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Hal Henderics

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Rachel carefully listens to everything Toriel says.  She blinks a few times, processing it.  And then she flops back against the snow, heedless of her armor and the cold, staring blankly upwards.  "Do you know, Toriel, that we are not from this world?"  She asks, "Myself, Arminius, Ignia, and our companions elsewhere.  We left our own worlds, for various reasons.  Myself?  I died.  After sixty years of service on the front lines, the damned Tyranids finally took me down.  And the God-Emperor rescued me, and sent me to join this team, for my work was not yet done.  I tell you this, because it is necessary context for the conclusions I have reached.


"On your world, the humans won the war.  They imprisoned you here, in this place, and now the one you call Asgore has delved into foul heresies to attempt escape.  But on my world?  On my world...  I think the MONSTERS, the daemons...  I think they won the war.  One human soul claimed...  Into dozens...  Into thousands...  Into countless trillions...  And still the Ruinous Powers hunger for more..."

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Deciding that following after Lucine would be an extremely bad idea, Jun simply shrugged, and elected to go off deeper into the waterfall area to continue their search for the others. It's not like any of the four still back at the hotlands seemed like they weren't ready for a fight, unless Ignia died that is.

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-Snowdin Road


Toriel swallows heavily.


Dolly, however, simply wheezes with silent laughter, heaving like it's the funniest joke he's ever heard.


The child looks uncomfortable with this.


"Be silent," Toriel demands, plucking the doll from the child's arms with her fingertips, as if it were a dirty rag.
"Really, whatever punishment this one needs, being made whole is more than enough."
"The memory of saying such nonsense would be agony for a monster capable of compassion."
Dolly grins coyly, unable to take the threat seriously.
"My child, I will be confiscating this, before Rachel finds good reason to destroy it," she says coldly.
"No matter Rachel's words, the results are the same.  Asgore must be stopped," she says with finality.
Toriel outright scowls, an unfamiliar look on her face that silences Dolly.
She glances at Rachel with a compassionate look moments later.
Sans acts as if he didn't hear any of the discussions previously.
Jun's wanderings lead her to one of several places:

A place with a turtle monster

A place with a small bird

A place with snails and a ghost

A house that looks like a fish
The River Person.
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Arminius glares ahead for a moment before letting his shoulders slump. "Not much. Your brother has another... well, I hesitate to call it a trap... but you know what I mean. Anyway, he's up there with something for us to do, right?"

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Lucine looked down for a moment. "I've heard a lot of things that made me sad lately. One more thing won't kill me." And unlike the other things she'd been told, she might actually be able to do something about this one. 

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Ignia stands in thought as the conversation progresses, perhaps not paying quite as much attention to it as she could be, but enough to get an idea of what happened.  She scratched the side of her head and eventually looked up and over to Toriel.

"Why Hearts to break the barrier?  Is it just because they're strong?  and...would they have to all be in one person?"

She shakes her head, trying to knock loose thoughts she didn't like.

"I don't know about fixing the doll here, but I might have an idea for a way to obtain a Heart without anyone else having to die."

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"Congradulations, Toriel," Rachel levers herself upright, fits her gauntlets back on, and starts collecting her arsenal of weapons once more, hooking her medicae and jump pack on last.  "You've taken responsibility for the leadership of a self-destructive moron.  Welcome to the Imperial Guard."

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He says to Arminius




At Ignia's words, Toriel frowns.  "I'm not sure where I learned this, but THE BARRIER was made of seven human SOULs, and only a power greater than that is capable of destroying it."


"Only if that power were unified and directed at THE BARRIER would it be shattered."




Asgore is quiet after Lucine's words.  Long enough for them to reach his home once again.


One of the holograms pops up as they enter. "A long time ago, a human fell into THE RUINS-"


Asgore ignores the words for now, as the voices continue with the story Lucine had already heard.




He guides her into the living room, and puts on a pot of tea.


He pauses, unable to stall any further.
The teapot whistles loudly.
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"I see," Rachel walks over to join Arminius by Sans, "Well, present your test then.  They have not been an unacceptable hindrance thus far,"  And privately, she's beginning to suspect that the skeleton brothers are a lot more important than they let on.  Best to humor them, at least for now.

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Arminius looks to the child before nodding. "Probably more dog people if it's talking about smells while also getting the colors wrong... Welp, let's get going." With that he continues on to see what trial Sans has in store for them.

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As the group leave the area, The child pauses in front of a snowball, and Arminius hears yet more classic ghost comedy.


In the next area, Sans and Papyrus are waiting next to the exit leading deeper into the snowy landscape.
In the middle of the road, there is a piece of paper sitting on the ground.
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Well, he had been correct. Despite knowing that this was the monster that had collected six human souls thus far, the idea that he was willingly marching to his death was a depressing one. "I. . . Are you sure? I really think we can find a way to solve all this without anyone dying. And I don't think any of the people with us would want to kill you if they got to know you." She privately wondered if a few of them wouldn't let Asgore get that far; Rachel seemed to be very. . . enthusiastic, and Nader had been acting strange. Stranger than usual. "There's a power I have. I can't, like, make souls or anything, but I can summon something that's kind of like one." The homunculus glanced down as she considered the nature of the things she called. They weren't even really proper Class Cards, though they shared many traits and did still contain a sliver of the essence of the original Servant container. "They're copies of copies of copies, but the originals are really powerful."

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"I see, well I might still have an idea."
She nods at Toriel's response and follows the others into the next area.

"Why do I get the feeling this is like the other ones."

Ignia approaches the piece of paper to try and see what it is, and picks it up to read it if its a note.

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Upon picking up the piece of paper and looking at it Ignia let out an audible sigh.  She pulled out her pen and notebook and scribbled on the piece of paper a few times, pausing occasionally to think or stare at it.  After a few moments she looks up and the skeletons, and back at the paper, and back at the skeletons.
"I think you misspelled 'giasfclfebrehber' on here."

She walks over and passes the puzzle back, with every other word marked off.

"Can we...go now?"

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"Jumbles are often assigned to first year initiates to help their reading comprehension and vocabulary, while crosswords are assigned in the third year," Sister Rachel shares helpfully, "So by the educational standards of the Imperium of Man, crosswords are considered more challenging."

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Lucine turned to look back towards the new arrival. The monster looked and sounded a bit familiar. . . "Hey! You tazed me!" She looked back to Asgore, pointing back towards the individual in question. "She tazed me earlier."

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-New Home
Alphys gapes like a fish, her mouth opening and closing silently for a few seconds.
Asgore looks between the two, before grabbing another mug and filling it with tea.  He seems grateful for the distraction.
With the scientist awkwardly seated at the table as well, Asgore smiles.
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Arminius shrugs. "I prefer crosswords because for an extra challenge you can find words that weren't included officially... But I usually do those things in the newspapers, I can't remember the name but you get what number it is and if it's down or across and then you have to solve the clue? That thingy."

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Arminius suddenly looks exhausted at the mention of horoscopes. "Gods, you don't know the half of how annoying that gets. You ever had someone tell you how you were feeling, and no matter what you said look smugly triumphant about it? Swear to the Lilim the only reason we kept her around was because she always had good intel when we needed it... Wait, that's not what you meant is it?"

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Ignia smiles and shakes her head again at the ridiculousness of the conversation, then frowns.
"I hate to be that person, but I think we should keep going.  We've kinda got people potentially being beaten up by Undyne right now."

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-Snowdin Road


Sans simply shrugs.


Moving into the next area, the group encounter a table with a plate of spaghetti on it, next to it, there is a table with a microwave on it.


A note sits on the ground, which the child picks up and reads.


The Spaghetti is so cold that it's frozen to the table, and the microwave is unplugged.
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