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help me whit Charlotte


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Sooo  i need help becaouse i can't beat Charlotte. My team

braviary lv.70

Heliosk lv.70

Gogoat lv.70 (swap whit floatzel lv.70 for the battle)

Charizard lv.70

Empoleon lv.70

Golem lv.70

 The problem that is killing me is the speed of her Pokémon they are too fast.

Idk how to beat her only one time o was able to defeat her frist 2 Pokémon.



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Flygon is a good option (keep it Trapinch until it learns EQ by level-up): it gets Rock Slide, EQ and has 100 base speed, which can be enough if trained well enough. Pranksters with Rain Dance work wonders as well. Or you could go with a bulky Trick room mon to eat the hit and turn the battle on its head.

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I recommend getting Vaporeon(if you haven't evolved your evee yet) team up with another water Pokemon and surf her team to oblivion. Water absorb along with natural bulkiness will keep it alive along with hydro pump to sweep her team. Beside Vaporeon is quite useful for later gym and major battle too worth keeping it in rotation. 

Edited by Ryuta
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6 hours ago, Ryuta said:

I recommend getting Vaporeon(if you haven't evolved your evee yet) team up with another water Pokemon and surf her team to oblivion. Water absorb along with natural bulkiness will keep it alive along with hydro pump to sweep her team. Beside Vaporeon is quite useful for later gym and major battle too worth keeping it in rotation. 

I do noto have evee...


8 hours ago, laggless01 said:

Flygon is a good option (keep it Trapinch until it learns EQ by level-up): it gets Rock Slide, EQ and has 100 base speed, which can be enough if trained well enough. Pranksters with Rain Dance work wonders as well. Or you could go with a bulky Trick room mon to eat the hit and turn the battle on its head.

Where can i get a trapinch? Btw whit 100 of speed i belive will be like all my pokemon usless because whit eruption she kill me and if she don't dartiaman will finish the work 😞

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52 minutes ago, MachoPony said:

fake out + blizzard. you're welcome



stun typhlosion for a turn so it dosent make the field super-super-heated and blizzard eliminates the field. problem solved

I only have the icebear (do not rember the name) whit blizzard but no o

ne of mine Pokémon kows fake out

Edited by jaxlex
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Walrein's prevos can be caught in Ametrine Mountain, it has Thick Fat and learns Blizzard by level up and Surf and Rain Dance by TM. Wild Mienfoo on Route 2 can re-learn Fake Out with a Heart Scale. Bring along Golem for Stealth Rock and Empoleon + Floatzel for more Water spam and it should be an easy sweep.


(Also you could probably outspeed Typhlosion if you EV-trained Floatzel, this is around the point in the game where leaders begin to have optimized natures and EVs and can very easily sweep underprepared teams so you should consider EV training of your own. Typhlosion's speed stat is 215.)

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2 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

Walrein's prevos can be caught in Ametrine Mountain, it has Thick Fat and learns Blizzard by level up and Surf and Rain Dance by TM. Wild Mienfoo on Route 2 can re-learn Fake Out with a Heart Scale. Bring along Golem for Stealth Rock and Empoleon + Floatzel for more Water spam and it should be an easy sweep.


(Also you could probably outspeed Typhlosion if you EV-trained Floatzel, this is around the point in the game where leaders begin to have optimized natures and EVs and can very easily sweep underprepared teams so you should consider EV training of your own. Typhlosion's speed stat is 215i



I will try this way thk

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Problem solved!!!! Only whit a big help from luck.

Start of battle both of my Pokémon evoid rock slide and i was able to use tailwind and electri terrian so no more burn field and whit a boost in speed plus some very strange critical hit ratio ( evry 2 attack 1 was critical) and  BINGO

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