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It's the 2019 Reborn Summer Social!

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Welcome back, pimps AND players, to that time of the year again-- when the world is getting ready to literally melt your face off because the sun has forgotten how to do anything but enter maximum overdrive and half of the political spectrum is still convinced that global warming isn't real. 

What better way to celebrate the approach of this ever-miserable season than with our classic annual summer par-tay? And you're invited! That's right, you!


Like last year, we've got a special set of events lined up for you all! Mark your calendars-- this year's summer social is on June 29th,  starting from 2p EST or 7p GMT+1 straight through for the next 12 hours! Or more, if y'all want. It sure went overtime in the winter, and that's a-okay.


Here's our schedule of events, with descriptions for each one below: 




Without further ado!:


Main Events

  • Main Movie Feature: Your Name
    • As has been running tradition for summer parties, we'll be doing a group anime movie showing! This year's pick is Makoto Shinkai's masterpiece, Kimi no Na wa, or Your Name! This movie has reached the #2 ranked spot on MyAnimeList, so if you haven't had a chance to see it yet, or just want to give it a well-deserved rewatch, this moment is for you! We'll have two showings, one early and late to ensure that anyone interested can make it regardless of timezone. And now, we cut to MAL for the movie's summary:

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture.
One day, Mitsuha awakens in a room that is not her own and suddenly finds herself living the dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki's body! Elsewhere, Taki finds himself living Mitsuha's life in the humble countryside. In pursuit of an answer to this strange phenomenon, they begin to search for one another.
Kimi no Na wa. revolves around Mitsuha and Taki's actions, which begin to have a dramatic impact on each other's lives, weaving them into a fabric held together by fate and circumstance.

  • Murder Mystery Event
    • It's back! But only completely different. Whereas last year's Murder Mystery took the form of a hasty phoenix wright mod due to some last minute technical issues, we'll be writing this year's scenario from the ground up! Details are yet to come but we'll be basing the format off of the old Nonary games that once ran in the old PO days. It won't be running seven hours like before, as there is simply not enough party time for all of that ( :[ ), but we're working to deliver a fresh Discord-based cooperative, competitive multiplayer murder experience!
  • Party Quirk Battle Royale-- a new event!
    • It's 2019 and you know what that means: everything has to have a battle royale mode! Inspired by the famous Whose Line Is It Anyway anyway game "Party Quirks", we're adapting the format into a more widely playable text-based game! Each player is assigned a secret "quirk" that they have to act out ( ❌ BNHA fans don't interact ❌ ), all the while trying to guess the other player's quirks. If a player's quirk is guessed, they're O-U-T. A panel of judges will be on standby to make sure that all competitors are active and living up to their quirk's potential as well-- failure to do so will result in an out as well. Fight on to the last partier standing to claim the winning prize for your own!


Reborn Royalty

  • The classic popularity contest returns! Vote in your favorite users for the categories of 2019 Ember King, Midsummer Queen, and Sunlit Sovereign! 
    • As before, we'll be accepting nominations before the party, and then voting will happen on the day of! Results will be announced then and there and we'll take a moment to appreciate our three winners! 
    • Please note that unlike previous years, nominations are not open as of the start of this topic. We'll make a new topic calling for nominations on June 22nd! From then you have one week to get your nominations in before voting on the day of the party.
    • The categories of Ember King, Midsummer Queen, and Sunlit Sovereign are intended to be for men, women, and nonbinary individuals respectively, but this has never been an enforced guideline and you are welcome to vote whoever you like for any category
    • Except Azery. Azery is banned from this year's contest.


Game Room

  • Curses
    • One of our most popular games in recent years, Curses pits players against each other in an increasingly spiteful, yet increasingly hilarious competition that is almost as fun to watch as it is to play. Each turn players ask and answer questions from each others, all the while slinging curses of their own construction at each other one at a time! A curse can be anything within practicality that we can visually verify, such as having to change nickname each time someone says 'question', or having to include the species name of a mosquito at the end of each line. The biggest limit is your creativity in how you can curse your competition, while still holding up your own ever-increasing stack of curses! Curses will have both an early and late session, but please keep in mind that due to the time a game typically takes, games are limited to around eight players.
  • Mad Libs
    • A tree house classic! Fill in the blank with whatever zany, <adjective> phrases you memers can come up with and then watch the chaos unfold and <verb> into a hysterical clusterfuck of <adverb> <adjective> <plural nouns>. We'll have no shortage of <adjective> <plural nouns> for you to <verb>, so make sure you don't miss out on this <excalamation>-fest!
  • Jeopardy
    • "What is Jeopardy?" I'll take Game Descriptions for 300.
      The classic answer-question game returns with all new categories and all new questions for our eager competitors. Ask your way to the top in this not-so-trivial trivia turnabout! For the single highest-scoring winner of this game, a prize will be included as well!
  • Newlyweds
    • This returns from last year! Pair up and square up with a randomly assigned partner in this nice-to-meet-you, get-to-know-you game of communication. Answer questions about and with each other to impress the judges and assert dominance over all the other pairs! This is the definition of a power couple! A prize is included for our nearest and dearest winners here as well!
  • Never Have I
    • Finally, our late night no-holds-barred all-exploit round robin! It's been years and no one's still quite sure whether you win or lose by being the first or last to 0 points left, but who cares? Take your points into your name and let's do this thing! We do not promise that this won't get raunchy. In fact, we promise that it will. We know you hooligans have no restraint anyway.


And finally, the usual...

  • Hunger Games, Town of Salem, Cards against Humanity, Board Game Online and even Jackbox showdowns are all highly likely to happen in this ever-volatile environment! We'll be providing free use rooms for you all in the party server, so feel free to kick up one of these games or hop in one whenever you feel like the going is just too slow.
  • And don't forget, DJ Godot Wolf (that's his proper first and last name right ???) is here to hook you up with all of the latest boppin' bumps and slammin' jams! the music channel will be running through the party for all to enjoy!


Everyone is welcome to the midsummer madness! Whether you stay for one event or all of them, we're looking forward to seeing you there!


Nominations will open on June 22nd and not a minute sooner, and the main event hits home on June 29th.

Save the date! It won't save you.


The party is on!


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If I can't vote for Azery in all 3 categories then what even is the POINT of having a royalty vote


How can you do this

This is outrageous

It's unfair

How can you let Azery be at the party, and not let him have the rank of kingqueensovereign

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Being interactive hasn’t always been my thong but I suppose special occasion wouldn’t hurt. Although hopefully this midsummer madness would be a nice break away from Reborn’s Development.


Madness you say...  🙂

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I just have to say, I am blown away by how active this forum is!! It's amazing that there are still events like this being hosted regularly too. It sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm seconding the previous opinion that Kimi No Na Wa is an amazing movie. 👏  I partially owe my sanity to that movie ahaha . 

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Just a reminder for people who use GMT timezones etc. Since most of the countries use daylight saving time there is no GMT timezone now. GMT is GMT+1 now and GMT+1 (CET) is GMT+2 now etc.


also azery smells

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  On 6/3/2019 at 9:40 AM, Auburn_Ember said:

So, um... what is it? Is it something that everyone is invited to, or just ones that have been on for a while? If anyone can join, then where can I find it?


Everyone can join. I'm guessing stuff will center around the discord server but don't quote me on that. Everyone will be just hanging out and doing some fun activities.

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  On 6/3/2019 at 9:40 AM, Auburn_Ember said:

So, um... what is it? Is it something that everyone is invited to, or just ones that have been on for a while? If anyone can join, then where can I find it?


the server hasn't actually been made yet- it'll be made closer to the party and invite links with be posted both here and on the discord server.

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I've been here for like 2 years and I didn't know about this lol.

but I could wipe out the entire competition in never have I in 3 turns, or whatever amount of points the players start with because I don't to anything other than being on the computer all day

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  On 6/3/2019 at 9:31 PM, Spedy said:

I've been here for like 2 years and I didn't know about this lol.

but I could wipe out the entire competition in never have I in 3 turns, or whatever amount of points the players start with because I don't to anything other than being on the computer all day


Haha same (except for the obvious fact that I have school). I just have trouble with thinking of it, for some reason.

Edited by Auburn_Ember
I needed to add to my comment.
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