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Going back to reborn city


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So I just got to Adventurine Woods but I don't have enough candies to get honey to use on the trees to clear all the webs/trunks. Can I go back to Reborn City to get more candy? Or do I need to do the storyline on Vanhanen Castle? Is there another way to ger honey?

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You can go back to Reborn City though it'll have to be the long way (from where you came). If you do the Vanhanen Castle story, you'll get a short cut but there's a lot of story and a couple of battles you'd have to do so can't say which you'd prefer. Alternatively if you headbutt some tree, you can catch combee which may be holding honey.

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It's because I have OCD and have to do "side quests" before main story stuff so I really want get all the webs/trunks out of the way and clear the puzzle before Vanhanen Castle. I do remember from my first playtrough that you can pass the gate on the far left of route 1 but I guess I'll find my way back, thanks!

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You ll have plenty of time to do the sidequests once you've gotten the shortcut also!

Also also, if you got the Teddiursa (or alternatively, you catch the right combee) you could get the Ability Honey Gather, which is a Honey-only version of pickup. 

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