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[GAME END] Dark Ages 2(Mafia Game)


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  On 3/28/2019 at 6:26 AM, LykosHand said:

@Dragoknight So you suspect me of being werewolf because i tried to defend Jelly? And do you think that if Jelly was my ally i would use that kind of defense because that's not even a defense and i only shared what i thought of Jelly. Even you noticed that it wasn't a great defense.


That's not what I had said. Please read my post. The fact that Jelly claimed your role in the first place is what is suspicious.


  On 3/28/2019 at 6:26 AM, LykosHand said:

Then you change your votes many times and when you said that Jelly was suspicious instead of voting him, you voted for Seal (well you wanted to vote me i remember what you wrote) so i'm sorry but i don't believe that you're town.


I changed my vote once. Just once. First on Seal to test if you would change your vote, and then on you. One change is not "many times."


Lykos, this campaign of borderline misinformation only validates my suspicions. And even after all that, I still don't get why you vote me,

Am I even suspicious at all to you? This was only your second vote, so why the backlash?

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"That's not what I had said. Please read my post. The fact that Jelly claimed your role in the first place is what is suspicious."

And how it makes me suspicious? I don't know how he knew my role, i agree with you with that but i don't understand why that makes me suspicious. 

I read all the posts again before and yeah i'm sorry i thought you changed vote more times, my bad. I'm playing pretty much bad, i'm sorry for that.

I voted for you because it seems that you absolutely want to eliminate the new priest, and you told me that i'm the bigger threat where i don't think that i am. I only check players for helping town, i don't kill anyone. I didn't have a chat with Jelly and i'm not a monster either.

That said i hope you will change your vote. 

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@LykosHand If you read my posts, I have stated multiple times why I believe you are suspicious to me. I don't believe I can make myself any more clear.

I even said I was on the fence, but your constant denial and warping of my statements only makes you sketchier imo.


@Bok Choi Can't help but notice you haven't voted yet, what are your thoughts on the matter?

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  On 3/28/2019 at 4:24 AM, Dragoknight said:

That being said, if Bok were a werewolf, that would probably also mean Lykos (and to extent Jelly) are werewolves, as the vampires would most likely immediately attack the priest, and there is no guarantee that the healer won't be blocked or swapped during the night phase. The only purpose of canceling the night phase if Bok is a werewolf is to protect Lykos. 


Ngl that theory would work pretty well, if we assume both Lykos and Bok are werewolfes.

I am still inclined to go for Bok, cause if Lykos really would be town, we would have lynched a role, which could provide some reliable information for the next day, if he doesn't get nightkilled.

Also if Lykos is a werewolf and we don't lynch him, he will be a prime target for Vampires this night, cause they don't want the priest to survive the night. So the Vampires would actually help town to reduce the numbers of scums.


I also get the impression from Dragos post, that he is a vampire trying to really pressures the vote on Lykos.


  On 3/28/2019 at 11:43 AM, Newt said:

You guys are aiming the wrong people

[Eliminate] Jace


Mind to elaborate on that? Do you have any information to share, that might help us?


It's hard to get a read on players who are rather inactive over the course of the game 😕

But here is what i think about the players right now: (i also added Jelly, cause he is the whole reason Lykos is super suspicious right now)

  1. Cicada - no information (rather scumlean)
  2. DigitalAmber - no information (rather scumlean)
  3. Jason Grace - townlean
  4. Quillish - townlean, but haven't really helped much
  5. Newt - no information (rather townlean)
  6. NickCrash - townlean
  7. LykosHand - scumlean (werewolf)
  8. Seal - no information (rather scumlean)
  9. CrimsonDragon21 - jeah thats me, obviously i am town 🙂
  10. Astra125 - no information (rather townlean)
  11. Walpurgis - no information (rather townlean)
  12. Bok Choi - scumlean (werewolf)
  13. Dragoknight - scumlean (vampire)
  14. Jace Stormkirk - townlean
  15. Jelly - scumlean (werewolf)
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  On 3/28/2019 at 5:33 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

Also if Lykos is a werewolf and we don't lynch him, he will be a prime target for Vampires this night, cause they don't want the priest to survive the night. So the Vampires would actually help town to reduce the numbers of scums.


According to what it says in the rules, it looks like werewolves can't be killed by vampire attacks on even nights. That's why I believe it would be better if Lykos is lynched first.

I can understand why you would want Bok to be lynched, and I do agree, but I kinda get a panicked townie vibe from him. And when it comes down to it, it's a monster with a NA or a monster without a NA.


At least I think that's what it means by "they are immune to vampire attacks when transformed."

@Hypurr Could we have confirmation?

  On 3/11/2019 at 1:43 AM, sailboat said:

They share a chat. They only transform and attack on full moons(even night). Only one of them can attack and they can choose among themselves who will. They are immune to vampire attacks while transformed. Wins when werewolves outnumber the vampire and humans (do not combine their numbers). This ignores voting powers beware!
E.g. they will win if 3 wolves vs 1 vampire vs 2 humans. I think there are other scenarios i might forgot so feel free to raise it.



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Jelly is the whole reason suspicion is on Lykos. Jelly could just be a lone werewolf/vampire pressuring and confusing us, but the slip and reveal that he knew the Acolyte was incredibly suspicious. As it stands, Lykos could be either a vampire or a werewolf, it’s hard to tell. 


On on an unrelated note, there is a decent chance Bok could plausibly be a wolf considering when the night cancel was. 


Drago has made himself on my scum radar slightly due to the comment about the detriment of a monster priest. It would really only be detrimental to town due to lack of information, although now that I type this I realize that it could be useful for finding the other monsters or even allied monsters in the case of vampires. 


Eliminate Lykos

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  On 3/28/2019 at 5:52 PM, Dragoknight said:

At least I think that's what it means by "they are immune to vampire attacks when transformed." 

@Hypurr Could we have confirmation? 


Oh i missed this sort of information entirely. Thanks for pointing that out 👍

That would even explain why Bok skipped the night, so Lykos can't die on N3 and immunity on N4 will keep Lykos alive even longer. Smart moves.

Now if we connect all things together it makes sense. At least for me.


[Unvote] Bok

[Eliminate] Lykos

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I'm going to put down my thoughts on the Bok and Lykos.


Bok: Because he used his NA to cancel out a night where only vampires attack, I get the feeling he's more wolf than town. I agree with Kiet's statement about the position Bok was in since Jace and Lykos can reveal aliments, making them better targets unless they share a chat with those attacking at night. Then during the day, if you've claimed the Boy Who Cries Wolf, you would have likely left alone for the day because people saying you should get lynched after you roleclaimed would likely be the monsters that don't want a night of killing to be wasted. Also, Bok, you said that you were blocked N0. Were you trying to use your NA N0 because if you did, then you are contradicting yourself a little then since you wanted to use your NA N0 but not N2.


Lykos: Jelly knowing Lykos's role is what putting Lykos under the bus right now and I'm slightly inclined to believe it. I've looked back at the posts and didn't really see anything that pointed Lykos to be the acolyte. The only thing that might point Lykos to be the acolyte was voting for Yahen when Jelly said he thought Yahen was a vampire. but that can be a stretch since that was only one post. If Lykos is a monster, then it's likely he would be a wolf if Jelly's lists of actions is to believed since Jelly didn't contact Lykos until N2, which is after Jelly said Lykos was the acolyte. This would also mean that Jelly was wolf and Bok might have used his NA to prevent Jace from checking Jelly, giving Lykos a better chance to defend himself today.


Between the two, I'm not sure who to go for since while Lykos can provide info for town, he could easily spread misinformation about a person's aliment. I'm going to wait a bit longer before putting down a vote because whoever get's lynched, I feel there is a good chance that both are monsters so if there are, it depends on which one does town want gone.

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[Night 4]

Another day to pass in this unholy town...


Upon looking onto the profile of the priest they've beaten up senseless last night, they learned that he has an apprentice who must've tagged along in his journey. The team runs their search upon a tomb, solely for the many recent deaths transpired over the following days of their arrival. There, they find a young man who has just finished praying, only to be dragged out captive of their suspicion of the shady rumors.


"Are we sure about this? He doesn't strike as the type that would harm a fly!" One of the crowd defended, but most of them disagreed with the thought. "If we're on the right track, it'd make sense that he knows about his secrets. Therefore..." The leading man of the group approaches the priest, "...Tell us, are you aware that your teacher is a monster?"


"There's no way that could be truepix" He denied, "A holy man like him cannot be one, what proof do you get after what you've done yesterday?"

"There's more than what meets the eye." The other throws a fur shirt that's straightly torn off from the former wearer, mixed with the stench of beer and blood. "You see this? This is the decisive proof that beats all other proofs we found today. Got any explanation?"


"...That's a souvenir he received after helping out the orphanage." He explains, "It got a weird look, but how can this prove him as such?"

"Uh... well, duh!" The man turns, "But it seems we'll not reach a compromise just by asking mundane questions like this. No hard feelings, but we'll just have to rid you off while we have the chance."


The priest thinks for a moment before responding, "So basically, I'll be killed off because you think I'm a monster? You...bastards...!" As the masses subdue him, the priest lays out many curses as he can before he's affixed onto the execution wheel. The man of the leading group observes the execution unfolds, along with the shrieking of the priest that got his hands torn off. He lets out a small grin intended for himself, before making his early leave through a secret passage made for himself, and his cohorts.


The execution has ended another life, but little did they know that they've been on the wrong track ever since it all began. The Werewolves are very certain that their game of patience is slowly coming to an end.


● The majority has decided to lynch LykosHand, the Priest 2.0.

● Due to inactivity, the Gambler Jason Grace has been reluctantly modkilled. But rules are rules, so it must be done.

● Vampire C will attack tonight.

● It's full moon, the werewolves will resume their onslaught.


Current Players:

  1. Cicada
  2. DigitalAmber
  3. Jason Grace the Gambler [Modkilled during D4]
  4. Quillish
  5. Newt
  6. NickCrash
  7. Lykoshand the Priest 2pix0 [Lynched during D4]
  8. Seal
  9. CrimsonDragon21
  10. Astra125
  11. Walpurgis
  12. Bok Choi
  13. Dragoknight
  14. Jace Stormkirk
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[Day 5]


So many things are happening lately that even some merchants are already planning to leave the town. However, one pitiful merchant by the name of CrimsonDragon21 was reported missing early in the morning. Upon a thorough search, of town he was nowhere to be found until a hunter from the woods came back and he found a body that was badly mauled by a beast. There, they saw CrimsonDragon21's battered body being preyed on by scavengers. 


The town is in mortal peril, stench of death is in the air, and the wolves feel that their effort is starting to bear fruit.

You have 48 hours to discuss your next action. @Hypurrchan sama san, I leave them to you.


Current Players:

  1. Cicada
  2. DigitalAmber
  3. Quillish
  4. Newt
  5. NickCrash
  6. Seal
  7. CrimsonDragon21 the Merchant [Killed by a werewolf N4]
  8. Astra125
  9. Walpurgis
  10. Bok Choi
  11. Dragoknight
  12. Jace Stormkirk
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Well... this certainly is something.


Considering the oddly foreboding message, coupled with the fact that there was only one kill this night, I believe that all the vampires are currently deceased. Meaning that Yahen, Jelly, Lykos, and possibly a fourth person were the vamps.


Because of this, I would like to make a claim. I am town watch, and I had watched over Kiet's house this night. I saw Jace and Lia visit, meaning one must have been Kiet's target as merchant, and the other must be the wolf that attacked Kiet. I trust Jace as gravedigger, and considering Lia has made votes with no explanation behind them, I believe Lia to be wolf.


[Eliminate] Walpurgis

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Going to put the dead info here again for convince sake.


Cass(survivalist) - died N0 from both werewolf and vampire attacks, aliment town

Nano(assassin) - died D1 from being kill happy guessing wrong, aliment town (confirmed by gravedigger)

Baz(silver knight)  - died N1 from vampire attack, aliment town (also no apprentice to take his role)

Yahen(drunkard) - died D2 from lynch, aliment vampire (confirmed by gravedigger)

Alaris(town paladin) - died N2 from vampire attack, aliment town

Alistair(gossiper) - died N2 from werewolf attack, aliment unknown but is not werewolf

Jelly(1st priest) - died D3 from lynch, aliment town (confirmed by gravedigger) 

Lykos(acolyte/2nd priest) - died D4 from lynch, aliment unknown

Jason/Dive(gambler) - died D4 from modkill, aliment unknown

Kiet(merchant) - died N4 from werewolf attack, aliment unknown but is not werewolf


Going to post a second later for thoughts.

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I think that the vampires are still alive. If all of the vampires are dead, then there are 6 town and 5 wolves. This would also mean that everyone is dead and unknown has to be vampire in order to match the remaining wolves since this situation assumes the town has hit no wolves, something I find unlikely. Also, it's possible that vampire C didn't attack since they could only hit town last night and the message for the night implied wolves were on the verge of winning. Either way, a wolf has to be lynched, otherwise they win.


I still have suspicions on Bok for how he used his NA to cancel out N3. Also, nothing happened to me last night so I have no info to share again.

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  On 3/31/2019 at 6:31 AM, Astra125 said:

I think that the vampires are still alive. If all of the vampires are dead, then there are 6 town and 5 wolves. This would also mean that everyone is dead and unknown has to be vampire in order to match the remaining wolves

I still have suspicions on Bok for how he used his NA to cancel out N3. Also, nothing happened to me last night so I have no info to share again.


If all unknowns are vampires, then there'd have to be 2 more wolves, to fit the maximum of 7/21 evil roles in the game.

Besides, having 4 or 5 wolves would be overkill. They are informed and can co-ordinate their kills. 

The opening post might also take vampire kills into consideration, since they ensure town-numbers drop each day, as opposed with wolf kills.


Bok looks like a paranoid townie to me, who revealed to save himself.

His action would make sense in the scenario that both Jelly and Lykos were wolves, as it would stop Jace from finding out Jelly's alignment post mortem.

Now that Jace reveals Jelly was town, we have 2 scenarios:

i) Jace is lying. So anything goes since the alignments you've noted there take Jace's findings into face value.

ii) Jace is honest. So Bok can be a wolf.


Given that the opening post warns us how the wolves are an imminent threat, we ought to fish them out fast.

  On 3/31/2019 at 1:08 AM, Dragoknight said:

I am town watch, and I had watched over Kiet's house this night. I saw Jace and Lia visit.


It looks like we finally have a lead. 

[Eliminate] Walpurgis

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  On 3/31/2019 at 9:07 AM, NickCrash said:

If all unknowns are vampires, then there'd have to be 2 more wolves, to fit the maximum of 7/21 evil roles in the game.

Besides, having 4 or 5 wolves would be overkill. They are informed and can co-ordinate their kills. 


This is just the scenario if all of the vampires are dead, which is something I find unlikely as I stated. Also, thanks for reminding me that only 1/3 of the total players can be monsters. I totally forgot about that. Then this would mean that there might be less than 6 town alive since there has to be 3 vampires as 3 vampires have received the chance to attack.

The possible scenarios for the players alive then are:

1. 5 town, 4 wolf, 2 vampire (The one I believe to be the case)

2. 4 town, 4 wolf, 3 vampire (This would assume Jace is lying)

3. 6 town, 4 wolf, 1 vampire (Slightly unlikely as the wolf warning message was display for both N4 and D5)

For those wondering why I'm putting this down, I just want a way to see the all of possible scenarios for how the numbers distributed among the living players. Also if I missed anything, tell me.

  On 3/31/2019 at 9:07 AM, NickCrash said:

Bok looks like a paranoid townie to me, who revealed to save himself.

His action would make sense in the scenario that both Jelly and Lykos were wolves, as it would stop Jace from finding out Jelly's alignment post mortem.

Now that Jace reveals Jelly was town, we have 2 scenarios:

i) Jace is lying. So anything goes since the alignments you've noted there take Jace's findings into face value.

ii) Jace is honest. So Bok can be a wolf.


I know there is a possibility of Jace lying, which is why I put in ( ) on the roles that Jace has "confirmed". Also, you make valid points on Bok's actions so that puts down my suspicions on Bok down just a little bit but I'm still wary of him. Since we do have a lead today, I'll put this vote down and wait for more people to say things.

Eliminate Lia

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i am wary of voting lia for one reason.

i got swapped by the merchant so that mean lia tried to visit the merchant but got switched to me. werewolf tried to kill me but merchant knew they could save my life by switching with me. thus getting me killed

@Dragoknight @Astra125 please consider voting someone else for this reason.

meanwhile i am voting the same person

[eliminate] bok


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