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[End] Reborn Big Brother Mafia - Season 3 Finale

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Reborn Big Brother Mafia - Day Seven


Greetings, dear players! Seven is a bit of a strange number, is it not? Lucky to some, mystical to others, mundane to most... but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Day Seven of this Big Brother season starts in a very peculiar manner! Fret not, you will understand soon.


Let's get going with the daily nominations!


Day Seven's nominees for eviction


The players nominated for eviction this phase are:

1. Alaris!

2. Lord Drakyle!

3. LykosHand!

4. Roswell!


Nothing extraordinary here. You know the drill; one of them is going to have to leave! Good luck to you all.


Head of Household election


Once again a HoH was elected, and in a perhaps ironic twist of fate, one who had several votes against him yesterday became the top dog today! @Seal, the floor is yours! Go ahead and nominate your worst enemy (or anyone you want, really).


Seal has been selected as the Head of Household.


Nightly eviction


Now, this is where things get stranger... for you see, I was delighted to announce who pewished last night, however no one was evicted! Even better (or worse?), two players who were apparently doomed are back in business, ready to fight for the ultimate prize!


Crimson Dragon wakes up from being shot by a toy gun. He is ???.


Bean was brought back to life by the Priest. He is ???. He will receive his new Role PM soon & he is not allowed to disclose any information he knew prior to his first death, else he is modkilled immediately.


Hohoho, I can't wait to see these two leap at each other's throat again! *cameras follow them as they triumphantly return to the Big Brother House*


Daily Challenges


Lastly, it is time for me to tell you about your daily challenges. One of them is a bit unusual, as it is not really a challenge, or should I say... Not Really a Task! Literally.


Day 7 Daily Challenge: Not Really a Task


Task: A maximum of 2 players can sacrifice all their Day and Night Actions (both Passive and Active) to become a Vanilla Character.

The Head of Household will accept willing volunteers. If the number of volunteers exceeds 2, the Head of Household will select two among them.

Reward: These volunteers will receive a totem in exchange for their sacrifice. One will receive a 1 Time Use Vigilante Totem (kill another player at night) while the other will receive a 1 Time Protection Totem (protect oneself or another from death at night).


 Everydaily Challenge: United We Stand


Task: The House Guests must stand together to continue surviving in the Big Brother House. To succeed, at least 75% of the living House Guests must vote and the votes shall only be split between 2 nominees or less.

Reward: Two players, selected at random, will receive a totem with a special 1 time use ability.



Wew! I believe that is all... for now.


Day Seven lasts 48h. Have fun, dear players! And remember: Big Brother is always watching you. Always. 👁️

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@BazaroTo answer your question, i tried to use good vet on Lia and it didnt work because my expertise fails on her.


A most interesting turn of events to say the least, no one died which we have to question why that happened, if we are lucky it's because roswell was the target of whom i protected this night.


I would however like to ask, why is Lykos up for eviction? He seemed pretty towny to me but what the hell do i know. I'm still not fully convinced by what Alaris had to say about why he was trying to identify the penguins but whatever.


Now onto the topic of who was revived, risky move but also why Bean of all players? why not someone who is more useful with or without a role.

Also i'd like it if everyone revealed what they learned as their reward, what i learned was the spammer will die if they fail to post 7 times twice in the game.

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@LykosHandAny idea why people may be suspecting you enough to toss you into the eviction pool with me, Alaris and Roswell? i understand ros and Alaris easy enough but with you it's like why? other than the poisonings there isn't much i have seen you do to warrant suspicion

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@Lord Drakyle I honestly don't know, i have already told that i did a mistake when i poisoned Drago and about Jace being poisoned i don't really know how they get it instead of another person. And actually only Astra is always voting me in these nights, i didn't ask why to him but i think now he has to explain why. Candy i guess voted me since she don't really suspect other people so she voted me cause i remember she wasn't sure about me being town (tell me if i'm wrong here, Candy). If the reason to vote me is because i poisoned two townies, i understand it since that was my fault. If there is another reason/s, please tell me and i will answer to you 👍🏻

Also i got this information: Astra visited Candy on Night Zero

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  On 5/18/2019 at 1:29 PM, Lord Drakyle said:

Also i'd like it if everyone revealed what they learned as their reward, what i learned was the spammer will die if they fail to post 7 times twice in the game


Oh... Well thanks for telling me Drak. Note to self. Doesn't let up on your post requirements. As for why I nominated Lykos, it was mainly the poison situation. I don't like that Lykos poisoned Drago because of a mistake since I can't tell if it was a cover up or a mistake. Also I don't know the entire details of the second poisoning where it was apparently redirected and I don't remember who Lykos originally targeted and why so if someone could explain to me, that might help clear Lykos a bit or making even more suspicious to me.


Now for what I learned, Roswell visited Alaris on D6. I'm going to assume that this is Roswell's cat lady ability since that is the only role that can visit during the day that he has. As a sidenote, I learned that there are roles that can do day visits.

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  On 5/18/2019 at 2:19 PM, Astra125 said:

Oh... Well thanks for telling me Drak. Note to self. Doesn't let up on your post requirements. As for why I nominated Lykos, it was mainly the poison situation. I don't like that Lykos poisoned Drago because of a mistake since I can't tell if it was a cover up or a mistake. Also I don't know the entire details of the second poisoning where it was apparently redirected and I don't remember who Lykos originally targeted and why so if someone could explain to me, that might help clear Lykos a bit or making even more suspicious to me.


Now for what I learned, Roswell visited Alaris on D6. I'm going to assume that this is Roswell's cat lady ability since that is the only role that can visit during the day that he has. As a sidenote, I learned that there are roles that can do day visits.


You are welcome, also did Lykos say their second poisoning was redirected? i never saw that well, suppose when Lykos responds he can answer anything needed be.

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  On 5/18/2019 at 2:18 PM, LykosHand said:

@Lord Drakyle I honestly don't know, i have already told that i did a mistake when i poisoned Drago and about Jace being poisoned i don't really know how they get it instead of another person. And actually only Astra is always voting me in these nights, i didn't ask why to him but i think now he has to explain why. Candy i guess voted me since she don't really suspect other people so she voted me cause i remember she wasn't sure about me being town (tell me if i'm wrong here, Candy). If the reason to vote me is because i poisoned two townies, i understand it since that was my fault. If there is another reason/s, please tell me and i will answer to you 👍🏻

Also i got this information: Astra visited Candy on Night Zero


derped didnt notice ya reply.


WHo was you originally targetting for your second poison attempt? and is your poison limited or?

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  On 5/18/2019 at 2:24 PM, Lord Drakyle said:

derped didnt notice ya reply.


WHo was you originally targetting for your second poison attempt? and is your poison limited or?


I wanted to poison Astra, and that happened before i knew his roles so i suspected him to be mafia or tp that's why he was my target, but instead Jace got poisoned. Well now i don't suspect anymore Astra to be honest. 

Also Astra i know i did a big mistake in that situation, i understand why you doubt me, i have no problems about it 👍🏻

I could only poison two people so i can't use that role anymore, so townies are safe from poison mfw when i said that i would only poison who i think could be mafia, but in the end i poisoned two townies

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I'm tempted to give up my roles so I can use items and vote again... But I'm assuming I'd get killed instantly to silence me. I guess I'll keep my useless immortality

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  On 5/18/2019 at 2:38 PM, Bazaro said:

Also I learned that all of Newt's actions have failed the whole game.



  On 5/18/2019 at 2:37 PM, Bazaro said:

I'm tempted to give up my roles so I can use items and vote again... But I'm assuming I'd get killed instantly to silence me. I guess I'll keep my useless immortality



  On 5/18/2019 at 2:33 PM, LykosHand said:

I wanted to poison Astra, and that happened before i knew his roles so i suspected him to be mafia or tp that's why he was my target, but instead Jace got poisoned. Well now i don't suspect anymore Astra to be honest. 

Also Astra i know i did a big mistake in that situation, i understand why you doubt me, i have no problems about it 👍🏻

I could only poison two people so i can't use that role anymore, so townies are safe from poison mfw when i said that i would only poison who i think could be mafia, but in the end i poisoned two townies


Toot Toots failed the whole game? thats amazing and funny too.


Also Lykos Toast and Bazarwhoa, you could give up your powers, i was gonna do it but Nicki told me off because i would be giving up Good vet which can protect animal based roles like herself and roswell

Also Bazzy, any thoughts on why no evictions? i doubt the mafia was inactive (though possible) so they likely attacked someone and failed to kill them i protected Roswell dunno if anyone else was protected sooo yeah.

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  On 5/18/2019 at 2:44 PM, Bazaro said:

Thanks @Lord Drakyle one more question, what did you think of Nano at the start of the game? I think there's something fishy about him


i thought nano was dead...


as for my thoughts at the start of the game? only thoughts i had was please no one give him a gun really, i didnt put much thought into him since i was a tad more interested in why no kill happened at the time. fact is i can't rightly say i remember much of Day 1

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  On 5/18/2019 at 2:33 PM, LykosHand said:

I wanted to poison Astra, and that happened before i knew his roles so i suspected him to be mafia or tp that's why he was my target, but instead Jace got poisoned. Well now i don't suspect anymore Astra to be honest. 

Also Astra i know i did a big mistake in that situation, i understand why you doubt me, i have no problems about it 👍🏻


Wait... You wanted to poison me. Evict Lykos Jk. I'll evict you when there's something more since I understand why you would poison me since I didn't know how badly people suspected me until Baz told me in our now dead chat. I find it funny that I've been nominating you without knowing this. Also for how it was redirected, I can't help there since I don't have a passive that redirects actions against me unless the spammer has something. @Jason Grace Tell me the secrets of the spammer already.

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I am back 😄

Also you guys are totally wrong about Seal being confirmed Town. I couldn't say anything, cause i was dead.


Actress (Candy and Caimie)

- The Actress visits a player at an odd-numbered night and finds out their roles (in random order). If they die, they flip as the last person they visited.


This is stated in the roles OP. But when i die, the roles i flip are also randomized. So unfortunately we can't be sure that Seal is confirmed Townie.

I still think he is town, but you shouldn't be so sure about that.
Just a friendly reminder.


What i think the most suspicious is, that Seal resurrected Bean over me 😕

I gave up my life (not really cause it was a toygun) to get rid of a hostile 3rd Party. And that's how i get thanked 😞 He revives the hostile 3rd Party again.

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