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  • 2 months later...

as far as I can see its all of them.

Here is what I did:

First I learned about the scrit and the event how it works and where is has to be.

Then I downloadet the PBS foulder opened the game in RPG maker  by copying the 5 foulders into pokemon essentials and overriding them. 

Then I downloaded the old mod for E17, did the same in a diffrent essentials foulder, copyed the script for followers, pasted it in the v18 game and created the trigger events also by copy->paste the events that already were in e17 and changing the event number to the correct value.

thats all. Pretty easy to do and learn...unlike scripting.


Unfortunatly it comes with a bug. Talking to your pokemon in "Reborn" leads to an event trigger with espeon and a futuresight thing.

As far as I know, if you just click No, nothing will happen and you can just keep playing and  get items from your pokemon.


In Rejuv v12 unfortunatly it triggers a buggy cutscene that takes you to a diffrent screen where some actions crash the screen. And even without the crash your game is locket into that screen and if you save, you need to get a backup... I think this wierd moviemaker bug, as I call it, is a problem with the game at the moment, cause it also happens to me in the normal unmoded game. But also if you faint and recover at any other place than the pokecenter where I set the follower event up your pokemon does not follow you and pressing action will trigger a text that crashes the game as well also you get an item, which is lost anyways .... To fix that I wanted to delete the line in the script that makes you able to talk to your follower but I cant identify what is what. 


So thats where I am at..... halfassed copy paste work with buggs that I can not fix cause I have no good IV's in deeling with programming and scrits. BUT it does work, if you just dont faint, or talk to your pokemon in rejuv.

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Yeah...don't every overwrite files unless you know it's absolutely safe. You'll have to make some adjustments to the game such as changing some numbers directly in the common events (where you're getting the issue) by changing the maximum. I can try to take a look on Sunday for any issues you have but no promises.

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If you want to, that would be nice. I think the problem is that the talk to pokemon event and the espeon event have the same event number or something, idk. It would be to hard for me to locate the problem with litterely 0 knowledge about the scripts... if I at least knew where to look or what to look for. I tryed strg+f "talk" and the script could have given me a chinese text and I would have seen exactly the same as I did. I like asking a cat to repair your car. 


This is the rejuv error when you die and get healed by a goldenhealing stick:

I guess I would have to change every single healingthingto trigegr the follow event to avoid that.

Or just dissable talk to pokemon option.

or quit and play regulary.



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._. I wish people would label their goddamn code. It makes it easier to figure out what they've done. Anyways, I have some good news. I actually have the script for the E18 version actually. Just take a look and see how this matches up with yours:


Change the CommonEvent to 59 like below (other stuff isn't that important...yet (And I break the post if I make it too big so we're just doing the top section)


# * Config Script For Your Game Here. Change the emo_ to what ever number is
#        the cell holding the animation.
Following_Activated_Switch = 1226      # Switch should be reserved
Toggle_Following_Switch = 1227         # Switch should be reserved
Current_Following_Variable = 500       # Variable should be reserved
CommonEvent = 59                       # Common Event space needed
ItemWalk=395                           # Variable should be reserved
Walking_Time_Variable = 396            # Variable should be reserved
Walking_Item_Variable = 397            # Variable should be reserved
Animation_Come_Out = 93              
Animation_Come_In = 94
Emo_Happy = 95
Emo_Normal = 96
Emo_Hate = 97
Emo_Poison= 98
Emo_sing= 99
Emo_love= 100
ALLOWTOGGLEFOLLOW = true             # Allow the player to toggle followers on/off
ALLOWFIELDSWITCHING = true          # Allow the player to cycle through pokemon
APPLYSTATUSTONES = true# Add tone to follower if statused
#Status tones to be used, if the above is true (Red,Green,Blue,Gray)
BURNTONE = [204,51,51,50]
POISONTONE = [153,102,204,50]
PARALYSISTONE = [255,255,153,50]
FREEZETONE = [153,204,204,50]
SLEEPTONE = [0,0,0,0]  # I did not use this tone, but you may if you wish
ALWAYS_ANIMATE  = true #Follower sprite will always animated while standing still
#Regardless of the above setting,the species in this array will always animate
#Add exclusions to always animated (small birds like Pidgey mostly hop, due to small wings)
#Removed for now
WATERPOKEMONCANSURF = true  # Allow water pokemon to follow the player while surfing
WATERPOKEMONCANDIVE = true #Allow water pokemon to follow the player while diving
ALWAYS_ANIMATED_CAN_SURF = true #Pokemon that are always animated can follow you
                                # across water (flying, levitating, or specified)
#Don't change
FOLLOWER_FILE_PATH = "Graphics/Characters/"
#The subfolder where your follower sprites are located
#Has to be within Graphics/Characters


Now the thing you WANT to make sure of is that the maximum common event limit is above 58 found in the database icon and a tab called common events. Just change the maximum to 59. We'll need to change a lot of stuff but this is stuff we'll need to talk to Ame for. I can give you my files on it if you really want to work from that but I'm unsure what I tinkered with. But if you're willing to do the grunt and tedious work I can take a look at all the other stuff.

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im very sorry for being so annoying, I try to be a little bit clearer now 


I did the thing you said but it wasnt the solution.

I have tested some things and can now say that: 




-Fainting, and getting send to a nurse without the event setup makes the game crash the next time you press Action.  Error in Picture 1

 My guess is I need to make this event for all the Nurses to fix that problem.


-Talking to a Pokemon works fine but also triggers an event with espeon and futersight. but it does NOT crash the game. Games can be resumed without   any problem.




-Fainting, and getting send to a nurse or nurse station without the event setup makes the game crash the next time you press Action. 

 same guess as above.






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Do me a favor and try these files out (just rename the files in your game and not overwrite just in case) for Reborn. Let's see if I had the same issues you are experiencing.


Edit: I only did up until the grand hall so only try those areas for right now.


Map038.rxdata Scripts.rxdata

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With those files, while loading my save it shows an error massage but it lets me enter the game and play BUT my  X key makes the screen blurry.

ALSO while testing battle the whole UI is messed up and everythign is shiny with constand errors and unkillable pokemon.

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Just now, Romy said:

With those files, while loading my save it shows an error massage but it lets me enter the game and play BUT my  X key makes the screen blurry.

ALSO while testing battle the whole UI is messed up and everythign is shiny with constand errors and unkillable pokemon.

This...reminds me of something. By off chance are you using a cracked or pirated version of RPGmaker XP? I'll take a look at my files though and double check.

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I use the free trial since yesterday never used it before.

So it should all be fine and legit.


forgott to mention the espeon bug when talking to a pokemon still existed

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So something is very confusing here as that's the only two files you should need. Maybe try them on a brand game version. I don't think that much was fixed since the community release to cause such a big error.


oh wait I know why the one error is still going though let me find it...




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  • 5 years later...
On 7/13/2019 at 9:49 AM, Romy said:

ha its funny, your file made it so that talking to my pokemon plays the lottery infinitly.

Taking a walk with my Pokemon in Reborn is my dream. Could you please share this mod with me?

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