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How to: Permanently change the field?!


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Hey you guys,

as I'm painfully forcing myself not to start another playthrough until E19 is complete, I'd like to theorise a bunch.

so as y'all know Field effects can be changed for a resticted time (3 turns or 5 turns mostly) by the use of certain moves. I was wondering if further altering the Field will make it last longer/ relief the turn restriction entirely in some instances. For example:

  • You'r using Grassy Terrain on turn one (lasts 5 turns). If you then set the field ablaze (Burning Field) with Flame Burst the next turn, will it last 4 turns, 5 turns, or is the turn restriction gone at that point?
  • You create a Misty Field, which then gets turned into a Corrosive Mist Field, which then gets turned into a Corrosive Field. Will the turn-timer tick down from the initial set-up of the Misty Terrain or reset itself everytime a change occurs.

Your expert knowledge is required here. Thanks 🙂

Edited by Conkeldurp
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I think the fields created by field-changing moves last as long as the moves' effect last (taking in account how, e.g. Mist has its own effect for 5 turns but Misty Field only for 3 normally and things like that), incuding its modifications or changing. But, for Fields naturally generated (like you're battling in a cave or surfing) the modifications stay.

So, to sum up, a field generated by changing another field lasts as long as the original field.

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