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Hal Henderics

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"No, but... Well, this isn't the first time this has happened.   Undyne does a lot of teaching on the side.  She did piano lessons with Shyren's sister, Cooking lessons with this one goofy skeleton, and history stuff with the Royal Scientist."


"Don't ask me how any of those can lead to burning her house down in the wettest part of the underground, but that's just life," the Dummy says disdainfully.

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Sister Rachel eats the burger, and contemplates where we might need to go from here.  Hopefully, the group will be able to reach Asgore soon, despite the recent setbacks of somehow travelling back to the beginning of the journey again.  At least nobody's heads have exploded yet.

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Lucine caught Opal, who had slowed at the approach of two strangers, and quickly stuffed the device into her backpack before she could cause more trouble. The bag emitted some muffled noises that were probably less than pleasant, but Lucine had already moved on. "Um, hi. Sorry you had to see that, Opal is. . . uh, like that."

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(12, 9) As Ignia approaches the star, he feels a strange power.


His aches and pains fade away in the light of the star, but nothing else happens.





He feels as though he could access his Keyblade Glider here, though leaving the world would be impossible while the barrier is up.


The golden star simply continues to glow, light spilling out from it in four sharp points.

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The library is surprisingly small, with only six shelves in the entire room.


A table in the middle of the room contains 3 monsters, one who is simply a ball with a single eye and sharp teeth, what appears to be a humanoid horse with long blond hair, and a cat woman with a cigarrette in her mouth.

A bird-like receptionist stands at a counter idly by.

A quick glance at several books from each shelf reveals a few tidbits here and there, initially.


(Red Book)
(It’s a school report about monster funerals.)
Monster funerals, technically speaking, are cool as heck.
When monsters get old and kick the bucket, they turn into dust.
At funerals, we take that dust and spread it on that person’s favorite thing.
Then their essence will live on in that thing...
Uhhh, am I at the page minimum yet?
I’m kinda sick of writing this.
(Blue Book)
While monsters are mostly made of magic, human beings are mostly made of water.
Humans, with their physical forms, are far stronger than us.
But they will never know the joy of expressing themselves through magic.
They’ll never get a bullet-pattern birthday card...
(Yellow Book)
(Here I am... Writing this book.)
(A person comes in and picks up the book...)
(They start reading it...!)
(Orange Book)
Because they are made of magic, monsters’ bodies are attuned to their SOUL.
If a monster doesn’t want to fight, its defenses will weaken.
And the crueler the intentions of our enemies, the more their attacks will hurt us.
Therefore, if a being with a powerful SOUL struck with the desire to kill...
Um, let’s end the chapter here...
(Light Green Book)
Fearing the humans no longer, we moved out of our old city, HOME.
We braved harsh cold, damp swampland, and searing heat...
Until we reached what we now call our capital.
Again, our King is really bad at names...?
(Dark Green Book)
Love, hope, compassion...
This is what people say monster SOULs are made of.
But the absolute nature of “SOUL” is unknown.
After all, humans have proven their SOULs don’t need these things to exist.


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12 hours ago, Hal Henderics said:



"No, but... Well, this isn't the first time this has happened.   Undyne does a lot of teaching on the side.  She did piano lessons with Shyren's sister, Cooking lessons with this one goofy skeleton, and history stuff with the Royal Scientist."


"Don't ask me how any of those can lead to burning her house down in the wettest part of the underground, but that's just life," the Dummy says disdainfully.

Jun just shrugs at the sapient Dummy, "Maybe it's because of her fiery personality?," she half joked, before she cast her gaze at the burning house itself, "...mind if I walk inside? I could probably still get some of her stuff out before they burn up, might help her mood whenever she comes back and finds uh, this."

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Ignia give a halfhearted smile at the warm familiar healing and the tug of her Keyblade to become a glider.  She stands there staring at the star for a while, lost to the world and buried in thought as her smile slowly melts into a frown.  A wave of memories of things that could no longer be washing over her.

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"Thanks for the vote of confidence guy," Jun said, as she walked straight inside of the burning building in search of anything she could still salvage, and anything she could quietly steal away to learn more about Undyne as a person.

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(20, 15) In the trash can, Jun discovers Soda Cans covered with claw marks, tea cans covered with spear puncture marks, ramen wrappers, and a pile of aborted crumped up love letters addressed to none other than Dr. Alphys.


Jun obtains a permenant +1 Bonus to diplomacy against Undyne!

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With Undyne's dirty, dirty secrets in tow, and after handing whatever junk Jun could hand over to the dummy and pass off as an attempt at saving the captain's stuff. Jun wanders over to the river person, and takes up their offer for transport to Snowdin, she vaguely recalls some of the others heading there anyway....

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Ignia's thoughts were interrupted as she felt something shift inside and all of a sudden a glassy white heart appeared in front of her wreathed in purple and black flames.  Her face broke a little and a single tear was allowed to run down her cheek before she clenched her fists and the heart dissolved.



(11, 12) (78)


Friendly Dark: The user can change an ally's SOUL mode, giving them a camouflaging scent of dark energy.

Grants the buff "Friendly Dark: The target's SOUL is shrouded in darkness, dark and evil primal entities may mistake them for allies!"

Neutral Dark: The user's heart is shrouded in darkness.
Level 1: Equipping this ability increases DP by 1.  Some dark and evil primal entities may mistake them for an ally.


She swiftly restored her composure and whipped around at Jun's approach.

She paused, glancing around to seen if anyone else was getting off the boat, upon concluding that was a 'No' she continued.
"You're....wheres Lucine?"

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Slowly stepping off the boat, Jun gently waves at Ignia as she walked a little closer to them, "Still back in Hotland....with Asgore, it's probably not as bad as it looks, since she managed to convince Undyne to not kill her, and nagged Asgore into letting me go at least. Good to know that she didn't mage to kill you though."

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Ignia reaches up to pinch the bridge of her nose.
"No they didn't kill me I'm pretty hard to catch much less kill."
She sighed and clicked her teeth together a few times, trying not to glare at Jun.
"I suppose that means we should try to get back to them as fast as we can now."

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Once again silent in the face of Opal's scene, Proditor floats up to the pair and Lucine, listening to the two speak over each other time and time again. He was mostly making sure Lucine/Opal didn't cause any further trouble, especially the flying box, and any desire to speak was quickly killed off by the obnoxious giggling of the two monsters before him.

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"Mettaton? I think Burgerpants said some stuff about him." She didn't think she should really be calling the cat person that, but he hadn't really provided her with another way to refer to him. "He didn't sound very nice, though."

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"Yeah, they're probably still in the castle or in that lab we broke into," Jun said as she glanced at the rest of the party, trying to get a read of how they were doing before she continues on with, "Are the rest of them done here though? I don't think we're going anywhere for a while once we march off to confront king Fluffybuns."

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Toriel frowns.


"But that makes no sense at all.  If-" she starts


She swallows.  "Why would he just let you go?" she demands, approaching Jun.


Frisk calmly hangs back with Chara and Asriel.






Catty laughs uproariously.


After a moment, the pair elaborate.




The pair giggle wildly.

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Jun took one look at the incoming...goat person monster, briefly sizing her up a little before she hesitantly offered up a guess, "Maybe he just a weakness for small human children telling him not to kill people? I wouldn't really know myself, but he seemed....tired when he told Undyne off." She shrugs a little, leaving a brief pause before she went on to say, "He still ordered Undyne to bring him any human she finds though, and considering whose house we broke into earlier, I don't think that Undyne will be any friendlier next time."

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