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Fairy Moves for Jigglypuff line



I'm a casual to pokemon in general and make generous use of the wiki for typings and moves etc. I have an Igglypuff in my team, which i named after my sister since it's her favourite pokemon and I intend to finish the game by keeping her on my team. Thing is, from what bulbapedia tells me, this evolution line learns fairy moves only through TMs. I did some more snooping around and it seems that Dazzling Gleam is the only available Fairy Type TM and you get it rather late in the game. Is there any Fairy type TM that i might have missed? Alternatively, is there any other way i can teach my igglypuff/jigglypuff/wigglytuff a fairy move?

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At level 11, Jigglypuff (not Igglybuff!) learns Disarming Voice (40 base attack, which is kind of piddly compared to other things); you could use common candies to level it down so it levels up to 11 after you've evolved it, and that Disarming Voice - unfortunately the only move for it that's fairy - will probably have to carry you as far as it can.


Wigglytuff also learns "Play Rough" at.... an indeterminate level. I think it's when it evolves, but I can't be sure; but you can teach it, once it's a wigglytuff, regardless of how late its level is, Play Rough, at the move relearner for a heart scale!




Edited by Vitruvian
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Besides the ones already listed, Misty Terrain can also be bred onto the Wigglytuff line. As a Wigglytuff line fan myself, I recommend keeping yours a Jigglypuff until level 41 so it learns Hyper Voice and then when its a Wigglytuff using Play Rough as temporary fairy type STAB until you can get Dazzling Gleam. Another thing you might want to use if you don't make your Wigglytuff a support pokemon is the assault vest item.

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I'd recommend having the line as more of a support Pokemon while you wait for more Fairy-type moves, especially as the line isn't the best at attacking and moves like the screens and T-Wave can be really helpful in a game like this. My Igglybuff also came with Perish Song on its intial learnset, which could be really helpful against bosses and Pokemon that nothing else can cut through. The little balloon Pokemon deserves a chance to shine 

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