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Pokémon Reborn: German/ Deutsch


A couple of questions  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be using this translation?

    • Yes
    • No, although I'm a German
    • No, I'm not a German
    • No, I'll wait until it's finished
  2. 2. What's your honest opinion on the translation's quality?

    • Perfect
    • Good
    • Decent
    • Bad
    • Terrible
    • I don't speak German

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Note: This topic is available in both English and German, as permitted by andracass.

If you want to say something about this project in German however, please do it via a PM.

(PM = Private Message)


Hinweis: Dieses Thema ist auf English und Deutsch verfügbar, so wie es von andracass erlaubt wurde.

Solltest du etwas über dieses Projekt aber auf Deutsch sagen wollen, so tue dies bitte über eine PM.

(PM = Privatnachricht)


English/ Englisch:



Pokémon Reborn: German Translation


I. General:
Three other people and me are working on a German translation of the game made with the help of the Translation Manager that @Waynolt created.
Our goal is to make this great fan-game accessible to more people by offering it in their native language, thus overcoming language barriers.
Please be aware that this is a very early version of the translation.
If you find anything (even if it's just something minor) that's not correctly translated, doesn't sound good or has a typo/ grammar error, then please PM me and I'll fix it in the next update. Any feedback is highly appreciated.
However, you should be aware that translating all of Pokémon Reborn will take a very long time, especially the non-dialogue lines because their official translations have to be looked up, so don't expect this to be finished this or maybe next year.
You should also be aware that there are some lines that can't be translated without changing something in the scripts file or making an extra mod.

To give you a better insight on the progress, I'll be publishing our progress in a way that should be familiar to forum users.
Places and character names won't be translated.


II. Progress:

Dialogue:      #################### | 002%
PokéTerms:     #################### | 030%
Menus:         #################### | 013%
Misc.:         #################### | 000%

Translated:    #################### | 011%

Checked:     #################### | 000%

Hi I'm still alive



III. How to use it

1. Move the german.zip file to your "Pokemon Reborn" folder
2. Extract it there (make sure the files inside don't end up in a new folder called something like "german")
3. Start the game
4. Select "Languages" from the main menu
5. Select "Deutsch (German)"
6. Done!


IV. Download:
Click me


V. The Team

Currently, the team consists of the following people:

@TheTGU - Organizer, Translator

@LEVELELEVEN - Translator

@Huszti - Translator
@Grimmjow_FtT - Translator


If you want to start helping us out, don't be afraid to PM me!


VI. Special Thanks
First off, I want to thank @Waynolt for making the Translation Manager, thus making it way easier to translate the game, as well as for helping me out with problems that occured while and after translating.
And secondly,  I want to thank Ame and the whole Reborn staff for making this awesome fangame.


German/ Deutsch:


Pokémon Reborn: Deutsche Übersetzung


I. Allgemein:

Drei andere und ich arbeiten an einer deutschen Übersetzung des Spiels, welche mit der Hilfe des von @Waynolt erstellten "Translation Manager"s erstellt wird.

Unser Ziel ist, dieses tollte Fan-Game für mehr Menschen zugänglich zu machen, indem wir es in ihrer Erstsprache anbieten und damit Sprachbarrieren überwinden.

Bitte beachtet, dass dies eine sehr frühe Version der Übersetzung ist.
Solltest du irgendwas (wenn es auch nur etwas Kleines ist) finden, was nicht richtig übersetzt ist, nicht gut klingt, oder einen Tippfehler/ Grammatikfehler  beinhaltet, dann sende mir bitte eine PM und ich werde es im nächsten Update beheben. Jegliches Feedback wird geschätzt.
Allerdings solltest du beachten, dass das Übersetzen von Pokémon Reborn eine sehr lange Zeit brauchen wird, vor allem die nicht-Dialog Zeilen, da deren offizielle Übersetzungen nachgeschlagen werden müssen, also erwarte nicht, dass das dieses oder vielleicht nächstes Jahr fertig wird.
Du solltest auch wissen, dass manche Zeilen sich nicht übersetzen lassen, ohne die Skriptdatei zu editieren oder eine zusätzliche Mod zu machen.
Um einen besseren Einblick in den Fortschritt zu gewähren, werde ich unseren Fortschritt auf eine Weise, die Forumnutzern bekannt vorkommen sollte, dokumentieren.

Orte und Charakternamen werden nicht übersetzt werden.


II. Fortschritt:

Dialog:        #################### | 002%
PokéBegriffe:  #################### | 030%
Menüs:         #################### | 013%
Sonstiges:     #################### | 000%

Übersetzt:     #################### | 011%

Überprüft:   #################### | 000%

Hi ich lebe noch



III. Wie man es verwendet

1. Bewege die "german.zip" Datei in deinen "Pokémon Reborn" Ordner
2. Extrahiere sie dort (stelle sicher, dass die Dateien nicht in einem neuen Ordner namens "german" landen)
3. Starte das Spiel
4. Wähle "Languages" aus dem Hauptmenü
5. Wähle "Deutsch (German)"
6. Fertig!


IV. Download:
Klicke hier


V. Das Team

Momentan besteht das Übersetzerteam aus den folgenden Personen:

@TheTGU - Organisator, Übersetzer

@LEVELELEVEN - Übersetzer

@Huszti - Übersetzer
@Grimmjow_FtT - Übersetzer


Solltest du uns helfen wollen, dann schreibe mir gerne eine PM!


VI. Besonderen Dank

Zuerst möchte ich @Waynolt dafür danken, dass er den "Translation Manager" gemacht hat und es damit viel einfacher gemacht hat, das Spiel zu übersetzen; sowie für seine Hilfe bei Problemen, die während und nach dem Übersetzen aufgetaucht sind.
Und zweitens möchte ich Ame und dem ganzen Rebornteam dafür danken, dass sie dieses großartige Fan-Game gemacht haben.


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I was eventually planning on doing a German translation, but only after the game would be finished, so all the material would be at hand.

imo it's a ridiculous task to keep the slang and fun even remotely similarly amusing in German, or probably any other language for that matter.

I'll check your start out soon(tm).

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ah, in that case, I can imagine.
but also, revised texts have been a thing, so take care!

should you really keep going with this, you might count me in (like I said, after the game's finished tho) more seriously than to simply check stuff, if you'd like.
alas, obviously that's gonna be a while till then.

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Hey I think you should add a "I don't know German" to the voting options for the second question, cause I can't judge your translation quality.

I'm guessing you want to get a feeling for how many people would be interested, though so I'd like to vote at least for the first question 😛

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On 3/15/2019 at 12:54 AM, CrossImpact said:

ah, in that case, I can imagine.
but also, revised texts have been a thing, so take care!

should you really keep going with this, you might count me in (like I said, after the game's finished tho) more seriously than to simply check stuff, if you'd like.
alas, obviously that's gonna be a while till then.

I kinda forgot to answer this, so here I am now.


1. It won't import lines that have been changed, so in theory I'll only need to translate the new and changed lines.


2. Since the translation process is mostly editing a .txt file (albeit with the help of a program), it might be difficult for two people to work on the translation. I am however willing to try finding a way to do it.

Just PM me when the time has come. 🙂

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, instead of editing the topic, I'll post this here, because I don't want to deal with the pix mess.

I've updated the translation.

However, I did not make that much progress because I was and still am rather busy.

The game is now translated up to the point where you leave the grand hall. Some of the grand hall npcs might have untranslated dialogue though.



I'll also use this as an opportunity to announce that thanks to an update in the translation manager a few days ago, working on the translation in a team is now way easier than it used to be.

So, if anyone is interested in helping me out, feel free to check Section V of the original post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, kind of sad that I'm discovering that this is a thing just as it's being cancelled. I guess I'm gonna work on it a bit for myself anyways, since I'm kind of in the mood for some translating right now.

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If you want to, you can use my existing translation and keep working on it.

I could also upload it on this thread to prevent having two seperate translations of the same language since I'm planning to eventually return.


But really only if you want to.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Don't know if this is still up to date, but since i'm just starting to play reborn again, i thought i'd see if there's a finished translation already and if it's possible, i'd like to continue/contribute :)

The game is done now, so I think now would be a good time for that.

 I am from Austria, so the translation would not be that difficult I think :)

Edited by TheTob1
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