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Houndour on Agua Gang Path

President Daddy


I have episode 18.1 and I am doing a dark type monorun. I chose Aqua Gang and have defeated team magma, yet despite having a pokesnax, and going into the alley, the Houndour has not spawned. I just beat Shade, and I have checked the pokemon location spreadsheet, which says it should spawn there. Other people who have asked this question seem to get conflicting responses. Could someone shed some light on this, I don't want to wait Post-restoration for a Houndoom. Thanks!

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1 minute ago, President Daddy said:

I have episode 18.1 and I am doing a dark type monorun. I chose Aqua Gang and have defeated team magma, yet despite having a pokesnax, and going into the alley, the Houndour has not spawned. I just beat Shade, and I have checked the pokemon location spreadsheet, which says it should spawn there. Other people who have asked this question seem to get conflicting responses. Could someone shed some light on this, I don't want to wait Post-restoration for a Houndoom. Thanks!

It Shou show up soon, not sure if you have to wait till Luna is taken or not though

What weather and time of day are u trying?

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1 minute ago, Starry Knight said:

It Shou show up soon, not sure if you have to wait till Luna is taken or not though

What weather and time of day are u trying?

I have tried clear and rainy day and night. I have the weather change mod, (Just to get murkrow before shelly without waiting a week, I only use it for mono runs) so I could try something else!

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1 minute ago, President Daddy said:

I have tried clear and rainy day and night. I have the weather change mod, (Just to get murkrow before shelly without waiting a week, I only use it for mono runs) so I could try something else!

Okay, I don't know exactly when it shows up but for me whenever I did 7th St events it was there it show up before then though.... I know you can get it before and after

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