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Weird stuff going on with GTS in ORAS


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So earlier I was looking on the GTS in Alpha Sapphire and found that many offerings for Event mons are... weird. The trainer sprite on the bottom screen is messed up, the location of the person says: ??? ???, The name of the trainer extends far past the point It’s supposed to, and the Pokémon in question has some long Japanese name. But the absolute weirdest thing was the requested gender. It was either 1 to 10 (Cause that makes sense lol), “Dont include”, “Include”, or just a blank space. One in particular that caught my eye was a Shiny Darkrai in exchange for a Shedinja (Gender space was blank) It actually allowed me to trade it, but I didnt know if it would mess up my game. I’ve had hacked mons traded to me before, but this seemed weirder, like a data corruption thing. No guides helped me with this, so I turned here. If anyone could tell me what this Shiny Darkrai will do to my game and/or If it’s safe, It would be greatly appreciated.

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On 3/20/2019 at 5:35 PM, Vinnie said:

Weird. I know that online systems for the 3ds games will likely be discontinued shortly after the release of Sword&Shield on the switch. It could be possible they've already stopped maintenance. 

Thanks very much for the tip! I'l be becoming a full-on competitive player with the release of sword and shield, so I guess I had better hurry up and get all those Pokemon I need the GTS for before the shutdown.

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