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Rate my team (Caught new pokemon)


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I have caught some new pokemon while back and have been leveling them up for EP.19. 

I know that their levels are not where I need them to be and may not have the best moves.


Primarina lv.76 “Calm”

Item: Lucky egg

HP: 222, Ability: Liquid Voice

Attack:120, Defense:147, Speed:115

Sp.Atk: 225, Sp.Def:215

Moves: Moonblast, Sparking Aria, Hyper Voice, Captivate


Crawdaunt lv.68 “Serious”

Item: exp .share

Hp:175 Ability: Adaptability

Attack: 177 Defense:134

Sp.Atk: 131, Sp.Def:99, Speed:101

Moves: Swift, Crunch, Crabhammer, Guillotine


Renuiclus lv.73 “Lax”

Item: none

HP:248 Ability: Magic Guard

Attack:138 Defense:141

Sp.Atk:212 Sp.Def:133 Speed:68

Moves: Dizzy punch, Psychic, Wonder Room, Recover


Throh lv.74 “Quirky”

Item: Macho Brace

HP: 265 Ability: Guts

Attack:167 Defense:162

Sp.Atk:76, Sp.Def:152, Speed:102

Moves: Revenge, Reversal, Body Slam, Superpower



Ninetales (Alohan) lv.89 “Serious”

Item: Assault Vest

HP:260 Ability: Snow warning

Attack:166 Defense:182

Sp.Atk:174, Sp.Def:219, Speed:211

Moves: Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Hidden power(fighting), Dazzling Gleam


Zoroark lv.84 “Naughty”

Item: Razor Fang

HP:207 Ability: Illusion

Attack:243 Defense:119

Sp.Atk:246 Sp.Def:122, Speed:215

Moves: Night Daze, Shadow Claw, Flamethrower, Focus Blast

Edited by Blocky
Meant to say Shard instead of Fang
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Alright, alright, alright.

*Cracks knuckles*

Primarina is good.

Crawdaunt's Guillotine is useless, use aqua Jet instead and I'd recommend Knock off instead of Swift

Why do you have a Physical move on a Reuniclus? Give it either Dazzling gleam or Dark pulse instead, or even HP.

I'd go flame orb and Facade instead of Body Slam on Throh. Otherwise pretty decent.

HP ground might have been slightly better for A-Ninetales, but fighting's still great. You may actually want Aurora Veil and Light Clay instead of Ice Shard actually. Oh and Blizzard instead of I-Beam because you have Hail.

Zoroark is Darn near perfect. 

This is a very good set of Mons. I like where your head's at on most of the moves. 

Otherwise, a Solid 8/10 set of mons. Great job!

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