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LF: Police Egg Pokemon FT: Larvesta (RESOLVED)


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I lost my old save file that was up to Adrienn's gym after transferring my stuff to a new computer. I'm playing through the game again to get up to that point, and I got a Larvesta egg from the police bois. Normally, I'd be pretty happy about that (I dragged a useless-ass Noibat and Tynamo with me in my old file until they slowly became badass after all) but I already have a good fire type in the form of my Incineroar. Would anyone be willing to trade me another one of the pokemon from the police egg pool that I could fit into my team better? I'd prefer Mareanie or Togepi, but I'd be open to other offers too.

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3 hours ago, Cain_ said:

I lost my old save file that was up to Adrienn's gym after transferring my stuff to a new computer. I'm playing through the game again to get up to that point, and I got a Larvesta egg from the police bois. Normally, I'd be pretty happy about that (I dragged a useless-ass Noibat and Tynamo with me in my old file until they slowly became badass after all) but I already have a good fire type in the form of my Incineroar. Would anyone be willing to trade me another one of the pokemon from the police egg pool that I could fit into my team better? I'd prefer Mareanie or Togepi, but I'd be open to other offers too.

I can trade you a Togepi, if you still need one

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