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The love of the flame - Fire MonoRun


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Hello guys,

this will be my topic for my fire Mono run of Reborn 🙂


I will do it completely in videos again, and will also add some comments by the video.

what will u see in the vids?

- I will upload the whole story from the beginning of a new chapter till the next.

- every chapter will goes till the next gym badge

- in one chapter will you see every impotant battle which happens over there(rival battles, Team Meteor battles and also gym battles)

(so nothing boring like walking around the city and see no new changes...)

- I will also show you how I will catch my whole squad team 🙂


I hope this project will workss good and will also have many spectators 🙂


Now lets burn down the whole Reborn land 😛


Edited by MissMaya
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Chapter 1




I will make this spoilers short:


- I took Charmander(aka Blaze) as my starter, sure Blaziken or Incineroar would be better for such a project, but I really like Charmander and his evolutions 🙂


- Cain and Victoria are not the real problem for Blaze


- Pansear (aka PanPan) is my first partner which we can find by a rainy or stormy weather on a hidden littler place, where it sit there and has a fear of this weather...


- Fern the little pest wasn't a really problem for us, I defeated him easily


- next was to defeat Aster & Eclipse, but first I decided to evolve Blaze into Charmeleon and with Dragon Rage were A & E not a real problem 😛


last thing in this chapter was the gym battle against Julia, this went fast into my hands cause of Dragon Rage, only problem was her Electrode, I decided to set up some smokescreens, then heal Blaze and defetaed it with DR 😉


This was it for the first chapter 🙂 I hope you enoy it guys!!!


Edited by MissMaya
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Chapter 2




I am back with chapter 2🙂


First thing is, that we can finally get a new member for our team *.*

Numel(aka Munchiii) was sitting lonely in the rain and watched into the far distance... I decided to give him some Snax and he wanted to follow me


As we wanted to continue our story blocked Victoria our way in Obsidia Ward,

she had some fear, that we can get lost in the deep Slums, but Munchiii and PanPan showed her, that she was totally wrong 😛


Deep in the middle of the Slums found we a little Scaggy, which runs off to his gang where the boss Scraffty attacked us.

They weren't a real problem for my team 🙂


In Coral Ward did we meet Amaria, who tried to save a Popplio, which was in a trap by the lighthouse.

To our luck appeared the princess Cain, who saved with his Grimer the helpless Mon.

After that wanted Cain to see how strong his new buddie is and battled with us.

And guess what 😛 we won.


In the Obsidia Park attacked Zel us with an Pulse Tangrowth, but it didn't had any chance against us,

sure this thing tanked a lot but the Rage of the dragon was to hard for it 😉


Next we found another new member for our team

Litleo(aka Nala, (Yeah I wanted it with Moxie ^^)) got attacked by a strong KlingKlang, but with a special combination of the squad defeated

we it and continued our journey directly to our 5th member for the team, but this was a long long way to go, cause I must played a lot in the casino to get

the shiny Slugma (aka Sluggy) ❤️


We wanted to fight against Florina for our next badge, but the pest blocked our way. So we must kick his ass first.

His Dartrix was hard to defeat, but we won 🙂


Now comes finally our gym battle:

- Maractus wasn't a real problem for PanPan

- Blaze knocked Breloom out

- Sluggy defeated Ferroseed

- Nala > Cottonee

- Munchiii + Blaze >>>>>>>>>>>>> Cradily(hate this thing, always made me trouble)

- Nala burned Cacnea down this Fire Fangs


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56 minutes ago, RhythmMelody said:

Whelp, a fellow german trainer. Guess I'm gonna follow the burned path you'll leave behind and watch you go Dracarys all over over Reborn. Good luck to you and nice Slugma ~



Thank you 🙂 Always happy to see new fellas *.*

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4 minutes ago, MissMaya said:

Thank you 🙂 Always happy to see new fellas *.*

Always happy to see a new mono run 😉 can't wait to see the ways you use to overcome the hurdles of reborn later ~ after dragon rage won't be such an overpowered move anymore haha 😂

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Chapter 3




Heyho 🙂


It was time to kick Team Meteor more in the ass 😛

We found Taka and the Pulse Tangrowth in the Jungle near Jasper Ward.

First of all I didn't changed the weather with the mod to sunny, it appeared on his own 😛

Taka wasn't a real problem for me, only his Chatot was very annoying with his chatter...


In Beryl Ward found we Taka and Zel again for the third time with the Pulse Tangrowth.

This battle wasn't a real problem too, only Chatot was annoying again^^


next was to face Corey in his gym, but first did we found our 6th team member 🙂

Fletchling (aka LingLing), who also directly evolved into Fletchinder after 1 level up *.*


vs Corey: (needed 2 tries to defeat him)

here is the 2nd try listed:

- Blaze and Munchiii defeated Skrelp

- LingLing knocked Croagunk out

- Munchiii kicked Skuntank out of the battle with double Earth Power

- same goes with Nidorina

- Crobat goes down by a big Nuke from Munchiii with Lava Plume, which made the field exploding

- I directly revived Munchiii to defeat Mareanie with Earth Power 😉


So yeah Munchiii with Earth Power was the mvp in this battle 😛


This was it for Chapter 3, Chapter 4 will be a bit longer 😉


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Hay guys, Chapter 4 will comes out today 😉


On 6/13/2019 at 9:40 PM, Eigengrau said:

Guten Tag! 

good to see ya kicking them mons with fire power! I hope you include talonflame sometime in the list! You wont be disappointed!  

haha thanky you 🙂 I will use every Fire Mon which is avaliable, this includes Talonflame for sure 😉

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1 hour ago, MissMaya said:

Hay guys, Chapter 4 will comes out today 😉


haha thanky you 🙂 I will use every Fire Mon which is avaliable, this includes Talonflame for sure 😉

Ich werde gern warten 🙂

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Chapter 4




After a little longer break am I back right now with Chapter 4🙂


In the beginning did we directly got 3 new members for our team *.*

Growlithe(aka Doge) was normally the Mon of Officer Jacob, but he sadly got knocked out from the attacks of the Pulse Tangrwoth... R.I.P Jacobiii


Our mystery egg, which we got from another officer in trade for Growlithe egg, was a Vulpix(aka FoxyLove) *_____* Didn't expected that, cause the chance to get it, is so damn low *.*


the 3rd member was a Shiny Ponyta(aka Pony), which we got by helping Team Aqua against Team Magma 😉


Next comes a battle with Victoria against Aster & Eclipse, and what shall I say? There rock Mons are very hard to fight against...

To our luck was Victorias Pancham a bit stronger and helped us here a lot in this battle...


The battle against the orderly of Doofmund in the orphanage were a bit annoying, cause Slowpoke, Magneton and Elektrik tanked a lot...


Finally it was time for our 3rd gym badge... or maybe not, because Victoria thought we would make to much damage on Shelly, who saw a death right infront of her young eyes... So we must defeat her first.

- Doge defeated her Pancham with Flame Bust and double Fire Fang's

- Kirlia was not a real problem for PanPan...

- Blaze burned her Pikachu down

- Munchiii(which I evolved before, sadly forgot to record it) smashed Torracat on the wall with EP


After the long annoying libary puzzle, was it time to face Shelly(she was totally a bit harder as I expected)

- In the beginning kicked Blaze and PanPan the most annoyuing Mon Illumise out of the battle(hated this Rain Dance)

- FoxyLove setted now a rainbow up in the sky with Drought, which helped us really a lot here,

Flame Burst from Blaze was now so strong that Yanmega was easily down

- over 2 rounds were Anorith and Masquerain also down

- Munchiii and Pony finished the battle against Volbeat and Araquanid 🙂



In the next chapter will there comes a lot new evolutions *.* totally can't wait for them *__*


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WHAAAAAAAAAT?! You didn't join the Kingpin? Shame on you to side with those water losers D; But daaaaaaamn. that pony is looking .... hot x)


The fight vs Shelly was super interesting. Usually Anoriths elemental seed is giving me quite the headache. Not only did you counter the Raindance but you also countered Anortih with your Vulpix, really nice!


Really liked this episode :3 too bad we didn't see much of Doge, but I'm counting to see more of this good boi.. girl in the next episode ~

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