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Gym Leader Tier List


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Not entirely sure if this already existed due to the sites search being down but how about people make a tier list ranking the reborn leaders, you can rank them based on difficulty or just who you like

Heres a template to save time: https://tiermaker.com/create/pokemon-reborn-gymleaders-55379

mine is clearly based on difficulty



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Been seeing a lot of tier listings going around in the discord. 


I'd only change yours slightly, so I'd rather not make a new chart. I'd move Aya up a tier, and Serra down a tier. Drop Titania down one tier as well, while raising Terra up one too. 

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Shelly is definitely S by the time you get to challenge her gym, she's hard af. And i consider her the first filter of this game. If you are not committed to Reborn by the time you challenge Shelly, you will never win and will end up most likely quitting.

Edited by DarkOmegaMK2
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Guest Relinquished



In older episodes, i used to consider Kiki and Aya higher tier, as well as Shade. They were noticeably more difficult to deal with, especially with older generation pokemon. Noel, i think is no longer that high up anymore, but the short guy used to give me hell. I still haven't dealth with the ones i put S rank in, but i guess they are hard af. All goes well and i reach them soon (didn't have much free time, there were those rants as well)...

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Let's see:


S - Shelly, Titania

A - Julia, Amaria, Serra, Ciel, Charlotte

B - Amaria, Florinia, Shade, Radomus, Sampson, Shade

C - Corey, Aya, Hardy, Kiki

D - Luna, that guy on there with the Pokeball and dark hair. I can't even remember who he was or what types he used, so I guess he didn't make much of an impression.

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I ranked them based on difficulty and character.


Amaria reigns supreme.


if Saphira was here I would rank here in S too. Even if we don’t get to battle her now I still know she would wreck me. 

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Charlotte and Titania are the only gym leaders who actively halted my runs before barring Aya.

Radomus gave me some trouble as his mons could slaughter my aces. (Gardevoir and Infernape) and I didn't have much at the time to counter him. Noel forced me to burn the living bejeebus out ofhis flower field to not deal with his BS. (This was before fairy typing). Aya was the leader that made me quit my very first run (Back in Episode 15), and is what got me to try over again with a new starter and stuff. I think the team I brought to her was... Vulpix, Noibat, Chestnaught, Luxray, Sharpedo, Hariyama. No wonder I got trounced.

Shelly never gave me trouble after I restarted, Infernape/Monferno just kinda ran her over, Ciel scared me shitless at first but she went down way easier than I was anticipating. Samson was easy money once I gave Infernape Acrobatics, Terra just got flattened by my Leavanny.

Shade got run over by my Luxray, Kiki got run over by my Espurr, Serra buckled under Mach Punch Infernape, Luna couldn't survive Close Combats, Hardy can't handle high defense mons.

I smacked down Adrienn with an underleveled Metagross, I was actually surprised I could. Amaria I raised a Storm Drain Cradily and paired it with something weak to water or something I don't remember. The battle never went underwater because Cradily's precense made her completely not use any water attacks, so my secondary mon ran all over them while Cradily tanked hits repeatedly. Corey can't handle people blowing up his mist field (flame burst opop). Julia wasn't terribly hard, but i fought her at around EP16. Florinia couldn't handle Monferno.

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Here's my personal difficulty list. Samson and Hardy are so low is because they're so overrated in difficulty. Samson can easily be demolished by crobat w acro or a good psychic type and Hardy is just an easier version of Charlotte in my opinion. Radomus and Luna are easiest leaders. The list would be slightly different if based on older teams (Florinia would probs go up a tier and Terra would go down one. Serra and Charlotte would go S tier).

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Titania/Terra are really the only ones that really come to mind difficulty wise. Most of the rest are honestly not very tough from my experience. Titania however has basically always posed some form of challenge for me and I like that. She's on my top 3 favourite fights in the game, coming in at number 2, right below the Agate Solaris fight but above the Glass Gauntlet. Terra is up there because my E17 run got brutally hardwalled by her Quagsire+Garchomp and it took me forever to beat it tbh.

Most of the rest are B-C tier in line with the rest of my statement. Amaria/Luna are imo tied for the easiest boss in the game(Amaria in particular got utterly 6-0'd by Excadrill with no effort at all), Radomus included if Trick Room doesn't go up(and with his terrible team, that isnt hard to do.) We don't talk about mirror field.



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I based my tier lists on difficulty and how much I like them.

The first one is for difficulty and the second one is my character rating.

They are in alphabetical order.



P.D: Can someone do another topic with all the characters?

Reborn leaders.png

Top Characters.png

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Feel like I need to justify mine at least a little since I made some uncommon picks to say the least (difficulty btw)


S Tier:


Everyone here seems to find Shade, like, really easy. And yeah, I don't find myself losing often, but I usually have to prepare specifically for Shade (not just for ghost types) with certain countermeasures. The only field change that really helps you here is if you can get Misty Terrain up, but even then his pokemon still hit very hard and his Mimikyu stops any attempt at a full sweep.


Adrienne and Aya are doubles leaders, both have bulky, hard hitting teams with good defensive typings that make them very difficult to cut through before they get a few blows in. It can take a few attempts to get a "download" on them and figure out exactly what order you need to do things in to disassemble their teams before they smash yours.


A Tier:


Corey is as high as he is because Skuntank. Like, really, that thing's way more threatening than anything else on his team. Not much can deal with Skuntank "efficiently", especially in the Corrosive Mist field where Aftermath deals a whopping 50%, which is usually enough to kill after whatever damage Skuntank itself deals. Crobat can also sweep frailer teams so if you're using a few too many "late evolution" mons you might just not be able to win.


B Tier:


Serra is pure RNG Hell with Mirror Field but not much harder than lolnoel without it.


Florinia seems to be on the low end for most people, but for me I find that, while I don't usually get "stumped" or anything trying to win, I have enough trouble on a consistent basis to justify putting her in B at least.


C Tier:


Hardy is pathetically easy with Wide Guard or Rain and just luck without it. His only trick is spamming Rock Slide with fast 'mons in a doubles environment and hoping you flinch.


D Tier: Ribombee 6-0s Noel and can be found literally 10 steps from where you fight him... If that's not "easiest leader" material I don't know what is.


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Mostly unsorted within tiers


Adrienn is the only fight that consistently gives me trouble, although it's possible I don't prepare well enough for it. Even then, they'd probably deserve A tier at minimum just because the amount of prep required for this fight is on par with that ranking imo.

A is fights that are hard to prepare for because the field can only be gotten rid of by manually overwriting it with another field and gives the enemy a significant boost but does almost nothing for the player. 

B is fights that can be hard if I have a team with a bad matchup, especially if I have no way of complicating the fight by changing weather/the field. These fights can all be cheesed with certain moves/strategies, often in the form of destroying the field

C is fights that are usually easy unless my team is really weak against theirs. This is usually because I don't have a full enough team to properly run over them which is why it's almost entirely midgame leaders. For Ciel, there aren't a ton of great pokemon good vs. Flying and all the good coverage options aren't available until afterwards, but her team isn't terribly threatening on its own. It's possible Kiki should be at the bottom of B tier instead

D is fights that only the worst and most awful teams lose to. Julia and Florinia are pretty much just "are you training pokemon other than your starter" checks, Corey's ace gets hardwalled by Klink, and Luna just isn't hard even after the rework, in part because she has easily the least threatening ace of any leader.

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Alright I ranked these based on Difficulty and tried my best to decide who was harder within each tier, which is why Charlotte is before Shelly but not by much


S-Rank: Requires me to majorly change my team AND sets in order to deal with the leader and still face major trouble. 


A-Rank: Gym leaders that made me change sets and be max level for the battle but no team changes at all. 


B-Rank: Challenging gym leaders at best, but not anything bs* (Serra is the only exception). 

C-Rank: Easy gym leaders with minimal challenge at most.

D-Rank: Cake walks, literally beat these one the first try because there I had no problems with facing them at any point.

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Probably because shes the most stacked fight until MUCH later into the game. Never really bad much trouble with her but her team packs a lot of things bosses before her did not with little to no build up to that point.

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2 hours ago, not Azery said:

Probably because shes the most stacked fight until MUCH later into the game. Never really bad much trouble with her but her team packs a lot of things bosses before her did not with little to no build up to that point.

mm very true. Not to mention the lack of counters you have at your disposal except for maybe a fire starter and some rock type mons which masquerin can already take care of

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Poor Luna. Stucked in bottom tier.


I don't get Florinia's place tho. I feel that the matchup depends on whether you chose a fire starter. Plus, I used to grab a Slugma from the Game Corner for a free kill against some members of her team. Without these two, Florinia is very bulky for early-game.

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1 hour ago, Des Teto said:

Poor Luna. Stucked in bottom tier.


I don't get Florinia's place tho. I feel that the matchup depends on whether you chose a fire starter. Plus, I used to grab a Slugma from the Game Corner for a free kill against some members of her team. Without these two, Florinia is very bulky for early-game.

There’s a few opportunities to counter Florinia. For instance fury cutter kriketune which can even deal with the likes of cradily

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Ordered by spontanous gut feeling difficulty (no ranking within each tier)my-image-2.thumb.png.a5332a6d6c996b4bdd054e1867083237.png


technically I'd leave the S-tier blank since I don't remember anyone ever giving me really that much trouble, but I decided to single out Terra because her Field is easily the most annoying one of all. Her two Pokémon holding Seeds are a drag as well.

I tend to mostly stick with the same set of Pokémon on a playthrough, so a lot of leaders' difficulty tends to fluctuate heavily. I ordered them roughly based on how much my more difficult fights with them stuck in my mind and how good I think their tactic is. Titania, Amaria and Hardy were a bit hard to judge since I haven't fought them a whole lot yet. Hardy in particular I've only fought once.

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