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Reborn Team


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The last time I played reborn was during the water treatment center, and I found that using gengar in pokemon reborn in 2019 isn't the same as when I used it in 2015. Can you give me some advice on my newly revamped team?


Charizard x Charizardite-x Jolly



Dragon Dance
Flare Blitz
Dragon Claw

Excadrill Life Orb Jolly

Sand Rush


Swords Dance
Smart strike
Rock slide


Tyranitar Assault Vest Careful

Sand Stream


Rock Slide
Ice Punch


Serperior Metronome (had only 1 life orb) Timid



Leaf Storm
Hidden Power Fire
Grassy Terrain


Azumarill Sitrus Berry Adamant


Huge power


Belly drum
Aqua jet
Play rough


Conkeldurr Toxic Orb Adamant




Drain Punch
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch


Thanks in advance!

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I did have some trouble breaking physical walls; I usually blasted through them with charizard-x, but if a new physical wall pulse pokemon shows up, I would probably be screwed. Any suggestions for a SPA replacement for Conkeldurr that can kill normal types? I do have an adaptability porygon-z with hyper beam and choice specs in my PC.

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Its a decent SPA focused Ice/Shadow Type, can take a hit, too. Ice is useful by itself, Shadow Ball is also a nice STAB move against E4 member we will face off. Bit slower than the rest, but can't think of better SPA Ice-type out of top of my head.

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I like your team. Like a lot. Here are a few changes that I will do.

  • Charizard: Roost instead of one dragon move. It's always good to have recovery options, especially in double battles.
  • Excadrill: Iron Head instead of Smart Strike. It's more powerful and it can flinch.
  • Tyranitar: Stone Edge instead of Rock Slide in single battles. You can switch between one and the other freely so it's up to you.
  • I like Serperior. The item too. I don't know if you use Grassy Terrain a lot but I'm sure it's efficient in Reborn.
  • Azumarill: Maybe Knock Off instead of Waterfall. But I understand you need it for journey reasons. Otherwise Liquidation > Waterfall.
  • Conkeldurr: Should have a Flame Orb at some point. Less painful. Conkeldurr is slow so Drain Punch must help a lot staying alive. So, do you use Facade a lot? Knock Off is better option if you want to hit Ghost types. Finally, I feel that Ice Punch is better than Thunder Punch. 



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Since it's pokemon reborn, a story game, I use hyper potions instead of roost. Excadrill can't learn iron head yet in reborn. Stone edge has too little PP to use in the story. I couldn't find the flame orb in the game, and I didn't use knock off because I use tyranitar to fight off ghost types. For Conkeldurr, I actually used ice punch a bit, but I found out that excadrill had a surprisingly hard time beating bulky water/poison types when not ranked up.

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20 hours ago, TunaFishCan said:

How about alolan ninetales? Aurora veil always does wonders, though it probably wouldn't match up with tyranitar/excadrill.

Hey bud,

as your team is centered around set-up with excadrill/ char-x/ azumarill/ Serperior, I'd strongly suggest going for Aurora Veil Support for it can give you the one or two turn you'll need before you can 0HKO everything.

Secondly I'd debate against sitrus berry on Azumarill, as it will only trigger once and in a lengthy gauntlet that could easily backfire, as Azumarill is your only reliable Check against Fighting-types.

Same goes for Serperior as its only grass move has a maximum of 8pp, hence i'd recommend getting a second grass move (energy ball/ giga drain) over glare.


either way! good luck on your run mate. I'd look forward on a recap of yours after beating the game.

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