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[IC]TotMG:LF The Lost City of Pandtlantis


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"Damnit...To be insulted and bested by mere humans."

 She knew she could call in reinforcements. It wouldent'  be that big of a deal to open a door, but her pride wouldn't allow it.
Having to be rescued from a small group of humans by her own subordinates? Never. Nor could she extract herself and go scurrying home defeated.

This being the case she makes no further moves against the group and simply proceeds to Simultaneously bitch about her defeat, and attempt to save face.

"You wouldent' have won if I hadn't stayed my hand earlier. With my beams I could have smote anyone who insulted me, I just didn't want to trash the ship and have to drag the rest of you out of the cold vacuum of local space."

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"My gut told me you were a threat. I was wrong. And yeah, I don't think you need a list of the kind of scum I've run into." Mercenary life was actually a step up from piracy in that regard, mostly, but she'd met her fair share of unscrupulous mercies and clients that were equally so. Not that she wasted time on pondering this; Star Bitch evidently attempted something. The operative term being attempted; judging by her response, becoming blurry for a moment wasn't the intended result. "I really, really do not give a single fuck about your pride. I can smite people with beams too, in case you didn't notice. You're not special. Now let's get something very clear." Her voice dropped lower. "You are a liability at best. You started a pissing contest that ended with you threatening to blow the ship multiple times. You can stop doing that right now, or I can find my own way to ensure that nobody here gets spaced by some prissy bitch on a power trip. I don't think anyone else would complain if I did so. Do you understand your situation?" Somehow, her scowl became even deeper. "I don't work with people who are willing to do this kind of shit. Especially to their own crewmates."

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Jack turns to Zoe. "Was I not just... oh wait, you were knocked out. Gods, everyone here has some weird high horse they're on aren't they?" This was going to be a long job for the captain. An interesting job, but a long one.

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As Akihiro stares at the first image, he slowly grows more annoyed.


"Is this it?"


He says, not actually flicking to any other images.  Veins around his eyes beginning to bulge.


"Where is the rest of it.  Surely you don't just have one picture in this entire tablet.  Where are the rest of them kept."


He eventually thrusts it back into her hands, distinctly angry after deigning to flick through a few of the pictures.


"Useless.  It would take me weeks to read all of this nonsense."

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With a jarring thud the ship suddenly comes to a complete stop.  An arm extends down from the ceiling of the ship with a glowing blue laser the traces out several odd shapes in the air.  Slowly the shapes materialize into masks and tanks and one of the loaders moves to catch them as they drop, the loader then goes around offering them to various party members.




A mechanical grinding can be heard from outside of the ship, and around the time everyone got their spacegear a loud hissing and sudden drop in pressure indicated they were about at that time.




The loader says this right as the front door opens and the cabin fully decompresses, those that took Oz-kits find them glowing to life supplying oxygen and a localized pressure bubble around the user's skin.


As the party looks out they see two asteroids, the small one is about the size of a typical four bedroom house and the other is elongated twice that.  Two long bridges built in a sort of steampunk-gothic architecture connect the asteroids and lead to hollowed out interiors, several copper reinforcements and smoke stacks appear in various almost random places around the asteroids.  The smokestacks are spewing bluish fire that withers upon reaching space, yet still burns further than you'd expect.


An eerie silence fills the void around you.


Though the doorways seem mostly open some of you catch a glimmer of some kind of barrier over them, likely holding in an atmosphere.  Inside the rooms are unnaturally white and clean.

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Akihiro takes a few experimental hops, before grinning.


This could be fun, if he has correctly assessed the facts.


As an experiment, he transforms into a paper kite for a moment, flopping to the ground nearly instantly.


That's odd.


Considering the info at his disposal... There's no air.  Right, he should have guessed that.


A small burst of chakra smoke heralds him returning to his original form, as the smoke is rapidly de-exist'd in the vacuum.


"Let us move."


Akihiro says, preparing to make the hop over to the asteroids.

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Taking a few moments to look over himself Jack nods and steps out into the cold darkness of space. He looks around before frowning. Still no sign of his ship, and what's worse, this place looked like London. And that was terrible, nothing good ever came from London. "Whoever designed this place has a terrible sense of style. Let's hurry up so we can kick their ass and steal their booze, aye?"

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As expected, they had arrived just as he had asked. Instantly, as the pressure in the ship began to drop, T1's feet clamped down to the floor, the onboard magnets taking effect. Thankfully he was a machine, so the Oxygen-Kits would be more plentiful to the fleshbags.


Without a second glance towards the Loaderbot, T1-N walked over to the now open door, systematically removing his magnetics before turning them on again in order to do so. He did take notice of Akihiro's... Shapeshifting, but nonetheless moved on, his back opening up slightly to reveal his jet pack as he turned to the people who had been arguing among themselves, "If there is anymore actions needing to be taken to iron this out, do it on your own time" he stated, his glance clearly directed at Stella, before he turned and hopped out of the ship, small blue flames bursting out of his jet pack to carry him to the ship.

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Hirata pouted a little as she put the drawing tablet back inside of her bag, not realizing that she had accidentally showed Akihiro one of her more 'special' designs, "Bakaaaaa, of course there's more! All you had to do was flick to the next one, never had any computers in your world or somethiiiing?."


She then donned the oxygen kit and took a few deep breaths in before she took out another, camera equipped tablet phone thing, letting out oooh and aaahhhs as she twirled, jumped, and tried to swim her way to the asteroid, taking pictures of space and the rest of the party along the way.

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"And that's my cue to get outta here." Vepr-12 ignored the Oxygen Kits and made her way to the front door, leaving the ashes of the argument behind. Not just seeing the vacuum of space, but feeling it, was an all-new experience for the tactical doll. Her eyes were set on the strange complex ahead of her. "Style? It's an improvement over everything else we've seen so far. I'll take it."


She leaped forward and forward, drifting in space as she approached the asteroids.

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Jack shakes his head as he also approaches the complex. "No no, it's missing a sort of elegance that a properly planed base should have. Look at all that, it's too messy to even be chaos borne of temporary measures becoming permanent or multiple styles mashing together into one like a pirate town. It's just random shit thrown up for the sake of it. Terrible is what it is."

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Like T1, Zoe's also stabilized by the magnets in her boots; starships where she's from don't commonly have artificial gravity, so the revelation that this one did is a bit of a surprise.  Have to swipe some of that for later.  "Alright, mission time.  Let's roll."  Sword out, she shoves off the rocket, pointed at the complex.  "YEET!"

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As the party reaches the first bridge those that move over it find a strange force pulling down, no strong enough they can't escape, but strong enough they could walk on the bridge if they so choose.  From this better vantage to the left in the small asteroid they party can see a desk, a chair, and a simple bed.  To the right in the larger asteroid they can see rows and cabinets covered in lab equipment, several bookshelves loaded with books, and a host of odd machines.  All of the furniture appears solid white, while many of the objects and machines do have some color.

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Well, her standards had been set fairly low, and yet somehow, Handsome Jack continued to disappoint regardless. The kits were higher tech than she was used to, but they couldn't even manage a proper docking? Just, threw them out the airlock and called it good? Not to mention the lack of propulsion on the kit; where she was from, most people didn't walk around with jetpacks. She supposed her flamers or her railgun would do in a pinch, but this setup wasn't something you used for people you wanted to curate good relations with. It was the kind of setup you used for people you hoped to never deal with again.


Scarlet had never been a fan of being disposable. 


At least they seemed to be actually on the base. She hunkered low to the floor, and carefully pulled herself along toward the bridge. When the artificial gravity caught her, she landed rather ungracefully before popping back up to her feet. "Fucking hell." NO signs of activity yet, either, and they hadn't even given them the courtesy of mentioning where these things were. Scarlet was even less fond of weird black goop than most, given her recent experiences; it being the primary objective was the cherry atop the shit sundae of this mission. 


The mercenary moved forward carefully towards the left asteroid; going right seemed to be heading more directly toward the source, which gave more chances for them to get in deeper into where the things were without realizing it, and she'd rather be in an enclosed space rather than somewhere an errant recoil force could send her tumbling into the void.

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Stella, ignoring the oxygen kits allowed herself to be swept out by the pressure, tossed into the low gravity outside. Before hitting the ground she did a little flip and aligned herself perpendicular to the ground directly beneath her and began to fly. She was still seething internally, which put a serious look on her face, but made no further aggressive actions.

Ungrateful Humans.
Well If they wouldn't respect her status, then she would make them respect her power and skill. 

And that started with doing something useful, First off....

"Im going to check the Lab. Its the most likely place we can find information"
Also the most likely place for enemies, considering why they were here. But she could deal with that. 
Nothing had shot at them as the came in, so that was a good sign.

Without waiting for a response she starts heading that way, looking around as she goes

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Living Quarters:


Scarlet steps through the energy field and is immediately greeted by fresh air as her Oz-kit automatically powers down and retracts.  Everything was extremely neat and tidy, two books sit on the desk along with an ink pen, a folder that looks like it has some papers in it, and a note the reads "0457".  Over in the corner is a small ornate red and gold box.





Inside the lab Stella recognizes about half of the tech and magi-tech here, but the purpose of the rest is lost even on her.  The room seems to be divided with a solid wall cutting it in half, a reinforced door with a codelock leads to the other half.  Leaning against one of the tables covered in magi-tach Stella sees a deactivated Loader with numerable claw marks, charred areas, and what looks like a limb shattered off.  It's got a yellow and silver shotgun in it's remaining hand.  Closer examination of the room reveals a number of bullet impacts on the walls and several piles of shattered glass, presumably from getting hit.



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"Well, that has to be the first good sign this week," Scarlet grumbled to herself. Nobody else seemed to have actually made their way forward yet, and she wasn't sure if that made her more or less comfortable. At least Stella was volunteering to be mutant chow first. The mercenary kept her weapon ready as she entered the room, methodically checking every hiding place that she could think of for unwelcome guests and/or objects to relieve her stress on. The books probably weren't of much interest, but the box might have valuables in it, and the folder might contain useful information. Scarlet (after poking about below the desk on the off chance there was something to bite her under it) pocketed the note, then flipped through the papers in the folder, skimming them for objects of interest.

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Hirata ungracefully made her way down to the living quarters herself, having decided that following after the mean baka violent star person into the lab wouldn't be a fun experience. "This place is creepy and weird," she stated after she picked herself up off of the floor, before she decided to try and help out by rummaging around the contents of the room as well, whether be it by scanning through the contents of the files for things of interest, testing the bed's softness, or searching the room itself for anything she could scavenge.

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Well, Jack considered as he extremely casually hurtled through open space surrounded by a very small little pressure field towards a dangerous asteroid complex, he could either go with the mercenary chick or the psycho wanna-be-Papa-Vanu bitch, and while it wouldn't really be a big deal if he got nailed in the back of the head by a space laser or whatever, he figured it would probably be a better time to follow Scarlet. (That is, he considered the choice of who to follow, not his situation; he didn't really care about that.) He casually entered the living quarters, unslinging his big hefty "light" machine gun from his back and keeping it in a relaxed pose, evidently not seeming to care about barrel sweeping people with it, though he was at least generally facing the doors. "Anything interesting in here?"

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Once T1-N hit the ground, his jetpack retracted back into his body, the droid unslinging his rifle from his back as he moved to the building, specifically the left side. It took only a quick glance around the room to note what was inside, thanks to the fact that the room itself was extremely simplistic. The one thing that did catch his eye was the red and gold box that rested along the wall. Curiosity getting the better of him, T1 crouched next to the box, still holding his rifle as he attempted to open it.

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Captain Frost also went towards the lab, almost immediately beginning to look through anything closed for objects of worth or interest. Assuming there wasn't anything stored away, he'd move on to the loader, stabbing it with his sword for good measure before taking the gun and looking it over.

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Living Quarters:


Scarlet skims the papers to find that they're some kind of research documents, something about "The Heart", "Heartless", and "Nobodies" are mentioned several times though never described in detail.  It seems she has picked up only a small piece of a much larger document.


Hirata manages to find an odd heavy black coat folded in a drawer of the bedside table.  It's got an excess of chunky silver zippers and chains.


T1-N opens up the small box to find a large ornate ring of sorts, it's made of a black metal with three blue beads and single dangling white crystal.


Akihiro finds the first book completely incomprehensible, it's written in some kind of weird chicken-scratch language of the same character over and over with very minor alterations.  From his best guess it lists out some kind of formulas and recipes.  The second book is mostly philosophical waxing on "The Heart" and other seemingly related subjects with little practical information to be gained.



Xehanort's Reports (x2)

May be turned in for 1/3 of an Int point or used as a crafting reagent.


Black Coat: Always fits perfectly.

6 DR vs Corrupting/Void damages.


Dark Anklet:

9 DR vs Corrupting damage.


"On the Study of Hearts": A dry book on philosophy.


Red book: A mysterious book containing formulas and recipes in a foreign language.





Stella inspects the downed Loader while Jack stabs it a few times and takes its gun.



Scrap Steel(x3)

Computer Core(x1)

Electric Motor(x2)


Angry Coachgun:  Deals 1d4+[Dex/2] damage to one target, the user may choose to deal double damage with this weapon, doing so requires an action be spent reloading before the next attack with this weapon.


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Seeing that the area seemed to be safe, Vepr-12 made her way into the lab, following behind the dangerous goddess. She just had to be quiet about it and nothing would happen, she thought.


All the whiteness around her made her wonder if this place was actually a renovated solitary torture chamber. She gave the locked door a curious look, but decided against tearing it down on her own. After all, the goddess in the room definitely had more firepower than she did.


She went around a lab table, before stopping before a strange machine located in a corner. She took her time to examine the machine, looking for anything that might suggest its purpose.

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Jack mostly just hang back and observed everyone else going through the stuff in the lab, idly pondering. "Huh, there's a lot of clutter in here. Books and coats and papers and stuff. Wouldn't really see that where I'm from. Don't really spend a ton of time in living quarters." Or, well, asleep at all. Didn't respawn in tired, after all. They still got to take breaks at the warpgates or the fleets sometimes, to keep 'em from snapping, and Jack supposed that was often pretty nice, but extraneous items were a rare sight to him.

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