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Charlotte Help Thread #582


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I can't beat Charlotte. pix~  I've tried the Rain Dance strategy(thank god I joined Aqua Gang), and I've tried just plain brute-forcing it, but nothing is working. pix~ 

My team:

Exploud holding Silk Scarf


Boomburst/Rain Dance/Crunch/Brick Break


Steelix holding Wide Lens

Sheer Force

Stone Edge/Iron Tail/Strength/Dig


MeowsticF holding Twisted Spoon


Psychic/Rain Dance/Dark Pulse/Signal Beam


Slurpuff holding Water Gem


Energy Ball/Rain Dance/Play Rough/Surf


Decidueye holding Miracle Seed

Long Reach

Spirit Shackle/Sucker Punch/False Swipe/Leaf Blade




X-Scissor/Acrobatics/Thunderbolt/Rain Dance


I'm training up a Machamp and Abomasnow to add to rotation. pix~  In my PC I have Tauros, Ribombee, Basculin, Bouffalant, Klink, Dusclops, Rotom, and Cofagrigus all at respectable levels, and over a box full of Pokemon at level 30 or less. pix~ Most are event mons from earlier in the game. pix~ pix~ pix~ I was thinking of ucyng Abomasnow to destroy the Superheated field, but everything outspeeds it, and Darmanitan's Flare Blitz bypasses Wide Guard. pix~ 

Edited by Cadmium48
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Maybe try leading with wide guard + surf? pixpix?

That might help with the field. pix~

Also, you have 3 mons that are really bad against charlotte, vik, decidueye and steelix(without sturdy). pix~ They are slow and will most likely be one shotted, consider switching vik and decidueye for more bulky pokémons, and switch steelix, or atleast its ability

Stealth rocks really destroy charlotte, sticky webs bother her too. pix~

Basculin and Tauros might prove useful here, not sure tho. pix~ You can use trick room cofagrigus together with a donphan from route 2 (they get earthquake really early). pix~ This basically kills every mon she has except rotom. pix~

X items work wonders on bulkier mons like cofagrigus. pix~

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If you happen to have done the event pre-agate that gets you a Plume/Cover fossil and picked Plume and restored it, Archeops literally solos the gym as long as it outspeed Typhlosion (215 speed, so you need 216)


If not, I'd at least recommend switching out your Fire-weak 'mons for some hard-hitting Water and Rock types. pix~ Ametrine Mountain is home to Sealeo (Thick Fat means it's still Fire-resistant despite being part Ice) and Floatzel, and Route 2 has Rhyhorn and Rhydon. pix~ Sealeo in particular can certainly live a few hits to remove the field with Blizzard (level 49) and can spam STAB Surf freely against her whole team. pix~ Just watch out for Rotom-H. pix~


You can also use her own field against her - set it on fire and spam Heat Wave, Lava Plume and Eruption with any 'mons you have that can get those moves. pix~ Her Typhlosion has Flash Fire but everything else on her team should fall to this. pix~

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i second removing the field with blizzard. i believe around there you can also freshly catch Piloswine that come packing the move already. just go down to the circus and you have a Mamoswine on your hands. which is a godsend for a lot of future gyms as well as this one. Walrein with thick fat works too. 



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