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Can my pokemon beat Radomus?

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It might be a bit difficult, because Radomus can use "chess attacks" on his field which gives rock typing to certain attacks. that means he got your roserade, muk and infernape covered with psychic, and fearow and noivern covered with rock.

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Well, Infernape would be neutral to the Chess attacks in particular, but I think he still has non-Chess psychic attacks on his physical attackers. So yeah, you'll want to consider some team switchups. It's probably doable but not really worth it. Honchkrow can put in good work against him with Sucker Punch (ignores Trick Room) + Moxie, and really any strong physical attacker not weak to Psychic will put a dent in one or two of his 'mons. Bring a Fire type for his Metagross and you'll be golden.


Don't rely too heavily on Dark types, because his Gardevoir will fuck them up big time, as will his Malamar.

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