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[IC]TotMG:LF The Lost City of Pandtlantis


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Hirata pumped her fist in excitement when the taskmaster went down, letting out a small cheer at the sight of her small personal victory before her fears and self doubt very suddenly returned as one of the blob things swiped at her feet again, causing her to yelp out a cry for, "Hhelp! I can't get these things off me!," before running away again, while firing wildly at one of the creatures the taskmaster was protecting. 

Hirata uses the Hyperion Transmurdera on the Maroon Dirge, dealing 1d4+Dex [7] damage with +16 damage due to her having 4 stacks of firing and -60% miss chance.



Hyperion Transmurdera:
Deals 1d4+[Dex] damage with 60% miss chance, +4 damage and -20% miss chance for each consecutive use(miss chance reduction caps at 60%).  
Level 2(craft): The first time this weapon is used instead of firing the user may spin up the motor, this counts as two consecutive uses instead of one.  If the weapon stacks 6 or more consecutive uses the rubber band has a 50% chance to break and need to be replaced with another.  

Mashinshinajī: When using robotic or electronic equipment, the effectiveness of a single piece of equipment is boosted by 2, or by [Gm fiat] if No numerical values exist for that piece of equipment. This action does not take a slot. 

Pawādoāmā: Initially intended to be a carbon copy of the Hybrid Assistive Limb exoskeleton used to make walking less of a chore; a quick break to watch a super sentai show led to it becoming an elaborate non self replicating nanobot based set of transforming clothing that harden in response to physical trauma and automatically form a set of supports to allow her to transcend her previous physical limitations.
Grants a +1 bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity when equipped, takes two slots to equip. 

The Iron Mask: A porcelain white mask which is said to be anything and everything from a neural function enhancing device, a signal booster allowing one with the proper access codes to take control of the robot that wears this mask, and many other functions. What's known is that it serves as the control device for her suit of nanobot based power armor and the augmented reality monitor for her all white backpack computer/CNC Miller and assembly tool, and that it triggers a dramatic transformation when worn by a certain kind of person.
Grants +2 to Doctor Ishi’s Intelligence when equipped.

Black Coat: Always fits perfectly. 
6 DR vs Corrupting/Void damages. 


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Scarlet heals Zoe Walker.


HP: 36

  • Essence: 1
  • Constitution: 8
  • Dexterity: 5
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Strength: 1
  • Synergy: 1


  • Immortal Smoke (level 2) : Scarlet's body is suffused with a set of powerful, specialized nanites that have fully integrated with her biology. Among other factors, this allows her to recover from injury with great speed, as well as allowing her to boast an impressive resistance to all manner of toxins and foreign bodies. They carry a full blueprint of her body; this allows her to regenerate even lost limbs, given time.
    • Effect 1: Scarlet recovers [CON] HP per round. Disabled if an Iron Weaver action is used.
    • Effect 2: Scarlet receives a CON saving throw against a difficulty of the GM's choice (generally the inflicter's attacking stat + 10) against any poison or disease-based effects, immediately before they would come into effect, once per round. Disabled if an Iron Weaver action is used.
    • Effect 3: If Scarlet goes for an entire plot without suffering a wound, the oldest wound she has is automatically removed.
  • Reach for the Moon: While specialized, Scarlet's augmentation still shares the baseline functionality of all Iron Weavers, allowing her to control a nanite swarm that can create and destroy objects, performing acts such as erecting cover on the fly from environmental materials and chewing through the armor of a mech. 
    • Effect: Whenever Scarlet successfully completes a craft, she receives an Iron Weaver action. 
  • Flaw: Hourai Victim: "It must be fate." Scarlet has made a few friends and a lot of enemies over her career.
    • Effect: Scarlet occasionally attracts corporate bounty hunters, non-corporate bounty hunters, and various other flavors of hit squad, who will attempt to capture or kill her, at the GM's discretion. This flaw may also have other effects in sci-fi settings.



Field Patch: Iron Weaver action, infusing a target with nanites. Heals target by Scarlet's [CON], and allows them to roll a save using her CON against a poison or disease effect on them.
-Level 1: [CON]+save vs. poison using Scarlet's CON.

Wrist Flamers (Merit equipment): Wrist-mounted flamethrowers, an effective terror weapon in melee combat. Their relatively low profile makes them easy to carry and conceal, but doesn't exactly do away with the laws of thermodynamics. If she was well-known for anything, it would be her usage of these. Deals heat damage. 
-Level 1: Up to three targets gain the "Shaken" status until the end of the encounter, if they already have Shaken they instead lose it and gain "Frightened", if they already have Frightened they instead lose it and gain "Panicked".
Shaken enemies deal [DEX/2] less damage in the presence of their fear, Frightened enemies deal [stat] less damage, and Panicked enemies deal [DEX] less and and must also make an Ess save in order to take any action that isn't running from the source of their fear.

The user takes [DEX] backlash damage, this action can only be used once per round.
-Level 2: This piece of equipment does not take up a slot. 
-Level 3: Can instead be used to inflict 2d4+[DEX/2] burning damage for 2 rounds, inflicting [DEX] recoil damage. 

HelioSys LWP-R Laser Rifle (Merit equipment): Scarlet's weapon of choice. A lightweight weapon more or less occupying the same role as a carbine. What it lacks in armor penetration it makes up for in versatility. Deals 2d6+DEX damage, affected doubly by damage reduction. Can deal nonlethal damage, and is not obviously a weapon when disassembled (fooling most conventional low-level security systems that would be scanning for such. Takes a turn to assemble if combat starts while it is hidden.) Deals heat/radiation damage. 
-Level 1: 2d6+DEX damage, affected doubly by DR, can deal nonlethal damage, is stealthy. 
Omnidyne-M "Archer" Counter-Armor Platform (Equipment): An oft-maligned weapon that painfully stretches the definition of man-portable, as well as the compressive strength of the bones of those unfortunate enough to man it. However, it still does an excellent job of putting very neat, very large holes in things. Deals HV Piercing damage. 
-Level 1: Deals [STR or DEX]*4 damage, ignoring damage reduction. Stuns and inflicts half the damage dealt to the user on firing.
-Level 2: Recoil reduced to 1/3.
-Level 3: Recoil reduced to 1/4.

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Zoe urgently searches her surroundings for a chest high wall.  After all, everyone knows that there's always a chest high wall conveniently nearby in a combat zone, and that while crouching behind one you're completely immune to enemy fire.  Assuming she finds one, Zoe will attempt to roll behind it to safety, and then get to her feet, but only into a crouch.  If you stand up, the chest high wall won't protect you anymore.




Essence:  4


Constitution:  2


Dexterity:  7


Intelligence:  3


Strength:  2


Synergy:  3



Precognitive Reflexes:  Zoe Walker always knows what’s going to happen ten seconds before it does, giving her a massive advantage in agility and hand-eye coordination in most situations.  Whenever she successfully trains a stat, she also trains her future sight, increasing her dexterity by +1.


Cassandra’s Tears:  Zoe Walker can choose to not use 1 of her moves in a round.  In this case, the unused move instead negates an incoming source of harm that would hit her or the vehicle she is piloting.


Arcane Backlash:  By overdrawing on magic, Zoe Walker has taken some of that magic into herself.  Delving too deep into the secrets of fire and time magic have rendered her immune to heat and void damage.  She also no longer ages, though this doesn’t alter the durations of effects on her.


Get her Monologuing (Flaw):  Zoe Walker’s intelligence may not be her highest or second-highest stat.  Characters with a higher intelligence than Zoe Walker can choose to spend their full round to get her monologuing.  Once this has been done, Zoe will only take actions to talk until she is dealt damage totaling at least 20% of her MHP or an ally spends a full round snapping her out of it.  Zoe will only fall for this once per encounter.



Arming Sword (Level 1, Equipment, Active):  Zoe cuts or thrusts with her trusty sword, dealing 1d6 + strength cutting or low velocity piercing damage.


Aim for the Squishy Bits (Level 1, Active):  Zoe divines the best possible place to attack someone with an equipped weapon and then does it.  Make an attack with an equipped weapon or vehicle weapon that has a 10% chance for a x2 damage critical hit.  Usable once per round.


Field Medical Kit (Level 1, Equipment, Active):  Zoe uses her stowed medical supplies and military training to treat a target’s wounds, restoring 1d4 + intelligence HP to them.


 1x Burning Purge (Level 1, Active):  Zoe uses fire magic to burn all status ailments, debuffs, and diseases from target ally, dealing them 1 heat damage.  The target is rendered immune to cold damage for 1 round.  This action may be equipped in multiple slots.  After use, this action removes itself from the slot it was equipped into.


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Jack had been bleeding out, but a few desperately applied sources of healing caused dormant nanites to kick into gear within him -- the New Conglomerate soldier was wreathed briefly in green light, surrounded by green floating specks, and he was climbing back to his feet, stretching his limbs with a few pops and then grinning. He withdrew a grenade from his belt, bounced it a couple times in his hand, then shouted "Good fuckin' thing this isn't an anti-vehicle grenade," and proceeded to huck the grenade, in the enclosed space, right at the Neo-Shadows.


Jack throws the Frag Grenade at Neo-Shadow C!



YOUR BEST IS MY WORST (Perk-backed): Faction-themed taunts are a long tradition in the Auraxian war, and since Jack has been in that war for more than 20 years, he’s been shouting insults at the top of his lungs for a long time. Oh, and with this he adds incoherent screaming, charging directly and recklessly at the enemy, and firing bullets blindly in every direction. Jack taunts five enemies for their next action. 2 turn cooldown.


Live Free in the NC!: For when Jack is JUST taunting, not screaming like a madman and firing wildly and sprinting in. He IS capable of much more mild obnoxiousness, after all. Jack taunts one enemy for one round. 1 turn cooldown.


Frag Grenade: This little ball of chaos is a Nanite Systems issue fragmentation grenade, which packs one hell of a punch if you’re around when it goes off. It may take a while to detonate, but everything in its blast radius is dying unless it is one seriously, seriously tough son of a bitch. When thrown, this grenade targets the initial target as well as the enemies before and after it in initiative. It detonates at the end of the turn after it is thrown, and enemies targeted by it can use an action to escape the blast. Does 6d6+[DEX]*2 sonic/high-velocity damage to those it hits. Once per Battle.


Mag-Shot: The most standard weapon Jack’s arsenal, being a simple pistol. The gun looks like a brick with a handle and trigger, and the bullets are pretty goddamned powerful, just like on the SAW, but this one pretty much just handles like a normal pistol, much unlike the SAW. Deals 2d6+[DEX] high-velocity damage.

NC6 Gauss SAW: This electromagnetic Light Machine Gun is a particularly infamous piece of gear on Auraxis, one wielded by most Heavy Assault soldiers of the New Conglomerate. Each bullet hits like a common model of vehicle-mounted machine gun’s does, and it remains precise at long range, but it has two disadvantages. One: it doesn’t fire too quickly. Two: It kicks like absolutely nothing else. This weapon does 1d3-1 shots, which each do 2d4+[DEX] high-velocity damage. 


Shrike: The standard rocket launcher of the New Conglomerate, and far and away the best for running and gunning. It’s not overwhelmingly powerful, and it’s totally unguided, but it works well against vehicles, is the most accurate when fired quickly of the NC’s rocket launchers, and it reloads the quickest of the NC’s rocket launchers. 2d6+STR sonic damage, ignores damage reduction. 2 turn cooldown.


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Stella uses Night shock on Maroon Dirge, (or, if its dead before her turn the lowest HP Neo-Shadow) Dealing 2d6+Syn Holy/Dark damage

Stella has a 33% dodge chance due to Divine Flight

Stella resist most environmental effects due to Divine Flight

The current antagonist of this plot may mock Stella and her allies due to Color Commentary. Because of this, Stella may randomly be afflicted by Taunt.

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The Maroon Dirge spews more magical fire on Akihiro and Scarlet dealing 10 and 11 damage.


[89] Zoe darts to safety behind a nearby overturned steel table and stands to a crouch, she should be pretty safe here for now.


Hirata fires a stream of deadly lead at the Maroon Dirge dealing 26 damage and sending it crashing to the ground where it explodes into a cloud of light motes and a single orb that slowly fades away.


Akihiro creates another mindless clone.


Jack’s grenade rolls along the ground into the next room where the Neoshadows are and clinks against the ground where they take a curious interest to it.


Scarlet joins Zoe behind the steel table and heals her for 8 HP.


Darkness pools around Jack J.’s feet and body until Vepr-12 pulls him out and gets stuck herself.  She take 3 Corrupting damage as the Neoshadow literally pulls her down her waist into the floor. She can’t use movement actions until Neoshadow B is killed.

Vepr-12 counter attacks for 10 damage.


Another Neoshadow attacks another Akihiro clone, destroying it.


The last Neoshadow swipes at Stella[55, hit] for 8 damage.

[8 vs 15, fail], Stella becomes knocked Prone.


The Violet Hymn blasts Vepr-12 and Jack A. with ice shards dealing 1 and 6 damage.

Vepr-12 counters again for 16 damage.


Jack forces Hirata to take a swig and heals her for 11 HP.


Stella hits the Neoshadow for a solid 17 damage, burning it out of the ground and freeing Vepr-12 whom is sort of shunted upwards.


Jack's grenade explodes a split second later dealing massive damage to the three remaining foes and splitting them into motes of light and fading spheres as well.



A few moments later and your ECHO devices crackled to life with Handsome Jack at your ears.

"WOW.  No one could've predicted how that went.  Not to say we didn't try, I heard a couple strong arguments saying half or more of you would die, but I didn't place any bets.  Now take whatever loot or shit you want from that place and I'll have a ship waiting for you outside."


There were indeed two other brightly colored boxes resting buried in the rubble of the second room, similar to the first and both unlocked.




4 Merit each.


The motes of light coalesce into several glowing gems:

Writhing Gem: Contains the purified essence of Darkness.

Pulsing Gem: Contains the essence of a Tough being.

Blazing Shard: Contains the essence of Fire.

Frost Shard: Contains the essence of Ice.


The two chests open to reveal:

Mage's Shield:  A complex magi-tech device made from durable greenish metal, projects an energy shield around the user.

Grants a pool of 8 THP if equipped at the start of combat, increases the user's Int or Syn by 2 until the end of combat when this THP is depleted.


Protect Belt: A thick leather belt enchanted to magically repel attacks.

3 DR vs Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing.




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Perhaps it was the pint of liquid courage Jack forced down her throat, or  the condescending tone the handsome Jack adopted when he 'congratulated' them on their victory, but for some reason Hirata dashed out of the room with a bundle of LEDs soon after the fight ended, ducking into a side room to do...something for herself, muttering a few words as she put on the mask, and rolled around inside of a locker.

The woman that dashed into the laboratory a few moments later was a different person entirely it seemed. Someone who stood almost a head taller than Hirata did, who was bedecked in a flashy and ostentatious outfit that suggested 'scientist', but screamed 'mad'. The woman smiled about as confidently as she could manage behind her porcelain white mask, and let out an extremely corny laugh while striking an odd pose, before she declared that, "Dr. Ishi has entered the scene!," in a distressingly familiar voice. Promptly taking the frost shard and running back out of the room afterwards with a "Dr. Ishi has left the sceneee,"

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Vepr-12 stumbled as she jolted upwards from getting ejected from the Neoshadow's grasps, and fell on her fours. She was just having the time of her life getting up close and personal with the Neoshadow, spilling rounds like a preschool kid torturing her doll, and laughing as if that kid was smashing a piñata. The feeling was absolutely euphoric, launching a feedback loop in her mindmap.


Standing upright again, she felt a wave of emptiness as the high dissipated. "Good grief," the T-doll trudged her steps in the shadowy puddle. Maybe if there were another person to share the joy of killing with, the high could've lasted longer. Darn, she was missing her comrades already.


Quietly, she left for the ship.

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"Asshole," Scarlet bit off under her breath. Raising her voice a bit, she called out to the rest of the team. "If any of you want to be put back together, you might want to let me do it. And no, I don't care if you can't feel the pain because you drank something that was sixty percent alcohol by volume, you still need a patch." With the combat over, she gritted her teeth and tried to ignore the crawling, unpleasant sensation of nanomachines knitting her wounds back together. The ex-pirate moved over towards the stash of loot that had been left behind by... whatever the hell those things were, rolling her eyes at Jack as he tried to swallow one. "I'm not fixing that, by the way," she commented on the action. She wasn't planning on keeping any of the gear or gems, but figured it was a good way to get everyone to actually get close enough to her for her to get a look at them.

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"I could use some healing!  Got chewed on a bit.  Or a lot.  Hard to tell through the burning pain and tooth marks," Zoe requests, as she steps out from behind her hard cover and walks over to have a look at the loot, "Oooh, loot drops.  Spicy.  I'll take this one.  It feels like fire.  I'm good at fire.  I've been convicted in absentia for arson at least three times as many times as for anything else.  It's an omniversal record!  Or if it isn't, I need to step up my game."

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"Have you met people?" she asked Jack sarcastically. "If it doesn't hurt, that means its fine. Obviously." She rolled her eyes at the memory of some of her prior coworkers before moving her way over to Zoe, trying to pass over the pyromania for the moment. Scarlet didn't exactly have a lot of room to criticize. "Well, I can't say this is going to help a lot with the pain, but it'll make the tooth marks go away." The merc placed a hand over Zoe's wounds, ordering her nanobots to repair the woman instead of her. She dismissed the small warning message displayed in the corner of her eye - they didn't like being told to do that when she wasn't in perfect condition - and shook her hand slightly as if that would somehow affect how the machines behaved. 

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Stella scoffs.
Of course they would win. 

What kind of goddess would lose to such creatures. Sure it was a little cramped in here but of course they could handle it.
Still, She was pretty far from home and at present without a proper weapon to give her any extra edge. What if an actual threat showed up?

Most of the tech here was less then stellar.
(Well no, it was a space station after all, but semantics.)
But at the very least, parts were parts. Worst comes to worst she could melt it down.
And she WAS a little curious about some of the more esoteric tech.

So after claiming any loot that the others pass up, Stella promptly Flys around the room, Attempting to loot anything intresting looking, or metal that isent nailed down (And take apart anything that is) like an asshole

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Con save: 11 vs 19,

Luck: 55,

Random Blitz: ??,


Jack puts the crystals in his mouth fairly easily, swallowing on the other hand doesn't go as well.  Suppressing several gags he forces the stone past and it starts to go down.  Until it doesn't.  He can't talk, his face is turning blue, and adrenaline is probably setting in right about now.


Int check: 23 vs 17,
Luck: 7,


Stella flies around at the speed of sound tearing around the place for everything its worth.  Sadly with all the combat damage it isn't worth much.


Stella finds:

Shards of reinforced glass,

3 Twisted white metal,
3 Alchemical Bronze,

4 Magi-tech doodad(Barrier),

2 Magi-tech doodad(Gravity),

7 Broken Tech doodad,



Those who head outside find a ship approaching from the station.  It's strikingly square, very much like several shipping containers fused together with thrusters slapped on the outside.  It's got a large yellow H emblazoned on the side.  It slowly approaches the larger of the two bridges and open its lower doors to allow the party to enter.


Inside there are two Loaders with light weapons that completely ignore the party.  Jack crackles over the ECHO again.

"Welcome to your new home, reward for kicking the asses of those monsters.  It's loaded with top of the line Hyperion technology."

Several consoles inside allow access to various ship functions like controls, digistruction requests, system monitoring, weapon targeting, etc.

One of the quadrants of the ship is dedicated to crew quarters.

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"Oh no!  Don't worry!  I got this!"  Zoe reaches for her holo-scroll, and readies the spell she prepared for the battle but didn't have a good chance to use in the fight.  "Purge!"  Zoe casts Burning Purge on the choking Jack.  Note that Burning Purge has the side effect of leaving the beneficiary/victim 100% sober.  It also hurts like each of your cells was set on fire, because they were, more or less.



Burning Purge (Level 1, Active):  Zoe uses fire magic to burn all status ailments, debuffs, and diseases from target ally, dealing them 1 heat damage.  The target is rendered immune to cold damage for 1 round.  This action may be equipped in multiple slots.  After use, this action removes itself from the slot it was equipped into.


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Contested: 9 vs 7,

Jack feels the horrific pain of every cell of his body suddenly setting themselves on fire for a few brief moments just as a wave of grog forces the crystal down the rest of his throat and into his stomach.


The first and most important thing he feels is that he isn't drunk any more, not even hung over.  His throat is also unbelievable sore, probably scraped and cut too.


As the crystal hits his gut he feels a combination of increased resolve and underlying sick.


Jack gains:
"Pulsing Augment: +2 Ess -1 Con, always active, doesn't require and action slot.  Periodically gains an additional level, cannot be leveled normally."

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Jack looks quite disoriented as he suddenly is no longer drunk, alongside the incredible and terrible amount of pain he just experienced along side that. After a brief confused look at his bottle of grog, and then a look around the room, he triumphantly raises his arms. "Hey, it wor- ugh... It mostly worked!"

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"Sure it did, buddy. I'm not cutting that out of you." Jack's behavior as well as Stella's didn't exactly inspire confidence. She reminded her of Boris, if Boris was less oddly hypercompetent and somehow less sane, and he was like an uglier and less angry version of Scarlet herself from. . . was it eighty years ago now? Didn't matter. The other Jack wasn't improving things either. Zoe was another reminder of Boris, also insane but also competent in her own bizarre way. Possibly easier to work with, depending on whether one preferred rambling to sullen silence. Vepr-12 was someone to be watched, and the remaining Jack seemed manageable as long as someone beat it into his skull that most people didn't like getting shot as a joke. 


She moved into the ship and immediately started to hunt out the medbay and its stocks, doing her best to ignore "Handsome" Jack's everything. It had to be better than her previous home's infirmary, at least. She quietly resolved to make one last act of piracy and figure out a way to steal this ship from its owner without being traced. Freelancing was so much better than being disposable.

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Jack shrugs. "I'm serious, I actually feel better. Well, it's hard not too feel better because I was in more pain than I've realistically ever been able to recall, but now I'm sober and feel all... pulsy! That said, not doing it again." With a sway in his stride that Zoe alone would know is more from how well pleased he is rather than his usual state of drunkeness, Jack walks out to the new ship, pausing as he sees a second ship on the horizon. He squints as he leans out to get a closer look, before excitedly hurrying to find the controls of the ship gifted to them. 

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Vepr-12 swung to the crew quarters right away, and, being the first to get there, she took the bed closest to the exit and tossed her duffel bag on there. She was wholly uninterested in the operations of the spaceship, especially since that there were others in the group already familiar with how they work.


What she needed to care about, was this-


She took out a cleaning kit from her bag and sat down on the bed. She needed her shotgun to be in top condition at all times, so that she could go as rough as she'd like. Humming a Serbian tune, she carefully disassembled her weapon and began to clean its tubes thoroughly. A faint blush faded into her face, as she reminisced the previous high.

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Zoe sits down just in front of the airlock to carefully clean her sword, before sheathing it.  She considers going for the cockpit, but then remembers that she is in fact not a particularly good pilot, so she decides to search for an armory instead.  Even a crappy gun is better than not having a gun.  She happens upon a robot, wielding a chunky SMG, and addresses the mechanical being with her usual grace and charm.  "You have a gun. It's a very nice gun. I would like to have that gun. Gimmegimmegimme."




A second or two pass while a little light on the Loader's face spins to indicate its working on something.




The Loader then proceeds to hand the weapon to Zoe.


"Wait, that worked?!"  Zoe swiftly mag-clamps her new possession to her thigh, "I was expecting that to be way harder.  Wait, you have a controller?"  Anyone watching Zoe mull this over might get a strong impression of two hamsters, their loathing for one another passing all reason, charging each other while inside separate hamster wheels.  "Ah.  I see.  Thank you for informing me, friend!  Don't worry, Zoe Walker's got you covered."  The unstable space wizard sidles away, singing a show-tune at the top of her lungs.  She has a very good voice, a clear soprano that fills the halls with the echos of cheery music from ages long past.





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Hirata Dr. Ishi reacted to the presence of the spaceship the way any other nerd would to be brutally honest, quickly ignoring the rest of the party in favor of geeking out over the controls, before finally settling on trying out the digistruct machine to find out how it worked.

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"SCARLET!"  Zoe bursts into the medbay, grinning widely, "You're made of tiny robots!  That means you're made of tiny computers, so you can talk to big computers!  I need you to computer at computers because the last time I tried to computer a computer, its OS took the Most Honorable Third Option and I like these computers so if they did that I would be sad."

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