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At this point, maybe there should be a Pokemon Reborn Essentials pack.

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You know, a different version of Pokemon Essentials that allow for use of things in Pokemon Reborn, such as field effects, to make a Reborn styled game?


At the very least, it would speak loads about Reborn's influence on Pokemon Fangames as a whole.


At the worst... It would probably also be taken down by Nintendo.

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Hmm yea re-releasing an expanded version of something that got a C&D sounds like a good and safe idea.   


In all seriousness though I'm pretty sure basically all of that stuff is already pretty much publicly available. And Reborn/Rejuvenations code in general is packaged in a way that's a lot more openly viewable/modifiable than most other fangames, hence the modding support.



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Yeah...no we already have to be prepared for a nuke to be dropped on this place. Let's not give them more motivation to drop it. The coding is pretty cut and dry so it's probably just better to start off using Reborn's engine when the game is done. The materials are easy to access already. Well I guess there's some things missing from the dev copy (which is the version we get to playtest in the beta).


If you want tutorials though, that might be something more worth asking.

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