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What exactly is: Zekrom/Reshiram Route?!


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Heyho dudes and dudettes,


I'm pokelost, what the heck are there Reshiram/ Zekrom routes? they are mentioned so darn often in the forums and with such a casualness.
I played the game since like forever and (at least I thought so) explored everything to the full.

But never did I encounter a Zekrom/ Reshiram, nor did anybody ingame mention them in any way.


Is one of you privied Zekrom/Reshiram-devotees able to enlighten me?

(A link to an old topic would do the trick, but I cant find one via the search function that explaines these top secret routes)

Edited by Conkeldurp
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12 minutes ago, Conkeldurp said:

I played the game since like forever and (at least I thought so) explored everything to the full.

If you played the game a long time ago, you probably haven't reached the end of E18 yet. I'll try to not spoil you.


At some point, there is a choice that will trigger a branch story where different events occur. You fight a Zekrom or a Reshiram depending on the choice you've made. The fight is right before a certain gym leader.

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19 minutes ago, Des Teto said:

At some point, there is a choice that will trigger a branch story where different events occur. You fight a Zekrom or a Reshiram depending on the choice you've made. The fight is right before a certain gym leader.

Thx for the quick reply. My last playthrough ended with beating hardys rock-type gym and seeing Lin fly away with a pillar-shaped object.
If I understand correctly this means that I either.

  • Quit the playthrough preemptively and missed a whole gym, or..
  • Failed to trigger a certain event before the fight with one of the gymleaders up to hardy, which didnt let to the coveted fight with the Zekrom/Reshiram.
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8 minutes ago, Cadmium48 said:

You should have seen it right before Titania. What happened to Taka in your playthrough?

Now it hit me! the "Dragon" from the fairytale in titanias fairytaleland, OF COURSE, thats it!!
I fought a Zekrom and battled Taka in the water treatment center as far as I remember...

Eitherway the battle isnt the only thing that changes, is it? Is there some sort of spreadsheet or another way of gaining knowledge about what exactly is "branching" by choosing one route over the other?

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well, given that the game is not finished yet, you can't really spreadsheet it out yet.

if you simply want to know what happens on the other route, I'd say it's probably best to ask someone who played it and still remembers 😛
some things I can remember, careful, it's in spoilers for a reason 😄 :



you either travel through the desert with Taka (if you haven't battled him) or you don't (if you battle him). he makes that ordeal a whole lot easier, since your team will auto-regenerate after each double fight.
this also grants you the possibility to talk to him, acquiring some small information about his relationship to his father, and things like Lin being a narcoleptic (pretty sure the latter is relevant to the scene in the castle)
Taka will actively comment if you discover certain places with him, often regretful remarks to one thing or another

in Titania's castle, when Lin attacks, Taka actually shows up when you travelled with him, and gets killed by Lin for being a traitor.

like you already found out, the dragon to fight will be the respective other one.

if Taka is killed, Solaris will hear about it during the happenings in Agate only, and after losing a battle to the player, flees from Sirius, who is starting to severely threaten him.


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