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Leaving Reborn Team


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So, leaving Reborn finally and decided its time to put together a balanced team.


First let me put up the two member I am keeping.


My starter cause I keep my starters in most games and hacks unless they are just not worth it (Like hack using a gen 3 game system giving me a Gastly).

He's Modest but I will be changing his nature later on for a mixed Charizard X later on since Y isn't in the game yet.




Dusk cause I really really like how he looks and I'm kinda having a rival like thing going on with Aster and Eclipse's midday/midnight Lyconrock.




Now onto the new memebers for the team:


First off is




Reason I'm looking at this guy over Turtwig is cause he knows Sludge and Grassy Terrain.  He's honestly the best Grass type I have at the moment and having a STAB Poison type move is all I ask for cause I know he most likely won't be able to learn Sludge Wave and I know Ame will not have Sludge Bomb laying around anytime soon.


For my Water type:




Water/Ground is one of the best typing ever and I don't mind Curse cause Swampert isn't that fast to start with.


Now I'm thinking of shiny hunting this guy ever since I saw him on Shade's team and fell in love with it:




Honestly I have ALWAYS wanted to use a Mimikyu and this guy dropped down form Wonder Trade, Plus I need something for Psychic types that my old team didn't have. Plus having that free hit would be nice


Now for the last team member it would be:




Gallade.  Normally I'd go the other way but I have access to the Reminder and scale very good moves onto him. Plus he has his hidden ability. Oh wait my bad its Dawn Stone not Shiny lol.



Spent almost an hour in the Wastelands looking for the dawn stone there and finally GOT to it only to discover it blocked by a mining rock. Officially switching to Metagross now that game has decided to Troll me with the stone.


So how does this team round out? I think it  good enough to play through.  If you have any suggestions feel free if you know a better mon to use or move suggestions.




Edited by Nue
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