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Looking for a Fun team


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Looking for some sort of solid fun team to play with im at episode 11 so I have access to everything tried looking around on the fourms but haven't found anything 


my current team









So far teams  been doing poorly so not sure where to go next.

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Personally, I would have: a pokemon with counter or mirror coat, a pokemon that can change terrains, and a pokemon with intimidate.  Something that can stall would be a good idea too.  For example, my Clefable has misty terrain and cosmic power and stored power if it ends up being needed.  My Gothitelle has mirror coat.  Both Infernape and Lycanroc are fast with a good priority if needed and still hit like a truck anyway.  Roserade can tank most hits and then hit back like a truck.  Vaporeon can take most special hits and start hitting sand attack or acid armor.  My point is, get pokemon that can fuck with the opponent's team.  Also, it's never bad to have a box solely for reserves.  I have three rows of pokemon that I can use if I'm having trouble with a gym or a major battle.

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It looks like your team could definitely benefit from another special attacker at the expense of Pyukumuku. Personally I think a special attacking electric type would be great and fit well into your team. Ampharos would be my recommendation as it has nice coverage, great special attack, and a very good defensive spread, and to build on Kenzie’s point, it also gets Ion Deluge which is a priority, field changing move in Reborn and Rejuv.

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On 3/4/2019 at 8:47 PM, Bardechia said:

It looks like your team could definitely benefit from another special attacker at the expense of Pyukumuku. Personally I think a special attacking electric type would be great and fit well into your team. Ampharos would be my recommendation as it has nice coverage, great special attack, and a very good defensive spread, and to build on Kenzie’s point, it also gets Ion Deluge which is a priority, field changing move in Reborn and Rejuv.

I agree with what you're saying, however I think that keeping Pyuk would be a good idea.  Innards out can deal crazy damage if you're one shot and you can also run counter and screens.  However yes Ampharos would go beautifully on that team.

Edited by kenzie
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