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  On 6/15/2019 at 3:14 PM, TwilightRow said:

My mate here is amazing to deal with, very quick to respond and really polite as well, as for the mons they were perfect. Would highly recommend him whenever


glad to help you! Enjoy your magnezone it has HP FIRE :')

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hello bro, im sorry if i come here...



i used to play this game in ep 15 i think? then after stopped the game, i just came back, in this ep. from zero.


idk, i had Ralts that time. but i searched for it anywhere, and i cant find it. i got a bad IV Budew too 😞 i need nice spatk Budew or Ralts maybe for my team 😞


now, i really need psychic and grass. i need em both. already tried the pig pokemon, Solrock, and they cant fill the spot for Ralts. im trying to raise Tangela for my grass spot, but i really wanna use Budew, or Bulbasaur maybe. can u give me a good Budew, or (and) Ralts? 😞


so sorry if i said this. 😞

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@Driftwood Heya Mayte! watcha sorry about? 😛

Yeah sure I can give you them mons whenever you need em 🙂  just tag me net time on this post okay? using '@eignengrau' so I will be able to get a notification.

I can give you a budew, bulba and ralts I was breeding budews to use for my new run and I am glad someone realises how nice a budew can be 😛


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  On 6/16/2019 at 7:46 AM, Eigengrau said:

@Driftwood Heya Mayte! watcha sorry about? 😛

Yeah sure I can give you them mons whenever you need em 🙂  just tag me net time on this post okay? using '@eignengrau' so I will be able to get a notification.

I can give you a budew, bulba and ralts I was breeding budews to use for my new run and I am glad someone realises how nice a budew can be 😛



@Eigengrau yes? this is how to do it right? lol. i aint familiar in online discussion threads hehe...


no i thought it didnt polite to ask someone this straight, but i need Budew and Ralts.


just made my Tangrowth to lvl 50, with Poison+Stun Spore, Giga Drain and Ancient Power. what do u think? do i need Budew to fill the spot?


im wondering about Bulbasaur too. i just have a lvl 50 Nidoqueen, with Venoshock, Sludge Wave, Earth Power and a Ghost Move. but, with Sheer ability.

at the first i wanna use it as a tank+poison trap pokemon, but i make it an attack type instead (and seems like i made a wrong build, but i dont have toxic/poison spike or any other status debuffs in it 😞 ). i wonder if Bulbasaur tanky enough and can be a wall+status debuff pokemon?



but yes. i need that Ralph! 😞 any good psychic pokemon. i hate meowstic hmm

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@Driftwood well I am using my ~budew to make it evolve into a bellosom~ .(As you can see with this edit I am not good with grass pokemon 😕) My oddish into bellosom. I have many roselieas though, the shiny ones. I have never been a fan of  grass pokemon. bulbasaur seems like a good choice if you have a tangrowth.  and with its tanky abilities you should do well 🙂

i could breed strength sap onto a budew and give ya if you want. But I would suggest go with bulba, or I could give ya a ferrothorn if you need a good bulky mon. Ralts is one of the best psychic mons available imo as her mega form looks stunning 😛 especially in shiny form. you could always use an inceneroar with assault vest or goodra with assault vest if you really need a good tank. I would recommend incenaroar because of intimidate good move coverage, especially having a fake out 🙂 


sorry for replying late I was busy the whole day 🙂

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  On 6/16/2019 at 5:10 PM, Eigengrau said:

@Driftwood well I am using my budew to make it evolve into a bellosom. I have never been a fan of  grass pokemon. bulbasaur seems like a good choice if you have a tangrowth.  and with its tanky abilities you should do well 🙂

i could breed strength sap onto a budew and give ya if you want. But I would suggest go with bulba, or I could give ya a ferrothorn if you need a good bulky mon. Ralts is one of the best psychic mons available imo as her mega form looks stunning 😛 especially in shiny form. you could always use an inceneroar with assault vest or goodra with assault vest if you really need a good tank. I would recommend incenaroar because of intimidate good move coverage, especially having a fake out 🙂 


sorry for replying late I was busy the whole day 🙂


Budew evoles in to roselia then Roserade not gloom then Bellosom

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@Eigengrau i think ill try Bulbasaur with good def stat and spatk and ralts with good spatk my friend 🙂


do u have any email, an active one? so i can tell u when i'll be online. im in the office atm lol 😄

because both of us must be online to do the trade right? im a newb for this system, sorry 😮

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  On 6/17/2019 at 8:38 AM, Driftwood said:

@Eigengrau i think ill try Bulbasaur with good def stat and spatk and ralts with good spatk my friend 🙂


do u have any email, an active one? so i can tell u when i'll be online. im in the office atm lol 😄

because both of us must be online to do the trade right? im a newb for this system, sorry 😮


@Driftwoodtell ya what I can trade with you  from now on till like the net half n hour otherwise I will be back once again in like 2 or 3 or 4 hrs time 🙂

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  On 6/17/2019 at 5:55 PM, PikanPiechu said:

BReedeR was great! I can go on adventures with my shiny beldum buddy. Super fast and nice person. Would definitely return if I'm looking for a certain Pokemon.

Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at 1.55.00 PM.png


Danke Schoone For the review 🙂 please come again soon, You were lucky with this one, last of me shinies lying around somewhere with the eggs 🙂 hope to see ya soon mayte 😄

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@Eigengrau oh my god, thank you!



was a bit complicated for me because i was in the office, and after hours we make it! sorry to make you wait bro!

your babies will rock the f out for sure!



for anyone who seeing this, this man deserves a medal! quick response and a true breeder for sure!


thank you! xoxo 🙂😄

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  On 6/17/2019 at 5:55 PM, PikanPiechu said:

BReedeR was great! I can go on adventures with my shiny beldum buddy. Super fast and nice person. Would definitely return if I'm looking for a certain Pokemon.

Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at 1.55.00 PM.png


yes he is! he trade me pokemons i need! all perfrct status, and a shiny Bulbasaur for my Grass spot. ill rock the f out for sure! 😄


again, thank you, bro!

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  On 6/17/2019 at 5:58 PM, Driftwood said:

@Eigengrau oh my god, thank you!



was a bit complicated for me because i was in the office, and after hours we make it! sorry to make you wait bro!

your babies will rock the f out for sure!



for anyone who seeing this, this man deserves a medal! quick response and a true breeder for sure!


thank you! xoxo 🙂😄


Haha No worries Once  upon a time ( LAst Year) 😛 I was in need of help as well, especially in the bug type gym leader.... Damn I remember I battled the girl like at least 20 times 😄 ALways ready to help a mayte out ya know what I mean, Gave you a nice Pichu for the late troubles I gave! Have fun growing me babies :') 

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  On 6/21/2019 at 7:34 AM, hewwo?hewwo? said:

I dmed him, that I would love to have Squirtle! (normal one) you are so sweetie to give away me one  but ofc I will waiting for you when you're ready! no  (your breed talent was insane but very impressive!!)


Hi there @hewwo?hewwo? looks like the trade froze! try it again? 

next time tag me like this '@eigengrau' it will help me respond to you faster 🙂

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