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Suggestions for Team


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Just want some team suggestions if you have any. Thanks! (Yes I know I have too many Dragons and a Giant Ice Weakness) 




Heat Wave

Light Screen

Will o Wisp



Sludge Bomb

Hydro Pump

Dragon Pulse





rock Slide

Dragon Claw




Wood Hammer



Rock Smash



Dark Pulse

Dragon Pulse

Hyper Voice




Aura Sphere

Close Combat

Bullet Punch

Calm Mind


PC: Gardevior, Ampharos, Staraptor 


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Where are you in the game right now? I have suggestions but you may find the time adequates TMs later. Here is what I would change assuming you reached endgame:


Dragalge: Sludge Wave and Draco Meteor, making him a strong nuke.


Flygon: EQ/Dragon Dance/Outrage and last move of your choice. Outrage is a STAB 120 power. Dragon Dance is a must have. You won't need Crunch or Rock Slide because it will inflict less damage.


Torterra: Wood Hammer/EQ/Stone Edge/Rock Polish. Torterra is deadly when he is fast.


Hydreigon: Dark Pulse/Draco Meteor/Flash Cannon/Flame Thrower. It gives him coverage but I'm not sure on this one.


Lucario: you have a mixed sweeper. I'd rather run him full special or full physical. I suggest you to choose between Flash Cannon/AuraSphere/Vacuum Wave/Nasty Plot and Meteor Mash/Close Combat/Bullet Punch/Sword Dance. But I never used Lucario in Reborn and I'm not sure what he can learn in this game ...


Hope that helped you!

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1 hour ago, Des Teto said:



Where are you in the game right now? I have suggestions but you may find the time adequates TMs later. Here is what I would change assuming you reached endgame:


Dragalge: Sludge Wave and Draco Meteor, making him a strong nuke.


Flygon: EQ/Dragon Dance/Outrage and last move of your choice. Outrage is a STAB 120 power. Dragon Dance is a must have. You won't need Crunch or Rock Slide because it will inflict less damage.


Torterra: Wood Hammer/EQ/Stone Edge/Rock Polish. Torterra is deadly when he is fast.


Hydreigon: Dark Pulse/Draco Meteor/Flash Cannon/Flame Thrower. It gives him coverage but I'm not sure on this one.


Lucario: you have a mixed sweeper. I'd rather run him full special or full physical. I suggest you to choose between Flash Cannon/AuraSphere/Vacuum Wave/Nasty Plot and Meteor Mash/Close Combat/Bullet Punch/Sword Dance. But I never used Lucario in Reborn and I'm not sure what he can learn in this game ...


Hope that helped you!

All this looks helpful if my whole team wasn’t level 56 lol. I’m right before you fight the Ditto Arceus 

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Hi. I think about lucario is better  you pick or att or special att. not both.

Im using mine with:

Flash Cannon STAB

Aura Sphere STAB

Nasty Plot Buff 

Vaacum Wave STAB priority

focus ev in speed and special att



Other pokemon i rly like is Gardevoir in your box.

She is rly good in single and double battles

Mine is with:

ab: Telepathy is better for double battles because u can use your flygon earthquake and dont hit her.

Psychic(here Psyshock is good too)

Calm Mind

Heal Pulse

Hyper Voice(before i get gardevoirite i was with Moonblast here)

focus ev in speed and special att.

u can change Heal Pulse for Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Grass Knot, but i think in double Battles Heal Pulse is much better.


My Flygon is with:



Fly guy

roost(but here dragon dance sounds good too)

ev in Att and speed.




One suggestion: try make a Batton Pass pokemon. its help a lot. Search about that in google and you will see a lot of builds.

Hope it helps you.


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8 hours ago, Des Teto said:

Oh! 😅


Well then, feel free to farm some heart scales. It will help mostly your Flygon and maybe other members of your team. At this point of the game, the movesets are fine!

ok cool thanks!


6 hours ago, Vic said:

Hi. I think about lucario is better  you pick or att or special att. not both.

Im using mine with:

Flash Cannon STAB

Aura Sphere STAB

Nasty Plot Buff 

Vaacum Wave STAB priority

focus ev in speed and special att



Other pokemon i rly like is Gardevoir in your box.

She is rly good in single and double battles

Mine is with:

ab: Telepathy is better for double battles because u can use your flygon earthquake and dont hit her.

Psychic(here Psyshock is good too)

Calm Mind

Heal Pulse

Hyper Voice(before i get gardevoirite i was with Moonblast here)

focus ev in speed and special att.

u can change Heal Pulse for Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/Grass Knot, but i think in double Battles Heal Pulse is much better.


My Flygon is with:



Fly guy

roost(but here dragon dance sounds good too)

ev in Att and speed.




One suggestion: try make a Batton Pass pokemon. its help a lot. Search about that in google and you will see a lot of builds.

Hope it helps you.


Where do I get flash cannon and vacuum wave?

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i'll say it simply. dont get attatched to Torterra. its bulk isnt as good as you think and its slow as molasses. it wont be overly good much longer, i'm surprised it still does anything for you now. there are far better Ground types available like Mamoswine and i THINK (might be wrong) you can get Krookodile at this point. 


i'd reccomend Mamoswine anyway since it covers your Ice Weakness a bit, can pair with your flying/levitating peeps in double battles with earthquake and Priority in the form of ice Shard is always helpful to have. plus you're coming soon up to a field that can be destroyed by earthquake and make the battle considerably easier. as well as Mamo just generally being good.

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1 minute ago, MachoPony said:

i'll say it simply. dont get attatched to Torterra. its bulk isnt as good as you think and its slow as molasses. it wont be overly good much longer, i'm surprised it still does anything for you now. there are far better Ground types available like Mamoswine and i THINK (might be wrong) you can get Krookodile at this point. 


i'd reccomend Mamoswine anyway since it covers your Ice Weakness a bit, can pair with your flying/levitating peeps in double battles with earthquake and Priority in the form of ice Shard is always helpful to have. plus you're coming soon up to a field that can be destroyed by earthquake and make the battle considerably easier. as well as Mamo just generally being good.

rip my shiny torterra ;( 


Yeah i can get krook rn but I think im gonna get Mamo, don't I have to like heart scale acient power onto a piloswine?

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3 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

you can, or you can take a poke that learns Ancientpower (hi dunsparce) and breed it onto a swinub, that's what i did to get mamo super early, though you can do either at this point. 

ok, and also do you know where to find a carvanha? im trying to get Type Null


nvm nvm nvm nvm i got one

Edited by jjnajera
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29 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

you can, or you can take a poke that learns Ancientpower (hi dunsparce) and breed it onto a swinub, that's what i did to get mamo super early, though you can do either at this point. 

one more thing, what type sivally would be best for my team. 

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1 hour ago, jjnajera said:

ok cool thanks!


Where do I get flash cannon and vacuum wave?

Flash Cannon is from Titania on Steel Gyn.

Vaacum Wave is a litte hard. You need Breed a Male hitmonchan with Vaacum Wave +  a female lucario and in the egg will be born a riolu with Vaacum Wave.


the other option is good to, with att, like Des Teto said with Meteor Mash/Close Combat/Bullet Punch/Sword Dance or u can change close combat for another good Figthing Skill with Att and change meteor Mash for ExtremeSpeed



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4 hours ago, jjnajera said:

one more thing, what type sivally would be best for my team. 

I'd say switch out Delphox for a Silvally-Fairy and give it Rock Slide; gets rid of your triple Ground weakness, and covers your triple Fighting, Dragon and Ice weaknesses.

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6 hours ago, Vic said:

Flash Cannon is from Titania on Steel Gyn.

Vaacum Wave is a litte hard. You need Breed a Male hitmonchan with Vaacum Wave +  a female lucario and in the egg will be born a riolu with Vaacum Wave.


the other option is good to, with att, like Des Teto said with Meteor Mash/Close Combat/Bullet Punch/Sword Dance or u can change close combat for another good Figthing Skill with Att and change meteor Mash for ExtremeSpeed



where do i find meteor mash?

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Just now, jjnajera said:

where do i find meteor mash?

Same as Vaacum wave. By breeding. But with a male Smeargle with Meteor Mash.


I dont know if you know but some of the best moves is from breeding. It's boring but is the way to get good moves.

See it on Bulbapedia. All pokemons there have a skill list in "by breeding". 


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On 5/6/2019 at 9:59 AM, Vic said:

See it on Bulbapedia. All pokemons there have a skill list in "by breeding". 

I'd suggest Serebii instead, since there they mention if the Parents themselves learn it by level-up or by breeding.


Anyhow, if you do plan to breed Lucario for Meteor Mash and/or Bullet Punch, you might want to stock up on friendship berries (Assuming you want good IVs too). Riolu can't breed, so it'll save you some time in evolving it to Lucario.

Edited by Yoma_masaho
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