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Wispy Tower Geara Intense Mode Advice?


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Can anyone give me advice on how to beat the Geara battle inside Wispy Tower on Intense mode? I've tried multiple different team varieties to counter various Pokemon, but nothing has worked. Any suggestion for Pokemon available up to this point in the game are welcome (Including in-game trade, event, etc), except for starters (As I chose Bulbasaur - which as a Venusaur has been zero help). I'm willing to go back and breed moves/etc in if that's what it takes. I'm even open to themed/gimmick suggestions so long as they actually work. I considered posting this to the battles help, but the last post to that was in July two years ago and my problem doesn't so much involve/require a set team/move set for me. Just wanting anything that will work.

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Well,  midday\dusk lycanroc + rock slide + flinch and sucker punch banette can get rid of giratina, if that is your problem. Also flash helps a lot on this field.

Alolan muk is  a good choice for this battle too.

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I had much success with:


Sylveon [especially against Giratina]


-Swift (gets Pixilate Boosted) [really good for doubles]

-Light Screen

-Quick Attack (not as strong, but again Pixilate Boosted

-... dunno


As it is a doubles battle. As silly as it sounds I had a weaker Pokemon with Protect (as Geara alsways tries to kill the weakest Pokemon on your side). So you can use moves like Swift undeterred). I had a "Spiky Shield" Cacturn that could "Spiky Shield" AND "Sucker Punch" so it was filling two roles at once 🙂


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