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Relationship points?


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Hello, I'm currently in the Blakeory Antheneum, playing as Melia. It says in the game that she doesn't trust the protag character at all when talking to Erin, despite the fact I've always chose the correct relationship points options from the beginning of the game (and also did the gyrados side quest in goldenwood with crawli). I'm a bit concerned that this wll lead to a bad ending of the game. Is there anyway to edit the relationship points of Melia and the protag? Thank you. 


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Ok so Jan had pointed this out at one time. After you return from the past from the alternate timeline, Melia (after you overlap with your past self) asks you if you remember everything that had happened since the alternate time. Your choices are (Yeah, ... Huh). If you choose (Yeah!) your relationship points go up with her by 1. However, if you choose (..... Huh?) then your relationship points with her go from all the points you previous had with her straight down to -1. If she does say she doesn't trust you and you choose to keep this, Jan said he made a way for your points with her to go drastically up in the next version, possibly whether you choose either choice.

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Thank you so much for your reply Xurai, do you know if me having the current -1 relationship would affect the ending of the game or nah? I don't have any of my old save files to go and change my option during the time travel. 😕 I didn't even notice the options 😞 

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