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The Ice Gym Leader. She is very over powered so I need help.

I have 3 Pokemon who can normally Super Effective Stab her Ice types but they don't even one shot them (plus Golem dies before he can do anything so I don't use him + she has 3 pokemon that are good against him.) I also have ancient power on Yanmega and that + firefang cant kill Glaceon. Pretty much all my pokemon are good agianst her Jinx and Frostlas though.

Ok I think I'm just mad because I lost like 10 times by now to her....anyway here is the list of Pokemon that can be put on the team (some I have to train a bit more).


Oval - 45

Serene Grace - Adament :( - Quick Claw

Shadow Ball

Charge Beam

Grass Knot



Maka - 47

Synchronize - Careful :( - Focus Band


Shadow Ball

Calm Mind



Yanmega - 48

Speed Boost - Doctile - Focus Band

Shadow Ball


Ancient Power



Demon - 47

Inner Focus - Gentle - n/a




Confuse Ray


Pressure - 48

Anticipation - Serious - Quick Claw

Rock Smash


Sucker Punch



Gold - 47

Sturdy - Gentile :( - Quick Claw

Bull Doze

Rock Blast

Stealth Rock



Doom - 49

Flash Fire - Doctile - Quick Claw

Fire Fang

Foul Play

Faint Attack

Shadow Ball


Forretress - 41

Sturdy - Adamant :) - Quick Claw

Rock Smash




Dizzy - 43

Torrent - Rash - Quick Claw

Water Pulse

Aqua Tail

Rapid Spin

Skull Bash

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Oh gosh, this was so far back I hardly remember her pokemon skillsets... I don't think she was overpowered though, I thought she was quite easy. What I personally did was Will-o'-Wisp, and Confuse Rays all over. It also helped that my team was a complete tank against her. Her pokemon experienced a slow and painful faint.~

The problem I think you have is that Crobat will get wrecked way too soon so you cant use him. Honestly if you grab a Ninetails, or a Magmar you should at least beat her...

This is the team I used. The screenshot was taken right after I beat her.


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Obsidia Ward - Salon - Pokemon with max happiness ( which by looking at your team I'm sure you definitely have by now. xD ) show her it and she'll let you have vulpix. Save before you click the vuplix though, so you can make sure to get drought. It'll help keep the hail away. xD I believe it came at... level 12? So you sadly have long way to train up v.v

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  On 8/1/2013 at 6:37 PM, ChocolateChip said:

Obsidia Ward - Salon - Pokemon with max happiness ( which by looking at your team I'm sure you definitely have by now. xD ) show her it and she'll let you have vulpix. Save before you click the vuplix though, so you can make sure to get drought. It'll help keep the hail away. xD I believe it came at... level 12? So you sadly have long way to train up v.v

The training wont be hard as long as I can get out of that stupid forest ARGH!

I was trying before I couldn't get out lol. It was raining idk if that has something to do with it. I heard weather influenced it a bit.

Yeah unowns and magcargos bring pokemon to level 40 real quick.

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You can get Vulpix from the beauty salon in Obsidia ward, if your friendship value with one of your pokemon is really high.

By the way, you don't need Gardevoir either, eh? I wouldn't use Gardevoir anyway. Toxicroak and Houndoom should be more than enough to take out Jynx and Froslass... not to mention Gardevoir is pretty frail against her as she has quite a few strong physical attackers.

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  On 8/1/2013 at 6:43 PM, Twist said:

You can get Vulpix from the beauty salon in Obsidia ward, if your friendship value with one of your pokemon is really high.

By the way, you don't need Gardevoir either, eh? I wouldn't use Gardevoir anyway. Toxicroak and Houndoom should be more than enough to take out Jynx and Froslass... not to mention Gardevoir is pretty frail against her as she has quite a few strong physical attackers.

Yeah she was tanking blizzards, but almost got one shotted by that stupid Mamoswine.

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By the way, did you get to her last pokemon? It's gonna try and do something. You're gonna have to see that and stop it before it's too late. It's not hard to do so, and there are quite a few ways to do it. I'm just saying though, be ready when it comes.

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Ninetails + fire pokemon sweep her team clean

I did it with Ninetails + Rapidash and spammed fire blast over and over one shotting all her pokes except Warlien.

All her pokes are outsped by those 2 except for Frostlass who usually dies to an incoming fire blast unless i miss -___-

Which is good for me cause my 3 other pokes have an ice weakness

So in short:

Very Easy mode - drought Ninetails

Easy mode - weather inducing move or not trained drought vulpix (meaning 5v6)

Hax mode - leave the hail up

I've beaten her all 3 ways

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  On 8/1/2013 at 6:54 PM, Twist said:

By the way, did you get to her last pokemon? It's gonna try and do something. You're gonna have to see that and stop it before it's too late. It's not hard to do so, and there are quite a few ways to do it. I'm just saying though, be ready when it comes.

I saw the walrain. Sheer Cold I'm guessing. That would be mean.

  On 8/1/2013 at 6:55 PM, Ussi said:

Ninetails + fire pokemon sweep her team clean

I did it with Ninetails + Rapidash and spammed fire blast over and over one shotting all her pokes except Warlien.

All her pokes are outsped by those 2 except for Frostlass who usually dies to an incoming fire blast unless i miss -___-

Which is good for me cause my 3 other pokes have an ice weakness

So in short:

Very Easy mode - drought Ninetails

Easy mode - weather inducing move or not trained drought vulpix (meaning 5v6)

Hax mode - leave the hail up

I've beaten her all 3 ways

What about the Swine? What worked against that? Just fireblast?

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Uh, no. Maybe I'm confusing the gym leaders now... I swear I'm so forgetful...

I strongly believe though that Walrein knows Stockpile (?), and in my case it spammed that so I couldn't hurt it. I had Burn + Confusion though, as well as Curse in case things went bad, so I didn't really have a problem.

Mamoswine gets destroyed by a Special Fire type move... Ninetails will probably ohko it.

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Here is what I did using ninetails/Rapidash

turn 1 - Flame wheel abomasnow, ninetails switched in. Glaceon does a move (icy wind would suck)

turn 2 - fire blast mamoswine cause his base 80 speed got nothing on 100 and 105 base speed, fire blast incoming poke. both die

turn 3 fire blast more. Rapidash learnt flare blitz

turn 4 - flare blitz and die. Switch in Staraptor to CC Warlien for the win on turn 5

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Yeah Walrein can use Stockpile & with Hail going on, Blizzard always hits & that Walrein can recover health in Hail & it has Leftovers. Though Drought Ninetails is by far the best way to go, though what I did was I had Garbodor use Sludge Wave while tanking with Stockpile, while being teamed up with Magnezone, & spammed both Charge Beam & Flash Cannon. Walrein isn't her highest level Pokemon just to let you know. Sadly I didn't have a way to take away the Hail.

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  On 8/1/2013 at 7:18 PM, Twist said:

Uh, no. Maybe I'm confusing the gym leaders now... I swear I'm so forgetful...

I strongly believe though that Walrein knows Stockpile (?), and in my case it spammed that so I couldn't hurt it. I had Burn + Confusion though, as well as Curse in case things went bad, so I didn't really have a problem.

Mamoswine gets destroyed by a Special Fire type move... Ninetails will probably ohko it.

Well thats probably my problem then. Houndoom doesn't get flamethrower until lv 50.

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  On 8/2/2013 at 12:44 AM, JayDo said:

Walk down one tile. Then go left. There is a clear path beihind that tree.

You better be joking.

Edit: Damn! That tree got me good. Both times too I think.

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No its not cause sun boosted fire blast > than everything except quad super effective damage or if fire is quad resisted.

Tbh the only other attack move worth considering is like solarbeam for water or rock types

I run both flamethrower and fire blast just so i don't have to rely on a 85% accurate move all the time.

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Update: Thanks to everyone for the help!

I took two tries for me the beat her with Vulpix and only one try with Ninetails (lol it really was easy mode)

Here are some good screen caps:


Somehow raining inside the gym.....

Below: Her Shadow Ball Damage vs. Mine (lol)


Yup I knew Gardevior would be useful. Plus she was desperately trying to kill Blissey.






The ninetails factor

Thanks again to everyone! Can't tell you how annoying that was and how satisfying it was to completely destroy her.

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