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*peeks from tall grass* Hi?


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I would have said *ambushes from tall grass* but that doesn't sound like a greeting, exactly... well, maybe it kind of could... have... been... but then... nevermind. So yeah, a new person-thing appears!

I found out about the project from a LP on youtube and the detail looks amazing. When I tried looking it up to lead me to this site, I saw that, whoa, a community was attached! So I may lurk around a bit (as I tend to do) and see how things are and whatnot. It would be cool to try Reborn eventually, but I've got enough monster-raising type things going on at the moment. (Also I'd need to figure out how to actually do it since for some reason I doubt it'd simple)

Probably goes without saying that I like Pokemon... the new ones in October are looking pretty sweet, and I can't decide which version, heh.

Well, now that this mess is all out of order and crazy, I guess I'll leave it at that. So I guess I'll see you around.. or maybe not; I also tend to fall asleep when lurking in the grass. zzz...

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I don't like how people say "Enjoy your stay"... It's like they're implying you can leave if you want to, which you can't...

Muahahahahaa... AHahahahahhahahahahaeheheehohoohohoooooee... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *cough* *cough*

In all seriousness, welcome to Reborn. Leave your sanity at what ever window you think you just saw, friend. <:D

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Welcome in new member! You seem to use the grass for your cover; I just use a box. -pulls box- It helps as a napping system and to hide away from people. owo

Enjoy your stay!

Ah, I see. That sounds more effective actually. I've heard it can make for some decent camouflage as well.

*gets out lawn mower

Nice to meet you, and enjoy your stay. Feel free to ask any questions, but you should look around if you do first (just incase). Now come out there and give me a hug, unless you don't want to...

I might need to switch to a box after all. *writes note to self to keep next box I end up emptying*

I'll try looking as thoroughly as possible. I guess first thing is setup of the game since I dunno if it needs a GBA emulator of sorts since all of the others seem to need them... or so I hear. I... don't know. Not sure how to respond even in a joke-like sense to the last thing except the lame attempt of humor I got which involves my 'ability' being poison point most likely so it's advised against.

...Since I did the quiz thing and... yeah.


Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Thanks. The community looks pretty lively so I think I will one way or another.

Yo wut up

Wooden wind chimes. *shot*

I don't like how people say "Enjoy your stay"... It's like they're implying you can leave if you want to, which you can't...

Muahahahahaa... AHahahahahhahahahahaeheheehohoohohoooooee... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *cough* *cough*

In all seriousness, welcome to Reborn. Leave your sanity at what ever window you think you just saw, friend. < :D

Ah... erm... well, thank you! Ah... not sure where I left my sanity already, to be honest. Not sure if it involved a window though...

So yeah. Thank you everyone for the welcomes and such. ^^

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