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Mortal Kombat [Netherrealm Wins]


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Oh so Yahen told us a not bad info hehe, anyway @Astra125 What do you mean with "because of his name"? I don't see anything strange about the name 🤔

Also [Reveal] Baraka for now, if someone else suggest another character, i might change my vote.

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  On 6/8/2019 at 2:13 AM, Candy said:

well tbh I have a feeling it's Nano who's been doing me an attacc at night cause who else so an eye for an eye

[eliminate] Nano


Just because I like to eat le candy doesn’t mean I try to kill le candy


[eliminate] yahy

[reveal] baraka obama

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  On 6/8/2019 at 4:00 AM, Bok Choi said:

I'm not sure where to start so I'm just gonna talk about what comes to mind I guess?

Yahen's poisoning gives us info sort of, since he claimed that person is his teammate.

Considering the information we know, only two roles can deal poison damage: Noob Saibot and Mileena. Saibot only visits once to inflict poison, while Mileena needs to visit twice, so if Yahen doesn't mind, maybe he can tell us if he has been attacked twice or only poisoned without losing how a previous night. Maybe that might yield info?

Candy is talking about an eye for an eye? So does that mean she's attacked Nano and Nano attacked her back (either purposefully or coincidentally?)

Perhaps Amine missed boat's suggestion last day, but I doubt it. Why put such a large target on your back by revealing yourself as an info gathering role when people literally just suggested killing info roles? I personally suspect he's luring attacks, but maybe that's just me reading too much into it.

I do agree that we should even out reveals so unless someone has a better suggestion on who to reveal,

[Reveal] Baraka


Only the person that attacked me knows, as i was informed directly what the ability was by nick

By the way, do not forget about hidden ones~

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Somebody attacked me for absolutely no effect.(At least I think its only one (?)) Well congrats for dealing absolutely nothing and wasting the night. Again. :rolleyes: to my comrade I think you got he message yesterday cuz I think you did what I want you to do for N2(?). I dont have a proof though cuz one sided yea. 


Well tonight is my final protect ability but whatever. might as well reveal the strategy to this game cuz I think @HanyÅ« got it... either that or he got lucky with smth. still if am a juror I'll be giving a few points for that.


Allow me to explain:


The goal actually here is one and only one. To win. How to win? eliminate your opponents. How to eliminate em? Find em first. Finding allies is practically secondary to useless. The key here is just finding out someones faction. Let's take amine's case for example.


Amine revealed that either Nano or Yahy is from Chaosrealm. Now everyone not from chaosrealm has a good target.  They arent their allies. so this guys are safe to beat up. While some might think Amine now has a huge target on his back. Congrats you guys are going to step on landmines coming from his ally. You guys arent considering the synergy of things. Granted only two will be stepping on it still do you actually hve enough hp to wste for them traps? Realistically speaking, the only way to kill him is to either kill the trapper or lynch him. In other words Nano/yahy is the best target now for non chaosworld at night. Looking at chaos realm they cnt protect their ally. so thats kinda one to two down now. Dunno why he didnt reveal the other possible realm but prolly its his ally, an outworlder lmao.(Anyway i honestly dunno) If that is so, then its his mistake. If it was me i would say either of them is from blahblah faction and wahwah faction for maximum damage. cuz chaosworld would want to reduce other teams as well. 


Now going back this is why im wary of kenshi. He can fucking indirectly eradicate whole factions by revealing who is in what faction and let em fight he doesnt need to do much really. its just 1 man sac(yeah he'll die in the process cuz no one wants an op guy and currently i dont think his allies has a saving ability thats why also wanted to strip em good) for 1~2 factions eradication its a goddamn good of an exchange. so for reveals im still aiming for them who has too much info capacity. Now still think that info gatherers are important in the long run? well probably if your team is blessed with one. Hexk specially if your team has a direct investigator and a fcking scanner. :rolleyes: thats why i actually prefer my method of aiming for 3 peeps at night cuz tht is random and fair in a sense. (Well my position still stands that i think detective wannabes are most probably the investigators and the inactive ones are just the muscles)but now well we have our first reveal of info gatherer so this one is a better direction now albeit your at the mercy of their realm currently. Lets see how fast you guys can actually eradicate amine's team realistically before other factions gank yours.  At this rate amine's team actually has a better chance of winning now against earthrealm. so kudos to that. 


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  On 6/8/2019 at 1:44 PM, sailboat said:

Somebody attacked me for absolutely no effect.(At least I think its only one (?)) Well congrats for dealing absolutely nothing and wasting the night. Again. :rolleyes: to my comrade I think you got he message yesterday cuz I think you did what I want you to do for N2(?). I dont have a proof though cuz one sided yea. 


Well tonight is my final protect ability but whatever. might as well reveal the strategy to this game cuz I think @HanyÅ« got it... either that or he got lucky with smth. still if am a juror I'll be giving a few points for that.


Allow me to explain:


The goal actually here is one and only one. To win. How to win? eliminate your opponents. How to eliminate em? Find em first. Finding allies is practically secondary to useless. The key here is just finding out someones faction. Let's take amine's case for example.


Amine revealed that either Nano or Yahy is from Chaosrealm. Now everyone not from chaosrealm has a good target.  They arent their allies. so this guys are safe to beat up. While some might think Amine now has a huge target on his back. Congrats you guys are going to step on landmines coming from his ally. You guys arent considering the synergy of things. Granted only two will be stepping on it still do you actually hve enough hp to wste for them traps? Realistically speaking, the only way to kill him is to either kill the trapper or lynch him. In other words Nano/yahy is the best target now for non chaosworld at night. Looking at chaos realm they cnt protect their ally. so thats kinda one to two down now. Dunno why he didnt reveal the other possible realm but prolly its his ally, an outworlder lmao.(Anyway i honestly dunno) If that is so, then its his mistake. If it was me i would say either of them is from blahblah faction and wahwah faction for maximum damage. cuz chaosworld would want to reduce other teams as well. 


Now going back this is why im wary of kenshi. He can fucking indirectly eradicate whole factions by revealing who is in what faction and let em fight he doesnt need to do much really. its just 1 man sac(yeah he'll die in the process cuz no one wants an op guy and currently i dont think his allies has a saving ability thats why also wanted to strip em good) for 1~2 factions eradication its a goddamn good of an exchange. so for reveals im still aiming for them who has too much info capacity. Now still think that info gatherers are important in the long run? well probably if your team is blessed with one. Hexk specially if your team has a direct investigator and a fcking scanner. :rolleyes: thats why i actually prefer my method of aiming for 3 peeps at night cuz tht is random and fair in a sense. (Well my position still stands that i think detective wannabes are most probably the investigators and the inactive ones are just the muscles)but now well we have our first reveal of info gatherer so this one is a better direction now albeit your at the mercy of their realm currently. Lets see how fast you guys can actually eradicate amine's team realistically before other factions gank yours.  At this rate amine's team actually has a better chance of winning now against earthrealm. so kudos to that. 


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ok im getting kind of annoyed why are you even lynching me

im Tremor from chaosrealm. i have 10 hp you can't scratch me. the only ability im using for the whole game is the ability cancel one for fun reasons. this night i succesfully cancelled 2 actions.


balanced, as all things should be. trolling half of the non attacking abilities, randomly, not chosing between rich or poor, realmer or not. balance.


now listen to me nerds.

we know amine is ermac. he does know the other realm and i bet that he has it hidden cause he's a nerd. jk its cause its his own realm. also the same as boat and probably my sibling (obvious behaviour with both amine and boat)


"oh but why do you think boat is reptile?"

i think he tried to hint something to khan, read his primary

we should reveal both reptile and Kahn to be sure of that today.


if we lynch Nano today we might confirm this and get a whole realm revealed just for that, plus you'll know his role and actually do damage, thing that wont happen to me, as you already know my role and im basically imortal (and harmless).


this said; [Vote Nano], [Reveal Baraka]

Edited by Yahy
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  On 5/15/2019 at 11:52 AM, NickCrash said:

Lunge: Basic Attack: Does 1HP damage. Does 2HP damage if ordered by Kotal Kahn OR if target uses the same ability twice in a row.



  On 5/15/2019 at 11:52 AM, NickCrash said:

Sun God: Reveal your identity and damage a player during the same Day Phase for 3HP damage.
Blood God: Passes a blood dagger to a player. The player will be damaged for 1HP for each night they hold the dagger. It can be passed to others. If you wish to pass a new dagger, the old one vanishes.
War God: HIDDEN ï»¿


if i wasnt clear enough, read these quotes.

what is a kahn order? war god.

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  On 6/8/2019 at 1:59 AM, Yahen said:

Also i'd appreciate if someone healed me, someone didnt realize im their ally and poisoned me smh


lmao you suck at lying tbh

whoever is poisoning them, keep up the good work, kahn has small HP so you're probably being a worry for them

i assure they're not your ally

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also, with that being said, i believe Nano might be the trapper from outworld~ for elimination process

i might be wrong tho. but again im only a living wall of HP just like bazaro was in big brother

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Also, I meant to put this in my last post but Kenshi's and Ermac's abilities don't fully tell them the realms of the people they are checking. I asked Nick about this to confirm something about how their abilities work and from what he told me, the info is randomized so if two or more people from different realms, the info could be listed as realm A, realm B, realm A or realm B, realm A, realm A. The only way for Ermac and Kenshi to know for sure which realm a person part of is for all the people they are checking are in the same realm. This means that Nano and Yahy are likely to be either from the same realm (Chaos) or one is from Chaos and the other is from Out since Amine left out the name of the other realm the other could be. Of course, there is the possibility of one not being from either Chaos or Out.

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  On 6/8/2019 at 2:39 PM, Astra125 said:

Also, I meant to put this in my last post but Kenshi's and Ermac's abilities don't fully tell them the realms of the people they are checking. I asked Nick about this to confirm something about how their abilities work and from what he told me, the info is randomized so if two or more people from different realms, the info could be listed as realm A, realm B, realm A or realm B, realm A, realm A. The only way for Ermac and Kenshi to know for sure which realm a person part of is for all the people they are checking are in the same realm. This means that Nano and Yahy are likely to be either from the same realm (Chaos) or one is from Chaos and the other is from Out since Amine left out the name of the other realm the other could be. Of course, there is the possibility of one not being from either Chaos or Out.


yeah amine could be kenshi too. that'd make nano a different role. or amine could be shang tsung

boat and yahen being kahn and reptile are hardly a misunderstanding tho.

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  On 6/8/2019 at 2:39 PM, Astra125 said:

Also, I meant to put this in my last post but Kenshi's and Ermac's abilities don't fully tell them the realms of the people they are checking. I asked Nick about this to confirm something about how their abilities work and from what he told me, the info is randomized so if two or more people from different realms, the info could be listed as realm A, realm B, realm A or realm B, realm A, realm A. The only way for Ermac and Kenshi to know for sure which realm a person part of is for all the people they are checking are in the same realm. This means that Nano and Yahy are likely to be either from the same realm (Chaos) or one is from Chaos and the other is from Out since Amine left out the name of the other realm the other could be. Of course, there is the possibility of one not being from either Chaos or Out.


we'll know the answer once we lynch nano, as i'm from chaosrealm

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  On 6/8/2019 at 1:44 PM, sailboat said:

Amine revealed that either Nano or Yahy is from Chaosrealm. Now everyone not from chaosrealm has a good target.  They arent their allies. so this guys are safe to beat up. While some might think Amine now has a huge target on his back. Congrats you guys are going to step on landmines coming from his ally. You guys arent considering the synergy of things. Granted only two will be stepping on it still do you actually hve enough hp to wste for them traps? Realistically speaking, the only way to kill him is to either kill the trapper or lynch him. In other words Nano/yahy is the best target now for non chaosworld at night. Looking at chaos realm they cnt protect their ally. so thats kinda one to two down now. Dunno why he didnt reveal the other possible realm but prolly its his ally, an outworlder lmao.(Anyway i honestly dunno) If that is so, then its his mistake. If it was me i would say either of them is from blahblah faction and wahwah faction for maximum damage. cuz chaosworld would want to reduce other teams as well.


Stop trying to manipulate others to fight against each other for your sake.
Just from what you listed, Ermac (Amine) is protected by his Trapper now. But why should the other realms lynch Nano or Yahy now? They can gang up on them on the night all they want.

But in my opinion priority for the lynch should be Amine to get rid of the information gathering role from a known faction, who softclaimed. Even if we are just chipping him down with a Lynch.
It's to preserve the other realms, who have no information leaked, from his reach. Also it's a massive blow to Outrealm.


[Eliminate] Amine

[Reveal] Liu Kang


Also i knew it. Scorpion is fucking op.

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Oof Boat made me read despacito which hurt me more than what my ally did to me on N1.
I'm ok with [Eliminate] Yahy because something tells me they're not Tremor but I think we should attack Amine (smh that Hanyu pic makes me think you're Purps) because at the moment from everyone's point of view the chances that he's on an enemy team are greater than the chances that he's on their team.

Personally I don't like a skill called Echolocation so [reveal] Sindel

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  On 6/8/2019 at 10:36 AM, Chickens said:

Beat the troll

trim the troll

cook the troll

roaat the troll

wash the trill

debone the troll

lick the troll

taste the troll

Swallow the troll

shot the troll

shit the troll


Lynch the troll

That means we should all lynch Bean. It's for the greater good.

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  On 6/8/2019 at 3:45 PM, Corso said:

Oof Boat made me read despacito which hurt me more than what my ally did to me on N1.
I'm ok with [Eliminate] Yahy because something tells me they're not Tremor but I think we should attack Amine (smh that Hanyu pic makes me think you're Purps) because at the moment from everyone's point of view the chances that he's on an enemy team are greater than the chances that he's on their team.

Personally I don't like a skill called Echolocation so [reveal] Sindel


i am no liar, don't waste your time

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I don't know why Yahy claimed because now literally everyone not on his team will be out to get 'em. Claiming will only put more votes on you, since the second you claim, you put yourself squarely in the minority.


[Eliminate] Yahy

I propose (since there are more people not in Chaosrealm than there are in Chaosrealm) lynching Yahy.

Yes I am aware that this in fact means I am claiming I am not in Chaosrealm, but hey, most of you aren't either 🙂

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  On 6/8/2019 at 4:21 PM, Bok Choi said:

I don't know why Yahy claimed because now literally everyone not on his team will be out to get 'em. Claiming will only put more votes on you, since the second you claim, you put yourself squarely in the minority.


[Eliminate] Yahy

I propose (since there are more people not in Chaosrealm than there are in Chaosrealm) lynching Yahy.

Yes I am aware that this in fact means I am claiming I am not in Chaosrealm, but hey, most of you aren't either 🙂


sure, waste your lynch in my giant hp pool and no damaging potential while my team murders you. that's not really my problem and i won't oppose to it

Edited by Yahy
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  On 6/8/2019 at 4:21 PM, Bok Choi said:

I propose (since there are more people not in Chaosrealm than there are in Chaosrealm)


i'll use my time on PC (which is rather rare is you ask me) to say something about this too

you're also a minority now, as a chaosrealmer wouldnt do what you did, so you have more reasons to be lynched once me and other claimed people die. good luck by the way.

that's also a great advantage to my team, as now they have a great target. you should have acted like corso did tbh, as he's in doubt, he could still be a chaosrealmer.

also i'd love if you all focused your night actions on me, it'd be great for me too, i think you'll take two or three nights to kill me lol.

the lack of lynch information also favors the non realmers but as i already painted some great targets to my team while they are still covered, not my problem.

now i'll leave for the day, keeping my vote on nano and my suggestions to reveal kahn and reptile so you know that both boat and kahn are on the same side, providing a target even better than i am

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