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shelly trouble


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24 minutes ago, TotallyNotLuck said:

So I'm fighting Shelly, except her team is in the 33-35s while my team is 30-34. 

Also, her team counters me so much. 

The guy in the Grand Hall is a bitch to train on. He has a fucking Gardevoir that wrecks all my pokemon. What do I do? 

We can't see your team, we can't see their moves, their items, their abilities anything about them, there is very little help anyone can give you outside of common tips such as having a pokemon to take out Shelly's Illumise before it can setup the Rain Dance and setting the forest field on fire to really bring the pain

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34 minutes ago, Lord Drakyle said:

We can't see your team, we can't see their moves, their items, their abilities anything about them, there is very little help anyone can give you outside of common tips such as having a pokemon to take out Shelly's Illumise before it can setup the Rain Dance and setting the forest field on fire to really bring the pain

Welp, I forgot to tell y'all my team.

Torterra: lvl 34

Meowstic: lvl 32

Grimer: lvl 32

Growlithe: lvl 33

Pancham: lvl 30

Flaffy: 24 in training

Drifblim: lvl 31

Noibat: lvl 32

Floatzel: lvl 31

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Growlithe will give you the upper hand; if you train it one more level to 34, it will learn Flamethrower and, if it has decent Special Attack and Speed IVs, it could knock out Illumise in one hit which will prevent it from setting up Rain Dance and make the battle much easier.


Grimer is also another decent option to use, since it should have Sludge Wave to inflict Poison onto Shelly's Pokemon; pairing it up with Driftblim's Hex can deal major damage to her Pokemon. However, this Driftblim/Grimer tactic depends on whether Shelly's Pokemon become poisoned; its not a bad tactic, but its risky.


Noibat's Air Cutter is super-effective against five of Shelly's Pokemon except Anorith. However, all of Shelly's Pokemon have coverage against Noibat, so it should not be used at the beginning of the battle; instead, it should be used at the end of the battle to clean up Shelly's remaining Pokemon.


Floatzel can be used to knock out Anorith with one Aqua Jet.

Edited by JoStarNight
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Shelly strategy is to use Rain Dance to mitigate her weaknesses, the best counter strategy I know is using a mon with Fake Out, a priority move which leave her Ilumise flinched and opened to a Flamethrower from Growlithe, and luckily, you have Meowstic on your team, it can learn the move on lvl 19 and I hope you didn't get rid of it. She can set Rain Dance again with Masquerain or Araquanid (don't rememer which), anywaym they are not as fast as Ilumise and don't have the Prankster Ability so you'll have no problem to deal with them with your soon-to-be Ampharos. The rest of them will be easy peasy. 

Also, don't put too much effort on Noibat now. Noivern is an awesome mon, but it'll take a while to evolve it (lvl 48, I think the badge is from Noel) and Noibat status/movepool are not good now to even use it against wild mons. It's easier when you get exp. share and higher lvl mons. Just a tip xD


Good luck!

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Get a furret and trade to get a castform prefer + speed nature and some speed ev training on bats in the rail, lead with a heat rock castform ( If you have lot of fire pokemon) or a Telluric Seed castform (one turn safety) and a Growlithe with flamethrower. The idea situation start is illumise use raindance due to her prankster, castform use sunny day turn to rainbow field, Growlithe use flamethrower to kill illumise to prevent her second raindance. Then you can enjoy the over power rainbow boosted weather ball. Her second raining dance pokemon is araquanid, it is slow and not so much tanky. For backup if you get rockuff or drilbur from mystery egg, they are great with rock slide and are future proved, or just some other decent flying/rock pokemon. Some of my person recommendation that carried my for a long time and you can get before shelly are sturdy Donphan strong physical tank with not bad damage, Zebstrika he have flame charge to deal with shelly and strong physical electric type with decent speed, and Galvantula not that much about shelly it just fast and can learn sticky web.

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