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On The Hunt format



Hi, I was wondering if anyone has kept track of the egg moves that event Pokémon often possess.
Sometimes I find very good IVs on a Pokémon and it would be such a shame to reset to check all the possible egg moves.
It is also quite handy to see which ones are available beforehand so I can decide whether or not to pursue certain events.

For example, I got


Eevee just now in the Lost Railcave (ex Mysidia Railcave) and I've only seen Yawn and Curse.

However, it has insane stats.

At the moment I have no way of knowing the possible moves unless I reset it.

There are usually 3 egg moves possible for event Pokémon, e.g.:


Pichu gets Volt Tackle (normally tutor move!), Wish or Fake Out,
Elektrike gets Flame Burst, Ice Fang or Switcheroo,

For some, I don't know them all by heart:


Growlithe (at least Close Combat and Morning Sun),
Meditite (at least Bullet Punch),
and now Eevee

It would be very nice to get collected data on these events so building a team can be done better and it is worth looking for a particular move.
Some Pokémon have events before them too that are a drag to repeat.


I have battled the Mightyena horde over 30 times in a row to get a decent Flame Burst Electrike (it can already take a handful of tries or 30 minutes to get the move in general),

It proved to be very tedious but the result makes the events/game a lot more fun.

I am convinced that the 3 possible egg moves have been chosen deliberately and manually put in the game because they are very often the most interesting and best egg moves for either general battling, coherence of a team (e.g. Sun team) or breeding.
Of course, the addition of the one of the moves described earlier *has* to be manual.

A last remark I'd like to make: the egg move selection has changed over the course of some episodes. Most stay the same in my recent experience but I've seen Numel have a new egg move from episode 16 to 17.

Has this information been collected before? I thought it fits in On The Hunt because it is about all event Pokémon. If not, please tell me so I can post it elsewhere.

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7 hours ago, MistralWind said:

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has kept track of the egg moves that event Pokémon often possess.
Sometimes I find very good IVs on a Pokémon and it would be such a shame to reset to check all the possible egg moves.
It is also quite handy to see which ones are available beforehand so I can decide whether or not to pursue certain events.

For example, I got

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Eevee just now in the Lost Railcave (ex Mysidia Railcave) and I've only seen Yawn and Curse.

However, it has insane stats.

At the moment I have no way of knowing the possible moves unless I reset it.

There are usually 3 egg moves possible for event Pokémon, e.g.:

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Pichu gets Volt Tackle (normally tutor move!), Wish or Fake Out,
Elektrike gets Flame Burst, Ice Fang or Switcheroo,

For some, I don't know them all by heart:

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Growlithe (at least Close Combat and Morning Sun),
Meditite (at least Bullet Punch),
and now Eevee

It would be very nice to get collected data on these events so building a team can be done better and it is worth looking for a particular move.
Some Pokémon have events before them too that are a drag to repeat.

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I have battled the Mightyena horde over 30 times in a row to get a decent Flame Burst Electrike (it can already take a handful of tries or 30 minutes to get the move in general),

It proved to be very tedious but the result makes the events/game a lot more fun.

I am convinced that the 3 possible egg moves have been chosen deliberately and manually put in the game because they are very often the most interesting and best egg moves for either general battling, coherence of a team (e.g. Sun team) or breeding.
Of course, the addition of the one of the moves described earlier *has* to be manual.

A last remark I'd like to make: the egg move selection has changed over the course of some episodes. Most stay the same in my recent experience but I've seen Numel have a new egg move from episode 16 to 17.

Has this information been collected before? I thought it fits in On The Hunt because it is about all event Pokémon. If not, please tell me so I can post it elsewhere.

I think the void kissed spreed sheet has egg moves, if you want I can add them to my guide?

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