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  On 7/15/2019 at 4:58 PM, qwayne said:

@Eigengrau Sure, and shiny wud be nice, if ur online know lemme know.


I am online now 🙂

  On 7/16/2019 at 1:38 PM, Raviel said:

@Eigengrau Hey, would you happen to have a metagross or magnezone around lvl 70-80 for trade?


Yes sure thing buddy 🙂@Raviel

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TL;DR BReedeR was the answer to all my frustrations! 

As a longtime Pokemon Reborn player (but still very new to the forums) I made a rookie mistake and sold the totally not drugs "Rare Candy", screwing myself out of getting the ingame event Piplup from 7th Street. This kinda blows, I was aiming to complete the Grand Hall starter poke-Egg quest, and without Piplup, that'd be no beuno.

NOT ONLY was BReedeR prompt in finding and responding to my post, NOT ONLY did they guide me through the online trading process, but they even offered me A FROAKIE. With only 270 pokemon registered in my Dex, it would have been another eon before I'd have enough to get Froakie in Agate City (thereby saving me a tonne of time)!

Thank you BReedeR, you are doing Arceus' work. 

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  On 7/18/2019 at 6:07 PM, Keillor said:

TL;DR BReedeR was the answer to all my frustrations! 

As a longtime Pokemon Reborn player (but still very new to the forums) I made a rookie mistake and sold the totally not drugs "Rare Candy", screwing myself out of getting the ingame event Piplup from 7th Street. This kinda blows, I was aiming to complete the Grand Hall starter poke-Egg quest, and without Piplup, that'd be no beuno.

NOT ONLY was BReedeR prompt in finding and responding to my post, NOT ONLY did they guide me through the online trading process, but they even offered me A FROAKIE. With only 270 pokemon registered in my Dex, it would have been another eon before I'd have enough to get Froakie in Agate City (thereby saving me a tonne of time)!

Thank you BReedeR, you are doing Arceus' work. 


Hi @Keillor thanks a lot for the review :')  IYou must have taken a lotta time to write such a beautiful thang 😄enjoy the froakie and if ya ever need anything you could always hit a bro up!! Peace! xD 

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  On 7/19/2019 at 5:23 PM, DB-Generation13 said:

@Eigengrau so let me get this straight...you're just breeding pokemon and GIVING them away? as in for FREE?


There are others as well that do this, most of the members in my guild also do this. I usually do this and ask if they have spare items if they are willing to give them up but they are not required

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@Starry KnightI'm just kind of taken aback with the generosity. Not being able to get the pokemon I want right off the rip, like Gastly for example, kind of puts me off the game sometimes. I think Gen 2 games spoiled me a little bit lol @Eigengrau Could I have a Gastly and a Cyndaquill if you still have them? Preferably shiny with Modest Natures? I'd very much appreciate it!

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  On 7/20/2019 at 5:14 AM, DB-Generation13 said:

@Starry KnightI'm just kind of taken aback with the generosity. Not being able to get the pokemon I want right off the rip, like Gastly for example, kind of puts me off the game sometimes. I think Gen 2 games spoiled me a little bit lol @Eigengrau Could I have a Gastly and a Cyndaquill if you still have them? Preferably shiny with Modest Natures? I'd very much appreciate it!


@DB-Generation13 sure I have a cyndaquil and gastly, with the moveset as mentioned above, but if you need a shiny one then I will have to try my luck breeding them cause I have run out  of the shinies 😛 but I will see to it that you get it, but... it may not have the same moveset which I have shown sooo

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  On 7/20/2019 at 7:21 AM, Eigengrau said:

@DB-Generation13 sure I have a cyndaquil and gastly, with the moveset as mentioned above, but if you need a shiny one then I will have to try my luck breeding them cause I have run out  of the shinies 😛 but I will see to it that you get it, but... it may not have the same moveset which I have shown sooo


@EigengrauThat's perfectly fine, ma man. Just let me know when everything is ready 😄 and one more selfish request? I don't know if this game allows you to nickname traded pokemon (I'd think not) so can you nickname them for me?

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  On 7/20/2019 at 8:47 AM, DB-Generation13 said:

@EigengrauThat's perfectly fine, ma man. Just let me know when everything is ready 😄 and one more selfish request? I don't know if this game allows you to nickname traded pokemon (I'd think not) so can you nickname them for me?


It allows you to rename all Pokemon, Lower Peridot ward above the train stat second house up with a door

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Hey @Eigengrau since you've been so reliable I couldn't help but come back and ask for more mon's 😉 with that being said would you happen to have an Absol level 85 with sucker punch and perish song and an Excadrill level 85 with e-quake preferably holding magical seeds please?

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Hey @Eigengrau is it possible if you could trade me a pokemon that would be good against Ciel (the gym leader) as this battle is very difficult although there are some very nice pokemon that ive seen on this thread that you can provide so just @ me whenever you want to trade. My name is ExpertMorgz for when we trade. Whatever time suits you i would say. 😄

Edited by Morgan
adding my ign
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  On 7/21/2019 at 6:57 PM, Morgan said:

Yo @Eigengrau i dont want to spam or anything but when do you want to trade as i know that youre a very reliable trader and I would like to win the battle against Ciel


What exactly do you want for a min? I could probably help you, there might have been a storm for they might have had weekend plans

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