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hypothetical New game+


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Yeah it might be a pipe dream, and the only real new game plus is playing the game a second time with Pokemon you like transferred. pix~ But i have an idea, what if you could play through the game with mega evolution? pixpix? Would make pixing Charizard more viable. pix~  

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This might be the invasion of the Vulpix. pix~

Like what did people think when they set the Alolan-Vulpix free? pixpix?

That they'd just leave peacefully? pixpix?

No, now they're out for blood. pix~




Anyways, regarding the topic~ pixpixpix~

This is a minor spoiler, so I'll be putting it in spoilers just in case~ pixpixpix~


You unlock mega-evolutions at a later point in the game. pix~


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To start the quest, talk to DJ Arclight in the grand hall after you've got your 14th badge. pix~ pix~

Well, the game is balanced around restricting access to powerful Pokémon, so having megas be available at an earlier point could make the game too easy. pix~ pix~


But regardless of that, if a new game+ were to be added, earlier megas wouldn't be part of what I expect it to offer. pix~ pix~

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Well the point of a new game plus is to be an overpowered monster. pix~ It can be fun, like on my second play through, i begged ERRR i mean asked for a Gible with outrage, a Larvitar, and other OP mons, and you would not believe how fun it is to utterly wreck the early game, frustrating gyms like AYA, SERRA, and NOEL are reduced to jokes, it's REALLY cathartic to annihilate their teams and laugh at their now useless field. pix~ Lin was right, nothing beats pure unbridled power. pix~ And i admit i'm the sort of guy who likes to have two of my favorite mons with me at any given time, like Mimikyu and Hydreigon. pix~ Plus the longer game time really gives you time to appreciate your mons y'know? pixpix? Maybe seeing Mega Charizard X rip apart early game will teach me to love it more. pix~


Also how i start that quest with the Alola Vulpix in the Grand Hall? pixpix?

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A new game plus is definitely possible to make but I feel like it should be handed off to a separate team instead of the main dev group to add in stuff to do with New Game plus instead of just OP stuff to breeze through the game which I find boring


I think the best option to approach this is to copy the new game options and have a common event that removes any story progression items such as the keystones - There's not much else that I can really say on the matter beyond that

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Yeah, i'm killing time till ep 19 arrives. pix~ 


1 hour ago, Commander said:

A new game plus is definitely possible to make but I feel like it should be handed off to a separate team instead of the main dev group to add in stuff to do with New Game plus instead of just OP stuff to breeze through the game which I find boring


I think the best option to approach this is to copy the new game options and have a common event that removes any story progression items such as the keystones - There's not much else that I can really say on the matter beyond that

Aren't you that fellow who made a hardcore mod for the main game? pixpix? That could be a new game + technically. pix~ i heard it has new events. pix~

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I generally treat Redux (original name was Hardcore) as simply a second playthrough of the game to kind of relive the original experience plus a bunch of random added on content - In my eyes, a new game plus is a little bit different as I feel like it'd be great to start out with a team of level 100s and fight though a game adjusted for that going up to 120-150 - though if you wanted to keep all your mons while exploring a different path that's an easy thing to implement but I uhh don't know how to do that off the top of my head

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Personally i was thinking a new game + using Chrono Trigger as the base, where you can keep all your levels and items. Considering this game may have more than one ending, a second play through is encouraged. I'm thinking importing mons, would be like the Fire Emblem Fates Avatar skills system, where at the end, you select a bunch of skills and then pass it on to your Avatar in the next play though, so you would select certain mons and then they would be in your PC next time you play. 

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I feel that getting to start the game with all the levels and mons woud break the fun of the game (being difficult to deal with and all) but I would see a midway solution in keeping, say, only one pokémon, as if it was an Ace the PC took from their previous life. Like, when Cain started his journey, he was already a Gym leader so he had a pretty good team, but he only took his Nidoran in his journey.


Edit: Also it would be VERY funny to start with all the pokémon from the previous saves but without any medals so everyone would disobey the MC until they won the gym battles by themselves.

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