counted some battles and my opponents got 18 critical hits and me only 9. The start was super hard becouse i recieved alot of critical hits

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