uberle Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 ..... I think this is the right place for this, as it's a fangame Think J-Awsome_One has a few play throughs here, so let's go Hello I am Uberle In my attempt to stop lurking here I'm gonna share a run that I've been doing in Insurgence Probably the first fan game I played I've been meaning to finish up my run of this, but never got to it And still haven't This is a fresh start right from the beginning of the game Because why not? Also quick disclaimer I've played through to the absolute end of this game once, but played the older version to the end three times One was a nuzlocke as well, so I know what I'm getting myself into here Really should finish that Anyway nuzlocke rules in case you don't know -1st encounter in each area -Faint=dead -Nickname everything -Dupes and species clause applies All set? Let's begin Note: This update is very long, but that's just me getting all the intro stuff out of the way. Update 1 Abscond Reveal hidden contents Been a while, old friendLet's relive this adventureWell this opening is newCool to see thatOh rightForgot about this flashbackThere are a lot in this gameJust so you knowEvery time I watch this I try to figure out why he walks back and forth on the stage thingOddly distracting CultsThese guys are more or less what you'd expect them to be once we get to them.......That's not that different from the normal evil teamsMagma and Aqua wanted to get rid of the sea and land, respectively.Cyrus wanted to reset the entire universeAnd Lysandre just wanted to kill everyoneThese cults are basically the same as those guys, but are creepy worshipers.(X)(X)(X)I'm gonna ignore that title drop.You guys sure you're not cultists?And sceneNow onto the set up cutsceneJust randomized because I don't remember if the Nuzlocke thing on this registers species or not.Also it just makes it easier.Now I should mention how this game is randomizedIt's universalWhich means every encounter is completely randomIf you randomize a main series game, each Pokemon in an area is replaced with anotherBut for this that's not the caseEvery time you get an encounter it's randomly chosen from all the Pokemon in the gameWhich is all mons through gen 6 plus the deltasOh rightDeltasYou know how in TCG there were cards where the mons were different typings? That's the case here.Insurgence's main attraction is its extensive collection of DeltasSome are better than others, but they're all quite interesting in their own rightSome even have MegasAlso there are unique Megas in this game All the Johto starters have one plus a few other onesBut it'll be a while until we get to thatOh voice in my head'ElloWould you mind explaining the Gengar in the back?Yeah it's-.......YesI am 6bnfzfzfNice to meet youAbsolutely I may regret this later, but for now I'm rolling with it.Sprite is the middle guy with purple hair.HmmThat's concerningAWAKENPillar Men theme intensifiesDarkrai cultistsNeatI don't think that's how Dream Eater works.She looks important..........Persephone?Greek goddess of Spring?As the leader of the DARKRAI cult?It's whole thing is nightmares.What's she got to do with this?I know technically Persephone is also the queen of the underworld, but that's due to pomegranate seeds magic. Doesn't fit.Will there be chanting?If not, you've all failed as cultists.I'd rather you didn'tI'm rather fond of life, especially my ownHuhSmart gruntsThat's new"Fun" is not a word I'd choose for thatAnd I use the word "fun" for a lot of things.......So am I gonna get any help?My dreams are apparently being munched up by this Gengar like it's the Shadow Ball tm.......MewRandom guy says he'll send "someone"And he goes with the literal mother of all Pokemon?.........SureWhy not?Wait, why did Gengar open the door?It's a ghost.I like this feature where you can see exactly what the item isIt's usefulAlso reminds me of the multiple times I've waded through many patches of grass only to find another ice healWell that's just a nice little bundle of plot armor right there................How did Mew get the outfit from the DNA?Don't mind the legendary behind meJust another gruntYeah, I don't know what you were expecting when you joined a cult, honestly.I just want to point out that this literally translates to "I call power shades and"Really?Since when has that been Darkrai lore?And yet we're seeing it now.Imma guess because she's not crazy and sacrificing people in its name.Rejected by your own god.That must stingI feel like all gods have two positions on being worshipedEither they absolutely love it or they'd rather you do literally anything else.Darkrai seems to be the later.HR might be getting some complaints about this.They gon die.Ok, if you have to force your own god to stay with you, you might want to reconsider your life choices.FAnd that is my cue to leave.Where do you hide this stuff?You saw nothing.YOU SAW NOTHING!NOTHINGWho're you anyway?You seem like Wally, but with silver hair.You're awfully trusting of me........Oh my god he is Wally with silver hair.I'm calling you Not-WallyNopeStill not regretting this nameHow you people say it with a straight face, I don't know.Ya done eff'd up Not-Wally.........Such overwhelming faithTruly compelling..............Uh.....Well that came out of nowhereAnd now I'm just gonna skip ahead to the labHey, it's GiovanniHow does she not see us enter?I don't think Not-Wally is exactly stealthyCase in pointSensing a "but" hereThat doesn't really sound like something you just throw out to two random children you don't know.YeBecome cultured, Not-WallyExcept not anymore because it's random.I've used Eevee alreadyI'd rather use one of the random starters.And those are my options.Fire gorilla who skips leg dayThe True Lord and SaviorAnd Windows 10Also leaving it off here for today. Thanks for checking this out. Future updates won't be as long. So until next time. Good night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candy Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 "Insurgence suxx" - Salt-water Taffy but good luck~ and have le funsies 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Global Mods Dreamy Posted May 22, 2019 Global Mods Share Posted May 22, 2019 For what it's worth, Nuzlocke mode only enforces the permadeath of mons, so it's worth having on as it also gives some extra shop stuff (iirc nuzlocke balls are basically cheap great/ultra balls, esp. nice in randomizer) and you get a special badge/thing if you make it to the end with the mode still on (whiting out automatically disables the mode and lets you continue normally). Though, to re-enable it now you'd need to restart which would mean different starters etc. Speaking of starters, that Darm could be delta, so hope to see that. Eevee should also be randomized though. (also regular game randomizers aren't just 1-to-1 replacements of mons in an area, they can pack the encounter tables much more heavily so you've usually got 15+ pokemon in every area, but still it's not completely random each encounter like this. that requires active randomization to be running as you play, so something like an AR code for a regular game) 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angelkitsune Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 Wow that title is a tongue twister Yay another written run:D,I have only played half of Pokemon insugence before I get addicted to Solar light and Lunar Dark so I am excited to see you play through the whole game.BTW why did you name your character 6bnfzfzf? Did you accidentally pressed the buttons or something. Also is that a motherfu*king JOJO reference ALSO also i vote for Windows 10 as starter pokemon >:3c 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lspaceship Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 Hey, an Insurgence nuzlocke! For what it's worth, I thought it died about a year ago. Nice to see it's still up! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProjectIceman Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 Good luck! I did a nuzlocke of this years ago. Got wrecked early by Focus Energy Machop and Hitmonlee -_- Hope you don't encounter a trainer with a legendary or something lol 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uberle Posted May 23, 2019 Author Share Posted May 23, 2019 This.... This ended up being a lot more popular than I expected Thanks everyone who checked this random thing of mine out Just for a reference in the game I'm a little past the second gym As I already have a few updates already done, I'll probably update this every few days, but doing this a day later because all these comments have given me motivation So replies Reveal hidden contents @Candy "Funsies" would not be the word I'd choose to use, but I'm certainly gonna enjoy this. @DreamblitzX Oh so that's how it works. Nuzlocke balls don't really interest me, so I'm good with regular randomization. Eevee is randomized? Didn't know that, though I never tried it. Though it does make sense when I think about it Yeah I checked, and sadly it's the regular kind. Probably would've gotten it if it was. I mean there is a 1 to 1 feature in the randomizer. The thing I was just trying to get across was how the game randomized mons and how encounters weren't fixed in any way. @Angelkitsune It's stupid, but I love it. Ok, so in Insurgence if you tab out while playing, type something, and go back in sometimes a key gets stuck when you have to name something. This is also a thing for Reborn and most non-ROM hack fan games. 6bnfzfzf is what came up when it asked for the player name, and I just thought "It's stupid and I love it" So far no regrets. AWAKEN MY MASTERS @Lspaceship Yeah, thus the "Resurgence" part of the run name. I've been meaning to do this and now have finally gotten around to doing so. @ProjectIceman This game certainly loves its curveballs. Oh, as you'll see, random trainers having legends are the least of my worries. Update 2 Selection Reveal hidden contents So I first had this run on the Nuzlocke forums, so I chose my starter then. I took a poll and Porygon 2 won So that's who I'm going with Ta da!And then Not-Wally challenged me to a battle.......Hold on, lemme justThere we goWellGive me a couple updates.........Rare stone makes me think the Z-stone thing from AlolaBut this game runs on Gen 6 mechanics, so that's not it.........Key Stone?And as this is a nuzlocke, we skip over thisOh right, we also have followersHonestly what ultimately made me want to play this gameI absolutely LOVE followersShould mention for anyone who wants to play this, that it's this guy who gives you your PokeballsNot the professorThis random store employeeAnd now the locke begins.......I'm not complainingBut I just want to say that I've had a Flygon in several runs.And it's getting boringI'll take it, but I'm probably gonna get rid of it should a better Ground type present itself.Oh rightShould probably show statsOh cool.I can see IVsI don't personally care for them, but I like it when they're included.(Red is raised, Blue is lowered)Bye BideWowFirst Delta alreadyAnd it's of my favorite Sinnoh starterWater Absorb is probably gonna prove very useful.I kept running into wild monsMany were DeltasGive me a break.Ok, they're facing away from us, how loud are these guys?Also this seems to be the Magma and Aqua cultsThese two, logically, should be mortal enemies not teaming up even if it is to kill the 2nd Augur.(X)Oddly topical.Uncomfortably topical.Yes yes, I heardLet's fast forward, I have way too many screenshots....... Maybe a bit too far, but I think you can guess what I skipped.I will never get tired of the "spinning around allows person to change disguises" thingI love it too muchI apparently took this screenshot too early, but it should be obvious what they're saying.Not-Wally, no........FineThis world has superhero movies?Is there an MCU, and if so what Pokemon does each of the Avengers have?These are important questions that must be answered!YesYou mere grunts will be able to take on the strongest trainer in the regionI see no flaws.......This is a really bad way to do that, Not-Wally......Ok, as Damien is Not-Wally you guys are now Not-Aqua cult and Not-Magma cultSwitchLearned some new tricksLike a very useful STABLittle too close, but good enough.I doubt that, because his chant roughly translates to "bonds of death"Soooo(X)And after that the 2nd Augur gives me and Not-Wally his blessing and we go out INTO THE NEW WORLD!I summarized in one line what took a page of images for the game to say.In case you're wonderingThis is indeed the origin of that name.Only Tackle and Charge so farAnd boxedIt's insane the amount of stuff Insurgence has in itDeltas, new Megas, Mega Deltas, followers, a speed up buttonAnd now, grottos.Note: Overworld doesn't match actual encounter.........Ok so apparently Windows' defenses are equal and I didn't notice the Attack buff and Tackle OHKO'd No big lossI would only have it for 2 reasons1. Dupes/Species2. The memeThere's a trainer school here I need to look at for some reason.And now I must go into a cave and find a girl named NoraNew encounter then.Don't mind if I doHmDon't like friendship evosBut I'll take itSure I'll add you for nowAn adorable little peaI believe I found Nora........"We brought these ancient Pokemon back to life!Now let's send them back!".....I'm going to guess all of it.Also you looked in this direction earlierI was literally right next to the Kabutops, how did you not notice me before?Oh rightI have the literal mother of all Pokemon with meI think this should clear things upInstead of, you knowMe talkingBecause who wants that?"Not many people know about it, but I do because I'm relevant to the plot!"I think they're referred to as "Pixies"Was he by chance giant and purple?Had a tendency to talk about balance?Just asking will all this talk about half of something vanishing.HuhI like this changeI've seen many stories with the prophecy of "the chosen one" applying to other characters besides the main character and the other character always assumes it's them and the MC is just a waste of time.So I like Nora not assuming it's her, but training just in case.Also I don't think I have enough badges for it to listen to me.And let's skip to thatGrinded up.Force Palm hurt a bitRazor ShellNopeI see your Physical Defense rise and instead go with newly learned Thunder ShockBulldoze worksWasn't expecting the DeltaPsychic/Fairy btwA tiny bit too close........HmYeah don't think Masquerade is up for this.........FU-..........Well honestly Masquerade was here as fodder anywayRazor Shell.......Wait this was a mistakeGoggles dodged a Razor Leaf thankfullyTHE SACRED ANCIENT ART OF THROWING ROCKS!flinchYES!MORE ROCKS!Thunder Shock para helpedAlso Charge was actually useful for once.And that's Nora beaten. So this was pointed out to me after I first posted this update on Nuzlocke forums, but for some reason none of these people had their mons randomized Don't know what's up there .......I feel like Not-Wally being put down will be a common occurrence hereYesCan we get an F in chat for our boy Not-Wally?You haven't really mastered subtlety, have you?Ok, now the game's just being mean........WelpThat's all for nowNext time more encounters and maybe the gymUntil then, good night! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angelkitsune Posted May 23, 2019 Share Posted May 23, 2019 Rip Masquerade....tbh I really like Delta Roserade as I rekt everything with it. Also I love Flygon but Delta Torterra is a great Ground type as well but the ancient art of throwing rocks man... and why do I feel like Not-Wally will be the comic relief of this game hmm.... Nora is second best girl :3 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProjectIceman Posted May 23, 2019 Share Posted May 23, 2019 On 5/23/2019 at 3:17 AM, uberle said: @ProjectIceman This game certainly loves its curveballs. Oh, as you'll see, random trainers having legends are the least of my worries. Expand @uberleYou know the funny thing is I had a Delta Charmander (Ghost/Dragon) when I faced them. So I was like, "BET! Easy EXP!" ...then it used Foresight XD 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uberle Posted May 26, 2019 Author Share Posted May 26, 2019 I like being able to update somewhat consistently Grinding takes a while, but at least it's just commenting on screenshots when updating Replies Reveal hidden contents @Angelkitsune Yeah, but fodder is necessary in this game given the legends. Goggles is there mostly because Mega Flygon is amazing. He's more the butt of every joke. Who's the best one? @ProjectIceman Foresight One of the early game moves that is only useful in early game Update 3 Ruinous Encounter Reveal hidden contents Well let's start things off with an encounter, shall we?Adamant Stoutland?Yes please.On the team you go.That looks concerningHow's grass growing in here? Aaand boxed.HuhInteresting TM but ok.Why do you have to corner it?Just throw a Pokeball at it.Why did you only show up now?Where you just off screen waiting for a dramatic entrance?OkThere is never any reason to have that many 'a's in a rowEverUnless it's a scream or somethingBut as part of an actual word, no.(X)HmNopeTake Down worksAt least until friendship gets high enough..... Wait noHm............Ok for whatever reason the Gallade spammed Quick Guard for some reason.So that was easyGrass/PoisonSo....Psybeam is funNot entirely wrong.Altaria and Gallade are goodBut the AI is crap.I think you have other opposition.Hold upWaitYou heard rumors about this LucarioBut apparently the fact that it can MEGA EVOLVE wasn't part of them?Then what were these rumors?.......I offer Nora as a sacrificeOr notI still don't get how these cults want to capture their GODWhen you worship something you don't think "let's put it in this little ball and have it do our bidding!"This just makes them slightly more insane evil teams.Blah blah blah, Kalos, blah blah blah, bond between trainer and PokemonAnyway moving on to Suntouched CityEncounter first.BoxooooooHe even has his little starfish on his overworld sprite.I like it.Now this city is interesting becauseIt has two layersThough how they made this I have no ideaNow for something I personally enjoyThe Broadcast towerHere you can do a bunch of missions that result in you getting rare Pokemon and a bunch of moneyEventually you get a shinyIt's funLet's get startedWait, how did we get here?Did we get air dropped?KNEW IT!........HmAnd box10 whole PokeballsNow this is a useful thing to knowEspecially in randomized runsIn any town you can interact with a TV and eventually a Rotom spawns the same level as the highest in your party.Except when you randomize the game the Rotom isn't a RotomIt can be anythingSo more encounters which is usefulI am now ready in case the Knights Who Say Ni show up.That was Suntouched CityThis is in Mida townWhen I caught Shrubbery .......SureAnd the Broadcasting side quest continuesI don't know what triggers the calls, it just happensThey can come almost instantly, or after a really long timeEither way, encounter timeLIES!Anyway should get ready for the gym nowThink I'll go with this teamOne last encounterDoubt it'll cause any changes though-Peter, you've been replaced.Ok, so before I go into the gym, quick team recapGoggles has learned the Ancient Art of Throwing RocksHe is now one of the strongest on the team.Toxic Spikes will be funIron Head this early is amazing.Also more throwing rocks.In front of each gym there's this thing that has statistics on the gymIt's a fun feature for sure.Leading with ShrubberryI'll be doing that a lot in these battlesMeet Orion and his friend, a rockYou're a Dark Souls fan?For the record, I said nothingLet's seePokemon that forms out of a white rockWho ever could it be?I like how there's a little arena thing for battlesIt's a nice touchGot two Toxic Spikes up, and Sludge did the job just fine.Razor Shell is very good this early onTHROW ROCKS!Though neutral, Crunch works.Woo!Not a bad TMHello unique overworld sprite, who're you?YeahWoman in a hat.Rather rude.CultsAnd I'll be right behind youOnce I healWhich'll be next timeSo until then, good night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uberle Posted June 7, 2019 Author Share Posted June 7, 2019 Well almost forgot about this Anyway next update is here Rock of Truth Reveal hidden contents AlrightLet's see what's going on here.Gym leaders have shifts?Since when?Where are the hours posted?Clearly the Darkrai cult is the only one with intelligent grunts......How'd he get it up here in the first place?Is it not normally there?Expel him?That looks like a pretty solid illusion if so........Uh.......What?Where'd you people come from?Did Kyurem really carry all three of you?How do you freeze those things?(X)Why'd you turn this way?You being dramatic?Disclaimer: I skipped some screenshots of Taen teasing Orion about the rock and that's why Orion moved.Let's seeWhite rockKyruemWHAT COULD IT POSSIBLY BE?....... I think he just Force Pushed Orion.Noise that occurs but as this is a screenshot you don't hear itReshiramBut I remember the Light Stone being a lot smallerBlah, blah, blah he's here to rejoin themThen Reshiram flys away just barely off screen, Taen is fooled into thinking it fled, goes away with Kyurem and then Reshiram somehow returns without being seen.And Nora proves how useful she is in giving us a Ride Pokemon WeeOriginality ho!This guy existsMight do the trade if I get a Steel type I don't care forWe were together ten minutes ago.But ok, what?.......Yeah, sure fineThat thing's Water/ElectricSooooRazor LeafAlso Toxic SpikesRazor Shell didn't kill, but close enoughIron Head!Or miss and get Roared outOk thenIron HeadWoo!.........>He seemed trustworthy>Don't trust him not to blab.........He will get kidnappedHe will get kidnapped and it will be your fault.LIKE WHAT!?Rotom encounterOK So to get out of this town, you need to Surf southLittle annoying to figure out thoughGrotto!Lil' SquirtleWhat have you become now?YESYESYEEEEEESSSSSIn case you couldn't tell I really like Hydriegon Route 4 encounterLike how Vespiquen only has one "e" in "quen".......I really hope I get a Delta Ralts at some pointI already love Ralts as isBut Delta Gardevoir carried me through my first playthrough of thishm.....Crit somethingWell I think that's enough for tonightNext time will be the gym and...Another thingYou'll see thenUntil next time Bye Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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