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Music Volume is Off


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Hey, all. In the previous version (v10 I think?), I believe there was the option to lower volume of both sound effects and music.  Apparently in the previous version my music volume was low and my sound effect volume was high.


Now there is only one volume button, so now the different sounds are disproportionate (music quiet, opening menu/selection super loud).  Is it possible to get back into v10 and fix this without the game freaking out?

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1 hour ago, Mage-Madisaur said:

Hey, all. In the previous version (v10 I think?), I believe there was the option to lower volume of both sound effects and music.  Apparently in the previous version my music volume was low and my sound effect volume was high.


Now there is only one volume button, so now the different sounds are disproportionate (music quiet, opening menu/selection super loud).  Is it possible to get back into v10 and fix this without the game freaking out?

yes so long as you still have a copy of v10 and you save in an area that was not changed in v11 nor in any v11 area......... do that then adjust the settings and save again and u should be good tho i cant personally confirm or deny that as i never bothered with the game's settings as i always just changed my computer's volume accordingly

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