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  On 7/9/2019 at 6:32 AM, zeroln said:


 Hi I just started pkmn Reborn yesterday, and I'm a bit stuck in the poison gym..


 Would it be possible to get a tyrunt & beldum plz?

I think it would really help me T.T


hmmm I wonder why the tag didnt work, Yeah sure buddy I can give 😛  You stilll there? @zeroln

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hi @Eigengrau

i was wondering if you can help me a bit...the pokemon i use arent that strong and i lose all the time...can i maybe choose 5 pokemon from your list?

also i love having shiny team...but if i cant or not allowed to choose 5 shiny its allright 🙂 so let me know..

and since im asking many pokemon...let me know what i can give you back and worthy for you...i have some nice breedable pokemon from wonder trade that i can give since i dont have the patient to breed and no shiny charm/luck >.< xD

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  On 7/10/2019 at 9:15 PM, PennyGem said:

hi @Eigengrau

i was wondering if you can help me a bit...the pokemon i use arent that strong and i lose all the time...can i maybe choose 5 pokemon from your list?

also i love having shiny team...but if i cant or not allowed to choose 5 shiny its allright 🙂 so let me know..

and since im asking many pokemon...let me know what i can give you back and worthy for you...i have some nice breedable pokemon from wonder trade that i can give since i dont have the patient to breed and no shiny charm/luck >.< xD


yeah sure you can pick any 5 🙂

only give the mons that you arent gonna use in your run 🙂

EDIT: SOrry I was away for a while 

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  On 7/11/2019 at 7:17 PM, Raviel said:

hey, would you happen to have a metagross, dusknoir and magnezone for trade?


I think I have a dusknoir, sure U can try giving a metagross and magnezone which I use for breeding purposes 🙂

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  On 7/12/2019 at 5:47 AM, Eigengrau said:

yeah sure you can pick any 5 🙂

only give the mons that you arent gonna use in your run 🙂

EDIT: SOrry I was away for a while 



thank you so much!! and its fine ^^ no worries!  so here what i need...

i go according what you have on the list here with pics..


shiny Trapinch or shiny Gible (if you have)

shiny Cyndaquil

shiny female Ralts

shiny Snivy

shiny Elekid (for elekid..idk where to find the evolution item...so if you have it can you maybe make it held item?) unless i get it through the game early etc so then no need to place it.


also is there any item that can reset the EVs? :s

thanks a lot for your help again!! ;w;

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  On 7/12/2019 at 12:43 PM, PennyGem said:


thank you so much!! and its fine ^^ no worries!  so here what i need...

i go according what you have on the list here with pics..


shiny Trapinch or shiny Gible (if you have)

shiny Cyndaquil

shiny female Ralts

shiny Snivy

shiny Elekid (for elekid..idk where to find the evolution item...so if you have it can you maybe make it held item?) unless i get it through the game early etc so then no need to place it.


also is there any item that can reset the EVs? :s

thanks a lot for your help again!! ;w;


yeah tell me when you are free I will give em How about I give the power bands instead of ev resetting items? You can find berries in obsidia centre to reset evs 🙂

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Heyy, i looked through and your thread looks pretty amazing.


i was wondering if u do HA nidorinomale. Wud be great if got some TM moves like ice beam or t bolt. 

Do let me know if it wont be free cuz i can ofc understand. Nido is one of my fav mons cuz of tht dope ability and coverage


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  On 7/12/2019 at 4:32 PM, qwayne said:

Heyy, i looked through and your thread looks pretty amazing.


i was wondering if u do HA nidorinomale. Wud be great if got some TM moves like ice beam or t bolt. 

Do let me know if it wont be free cuz i can ofc understand. Nido is one of my fav mons cuz of tht dope ability and coverage



sure thing! Unfortunately Ice beam isnt released yet 😞 anything else you would like in your nidorino male? I could give you a nidoking ifya want 

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  On 7/12/2019 at 4:30 PM, Eigengrau said:

yeah tell me when you are free I will give em How about I give the power bands instead of ev resetting items? You can find berries in obsidia centre to reset evs 🙂


hii im online now so we can trade if you can! thanks! ^^

yeah i searched about it and saw those berries so i will fix the evs on my blastoise later and sure that would be a great help for ev training 😄

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give me 5 -10 minutes. 

Also I have shiny ralts and cindy but I have them without the moves which I have mentioned 🙂

I have a normal trapinch and normal snivy with the moves which I have shown, If you need the shiny snivy it wont have those moves unfortunately 


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